Ships and Fanart
Logan: Good Morning. *sips his coffee*
Me: Hi, Where's the cereal?
Logan: Over there. *points to a cabinet*
Me: Are the others up?
Logan: Only Patton.
*3 bowls of Frosted flakes later*
Me: i AiN't GeT nO sLeEp CuZ oF y'AlL
Logan: *bangs two pans together*
Me: y'AlL nEvEr GoN' sLeEp CuZ oF mEh
Princey: What the ****?!?!
Virgil: Oww
Remus: fIsH iN a CoNdOm!
Me: wtf Richard.
Patton: Language!
Me: Sorry!
Princey: Fudge you Woke up Remus
Remy: I got Starbucks.
Deceit: *hiss*
Me: Don't try it. I've heard that everyday.
Deceit: Wot?
Me: Nevermind, *POOF*
/Everyone is back to the Common Room and in a circle/
Me: I'm doing whatever I want now. What are your favorite ship is.
Patton: Prinxiety!!!
Virgil: *Blushing a shade of red so vibrant Roman's sash would be jealous*
Roman: *somehow is a brighter shade*
Logan: What about Deceit and Remy?
*Deceit.exe has stopped working*
*Remy.exe has stopped working*
Logan: *reboots both of them*
Deceit: Hehe, I think my favorite ship has to be Logicality
*Logan.exe has crashed due to overheating. Please reboot*
*Patton has rebooted Logan*
Patton: *hugs Logan*
*Virgil and Roman join the hug*
*Dee and Remy join the hug*
*I join the hug, as a lonely bean*
*Remus hugs a mirror, idk why*
/Logan finds a genuine smile on his face/
/hug ends and everyone looks at Logan's face and is ShOoKeTh/
Patton: Well if this is what your smile looks like I wouldv'e given you a hug years ago!
Virgil: Wow, I have nothing bad to say right now.
Dee: Agreed
Remy: *drops Starbucks*
Me: Why are you all so ShOoKeTh? I've seen him smile in fanart. *hides phone*
Patton: Whick App????
Me: Pin-
Patton: Thank you!
Me: Ok, Um, What was that?
Virgil: Idk.
Roman: I don't even know what happened!
Me: Ok, what are the friend groups here? I can't tell.
Virgil: Logan and I are friends.
Roman: Pat is like my brother that's also my Bff.
Logan: Virgil is my Best Friend, He's also my work clock when It's time to stop working for the day.
Patton: As Roman said, He's my brother and my Bff
Dee: Remy and sometimes Remus.
Remy: Dee and Emile. (Did I spell that correctly?)
Me: Thank you. Anyways, Have you ever had an existential crisis?
Logan: Many times. Mostly spent face down on the floor with Virgil
Virgil: If I'm having an existential crisis, I drag Logan down with me.
Patton: Usually Roman and I find them on the floor 4 hours later.
Me: I don't know what to do. CoD?
Logan: Last Time we did that you teleported on the ceiling and passed out for a couple days.
Me: So no CoD?
Patton: No CoD.
Me: Ok, I'm bored...............,!!! *whispers something in Virgil's ear*
Virgil: Do it, why not?
/Author does some weird magic and a puff of colored powder engulfs, Roman, Logan, Deceit and Remus/
/A Toddler Roman in a Prince outfit is in front of Virgil/
Roman: Viwgil!
Virgil: Hello Prince Roman!
Roman: You sound so formal.
/A toddler Logan sits on the ground next to a toddler Remus/
Logan: *disappears*
Patton: Where did he go?!
Logan: *appears next to Patton with a cup of Crofters*
Patton: There he is!
/A Toddler Deceit is behind Remy's leg, hiding from Remus/
Dee: *whimpers*
Remy: *picks up Dee* There you go! *summons Hot chocolate* Here, this will calm you down
Dee: *slowly sips the Hot Chocolate* *face suddenly brightens* Woah
Me: Let's end it here, Geeks, Peeps, and Non Binary Meeps~!♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
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