Demetri Volturi + Felix Volturi
You have been visiting Bella Swan, whom you're very close friends with, and her family the Cullens. Bella and Edward Cullen were recently married, and (like everyone else), you were surprised that they got married so young. But it's obvious that they love each other, and you think it's nice that they're that happy together. To you, the Cullens seem like a happy, peaceful family, and it doesn't occur that they could have any deep, dark secrets.
Your first night with the Cullens goes well, and you go to bed feeling comfortable there with them. However, you wake up the next morning to shouting coming from outside the house.
You get out of bed and go to the window. Bella, Edward and Edward's father Carlisle are all outside, facing four other people. These other people all have vey pale skin, much like the Cullens, and they're dressed entirely in black. Your attention goes particularly towards two of these men in black, who are both quite handsome.
As if sensing that you're watching them, the two men you're staring at suddenly look up at you, and see you watching them. They both smirk, and you feel your face growing hot. The two men smirk at each other, and the bigger one begins to walk towards the house, still looking up at you.
"No!" Bella screams, blocking his path. "Stay away from my family!"
One of the other people in black says something you can't hear, and then Carlisle nods to Edward, who goes back into the house.
As if in an instant, Edward is suddenly in your room, and says, "Can you get dressed, please? There's...there's two men outside who would like to speak to you."
"Why?" you ask. "Who are they? Are they going to hurt me?"
"No." Edward shakes his head. "They won't hurt you. I'll wait out in the hall for you."
You quickly get dressed, and then you follow Edward outside, where those people in black, including the two men who were looking at you, are waiting.
"This is Y/N," Edward says to them. "Y/N, these two men are Demetri and Felix."
You nod nervously. "Hello."
Demetri gives a charming smile. "Hello, yourself. It's good to meet you, Y/N."
"Very good, I must say," Felix chimes in, and gives you a wink.
"Let me introduce us, Y/N." A third man in black steps up. "Clearly, the Cullens have not told you the truth. They're vampires, you see."
You raise your eyebrows. "Vampires? Are you serious?" You look at Bella. "Is he serious?"
Bella doesn't answer, and she looks away from you.
"Wait. Is...that true, then?" you ask. "But...vampires aren't real, are they?"
"Oh, but they are," the third man in black says. "Now, there's no need to be alarmed, Y/N. My name is Aro. I and my brothers, Marcus and Caius, are in charge of keeping both the vampire world and the human world safe. Demetri and Felix are two of my men, and it seems that they're your mates."
"My mates?" you repeat. "What does that mean?"
"It means you're bound to each other very strongly, in a way that can never be undone. Of course, you'll have to become a vampire, too. We cannot risk any humans at all knowing about us."
"What?" You look at the Cullens in alarm. "Is this true?"
"Of course it is," says Aro. "They merely don't want to have to tell you the truth. Very well. We'll return tomorrow. You had best prepare yourself, Y/N."
In flash, they're gone. You slowly walk back into the house by yourself, ignoring the Cullens as they try to talk to you. You have a lot of things to think about, including what being a vampire and having some kind of future with Demetri and Felix would be like.
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