I need help
Ok, so you wonderful readers might be starting school, But I have been in school for almost a month. Saturday of this week, (September 8th) will mark my first month. Anyways, can you guys reccomend some oneshots for me to do in my other book please? I need some and because I'm running out of ideas, Now here is more incidents and mini oneshots inspired by other people's oneshots! But using both of the collection of sides!
Sharing Your Favorite Cookie!
Roman: I got a new candle! It's called 'True Love'! *lights the candle*
Virgil: *sniffs air* Smells nice
Nada: What is the meaning of Love?
Patton: Love is when like sharing your favorite cookie with someone!
Jozlyn, while giving Sofia half of a Snickerdoodle cookie: *nods*
Nada: Patton, No? Kinda? Maybe?
Virgil: I mean, to Patton and Jozlyn?
Sofia: You share your Snickerdoodle cookies with me all the time!
Althea: That's Joz's favorite type of cookie
Jozlyn: I think that's my cue to leave
Nada: *leaps and grabs Jozlyn* THE ---- IT'S NOT
Althea: *slides Patton a dollar*
Sofia: *kisses Jozlyn and walks away smugly*
Jozlyn: It's not your cue to leave you smooth mother----er! *kisses Sofia*
Remus and Darcie: Aye! That what Patton was last night!
(Patton is confused and Logan blushes immediantly)
Nada, when she first was created: I'm Clairbear's Self Depricating humour and all that ----.
Jozlyn: Aw, Your so adorable!
Nada: No, I'm trash
Althea: Adorable Trash at least
Nada: *blushes*
Sofia: You hacked the system!
*about going on a quest with Roman*
Althea: My middle name is Danger!
Juliana and Deceit: That's a lie
Nada: Your middle name is Cutie Pie! *boop*
Althea: *blush*
/I'm throwing in ships from, OTHER FANDOMS! :O_/
Keith: Hey have you guys seen my jacket?
Pidge: No, I haven't and now that I think about it, I don't know where mine is
Hunk: *scratches chin* I don't know, ask Lance or Allura
*Keith walks to Lance's room to find Lance and Allura playing Mario Kart in Keith and Pidge's jackets*
Lance: Allura! Watch out forrrrr, THIS! *blue shells her*
Allura: Quiznack, I was winning Lance! *drinks water*
Lance: Pffft, you should see your face! *is is 1st place*
/Both are about to finish and Allura blue shells him and wins/
Lance: *lays on the ground* Betrayal
Allura: *sees Keith* Ke-Keith! Lance Gay up! I mean get up!
Lance: Fu- Keith! *takes off Keith's jacket* Here's your jacket!
Keith: *takes his jacket and leaves, heavily blushing*
Lance: *flops backward onto Allura* Why me?
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