Another Train Wreck to Start
[I restarted the book because reasons] [I hope the pic above angered you]
/A girl wearing a shirt with Dan and Phil on it and some gray leggings and pink socks walks in/
Me: Oh, Hello!
Patton: Hi Kiddo!
Logan: Salutations.
Roman: Good Morning!
Virgil: 'Sup.
Deceit: Hello
Remy: *sips coffee*
Me: Who would like to start?
Patton: Can I start?
Me: Sure!
Patton: Virgil, truth or Dare?
Virgil, after a couple minutes of thought: Dare
Patton: I wasn't expecting that answer, hmm, Author can you help?
Me: Um sure. Virgil has to put on......this outfit! *hands him a bag of clothes*
Virgil: I have a feeling this isn't gonna be fun
Logan: Going to
[Ten minutes later]
/Virgil walks in with a pusheen shirt, a light gray and pink version of his jacket and pale blue ripped jeans with pink fishnets underneath/
Virgil: Why? Why the fishnets???
Me: Tbh, I have different bags of clothes for you guys to wear, some for dares others for consequences for not taking a dare and I don't know what that one held inside
Virgil: Ok, then Logan, truth or dare?
Logan: Truth
Virgil: Are you actually emotionless, or do you hide them very well?
Me: Hold on, Logan drink this.
Logan: Why?
Me: Just, do it.
Logan drinks the potion and the question is asked again
Logan: No I d-
Logan: I do have emotions, every side does, I'm just good at hiding them.
Logan: And I'm vulnerable to them on bad days. *potion wears off*
Logan: Remy, Truth or Dare?
Remy: Guurl, you know what I choose.
Logan: ????
Remy: Truth. *finishes his 5th cup of Coffee* *summons another cup*
Logan: If you were to trade bodies with one of the sides, who would it be?
Remy: Probably, Roman. He's the most gay out of all you excluding me!
Remy: Roman, truth or dare?
Roman: Dare!
Remy: *whispers something into Author's ear*
Me: Hehehe, good dare!
[Magic clouds twirl around Roman]
/when the magic clears it reveals a baby Roman in a dragon onesie/
Roman: Hey! You cawn't do that!
Virgil: It's a spooky dragon! *fake screams*
Roman: I that scawy? I'm a prince? I not scawy?
Virgil: I think I broke him
Me: *poof and Roman is in a baby prince outfit* *gets on knees and bows* All hail, Prince Roman!
Everyone else: *bows to go along with it*
Roman: *walks around and places a crown on Virgil's Head* Another Prince from a distant land appeared! He has come to make peace!
Virgil: *summons a cookie* Take this cookie, as a peace treaty.
Roman: Sure! *munches on cookie*
Me: *poof* *Roman is back to normal*
Roman: Thanks for the cookie Virge!
Virgil: *wipes the crumbs off his face* Your welcome, and remember to clean yourself up, Princey
Me: *accidentally bumps into Roman*
[Ten minutes later]
Me, whilst being chased by Roman: I'M SOOOOORRRRRYYYYY
Roman: *with his sword in hand* You could've ruined mine and Virgil's friendship!!
Virgil: Princey, stop! I actually kinda liked it.
Me: *on the celing* listen to what he said!
Roman: You did?
Virgil: Yeah, I did.
/Roman and Virgil share a loving kiss/
Me: I'm going to explode from cuteness!
Patton: You read my mind!
Logan: How the heck are you on the ceiling???
Patton: Kiddo, are you stuck?
Me:........... Yes.
Logan: Pat, get on my shoulders, we can reach her from there
Patton: *does what he says* *grabs me*
Me: *is set on the ground*
Me: Thanks!
Roman: Ok, let's get on with this, Remus truth or dare?
Remus: Dare
Roman: Go without eating Deodorant for 5 chapters
Remus: Deceit, truth or dare?
Deceit: truth
Remus: *covers Remy's ears* Do you like this starbucks fanatic?
Deceit: N-nO!
Me: Your Face says otherwise!
Deceit: Fine, I do.
Remus: Great! yOuR tUrN *uncovers remy's ears*
Deceit:Patton, truth or dare?
Patton: Truth
Deceit: *covers Logan's ears* This is the nerd you like, Right?
Patton: *Goes Crimson red* *nods*
Deceit: *uncovers Logan's ears*
Roman: Excuse me for a second! *grabs Remy and Virgil*
Roman: (whispering) We gotta get them together!!
Remy: (Whispering)that's the plan right?
Virgil: (whispers) Yes
(They all go back)
Patton: Roman, Truth or Dare!
Roman: Dare!
Patton: Stand in front of that please! *points to a pile of pillows*
Roman: ???? Ok.
Patton: (whispers something into Logan's ear)
Logan: Got it.
Patton: (whispers someting into Virgil's ear)
Virgil: You sure about this?
Patton: There are pillows behind him
Virgil: Eh, Ok!
Patton: Go!
Virgil: (runs and tackles Roman to the ground)
Roman: oOf.
Logan: The Empire has fallen!!!
Roman: Really? *picks up Virgil*
Virgil: (wasn't expecting this) *blushes crimson*
Me: (whispers) Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss
Automated Voice: I'm sorry, but Virgil is unavailable right now, check back in a couple minutes
Roman: The princess has fallen due to a mysterious curse! I must save her with true love's kiss! *lays Virgil on the couch* *kiss*
Virgil: Huh? Well first, Consent. And second, thank you for saving me [playing along]
Logan: Ok, this is cute and all. But you need to stop. The Author is going to die of adorableness, and more importantly Patton!
Patton: *squeeeee*
Me: I'm fine. I don't mind Prinxiety, it's like, my 3rd favorite ship.
Logan: Well then, Don't kill Patton.
Roman: Ugh, Ok. Do you wanna go play Call of Duty?
Virgil: Sure!
Patton: Aw.
Me: We can play Call of Duty here!
Patton: Yay!
Logan: Eh, sure.
[Five CoD rounds later]
Me: Good Game
Logan: Indeed
Patton: Why are you guys so formal?
Me: I dunno, manners?????
Logan: Well I'm Logic so there's my explanation
Me: *eyes go white* *disappears* *is on the ceiling legs crossed*
Logan: Wtf?!?!?!?!?!
Patton: Holy Fudge Sticks!!!
Me: How did I get up here?
Remy: B* you teleported yourself there!
Me: Well, before I pass out, Goodbye My Geeks, Peeps and Non Binary Meeps~!♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
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