Hugs, Sneks and Sleep!
Dahlia: Oceana read your dares please
Oceana: I dare Remus to hug me and Deceit show me your sneks!
Remus: You want a hug from me?
Oceana: Yeah!
[Oceana hugs Remus but it takes Remus a couple minutes to hug back]
Oceana: DECEIT bring out your sneks!
Deceit: *slowly starts hissing*
[Three 2-headed and 1 single snakes appear, one is a corn snake, two are burmese pythons (One single headed and one double headed) and a (double headed) african bush viper]
Deceit: This is Ursula *points to the Single headed burmese python*
[Deceit puts Ursula carefully on Oceana's arm]
Deceit: This is Opa, *points to the double headed corn snake*
[Opa crawls onto Oceana's leg]
Deceit: One of my favorites, Lupin *points to the other burmese python*
[Lupin slithers onto Oceana's other leg and onto her waist]
Deceit: And finally Sirius, he likes hanging out with Lupin *points to the african bush viper*
(Yet more evidence that I love Harry Potter)
[Sirius slithers onto Oceana just above Lupin and being very careful not to hurt her]
Deceit: They are very gently snakes unlike the one I used to have
Logan: Was that the one
Deceit: The one that bit Remus? Yep, ya gotta admit it was funny though
Logan: Yeah, it was
Oceana: I'm the snake queen!
Dahlia: Pfft! Ok, final thing, animegirllover23 wants to know: How many hours of sleep you get a night Virgil?
Virgil: Lately I actually have been getting 10 hours of sleep a night because of........... personal reasons?
Roman: *smirks*
Dahlia: It's ok, everyone gets embarrassed!
Virgil: Roman has been helping me sleep by letting me sleep with him
Logan: What's embarrassing about that?
Patton: Yeah, we share rooms
Virgil: OH YEAH! Well, now it's not as embarrassing!
Dahlia: Well,
Goodbye My Geeks, Peeps and Non Binary Meeps~! ♥️♥️♥️♥️
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