Diana Prince #1
Since you first started getting closer with Diana, you've begun to wonder if she's ever really moved on from the death of Steve Trevor. She doesn't talk about him much at all, but you know she loved him a long time ago, and he's probably the love of her life. On the one hand, it doesn't seem fair that you should wonder if she'll ever be ready to move on with someone else; it feels selfish somehow to want her to be ready to move on just because you want her to notice you more. But on the other hand, you don't stop thinking about it.
Diana is an incredible woman; anyone with a brain could figure that out. You've never had feelings for anyone like you do for her, and you've had to keep yourself in check so you don't randomly act on your feelings without realizing it. You've thought about bringing up the subject of romance and relationships, but it seems like something Diana never wants to talk about.
As time goes by and you get closer, you begin to sense a change in things between you. Diana begins suggesting more outings together, just the two of you. Since she's normally more of a lone wolf, it feels like a sudden change, but you're glad to be included and involved in her life, and glad that she chose you to be that person.
"I've been thinking about a lot of things lately," she remarks one afternoon as you walk through the park. "Things I never thought I would...get involved in again."
"Oh. Like what?" you ask, thinking that what she said sounded odd and a little ominous.
"You know I was in love once. I think I've mentioned Steve Trevor."
"You have. It's sad, what happened to him."
She nods. "It is. I've missed him, and...I hate the thought of moving on and leaving him behind. But...it's been a long time. I should move on. I have to."
"Well, you don't have to if you're not ready yet," you point out. "I think you should wait until you're ready for someone new."
"That's just it, Y/N. I am ready," she stresses. "I have been having feelings for someone else, and I want to know what that relationship will be like." She leans over and gives you a kiss on the cheek. "Now, will you go with me to dinner later?"
You raise your eyebrows. "Me?"
Her smile falters. "Who did you think I meant?"
You're surprised and mostly speechless. You give her a kiss on her cheek, returning the one she gave you, and you ask, "Would you mind if I walk you there?"
"Of course not." She squeezes you hand. "Let's go."
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