After finishing the game Cuphead " Don't make deals with the devil" I turned off the game and got ready for bed. After I had gotten my Pj's on I heard a noise in my gaming room, so I went to check it out. As soon as I had opened the door I heard a tiny yelp and saw something hide behind my computer. I walked towards where the thing had hid and moved the computer.
I took a closer look and it looked like mugman but human. I noticed that he was scared and shaking out of fear I instantly felt bad for scaring him. " Hey, It's ok I'm not going to hurt you. I'm sorry for scaring I didn't mean it." I said softly. It seemed to work because he calmed down a bit. I brought my hand over and used my index finger to softly rub his head. He took and pushed my hand off and I saw him blush.
It was the most cutest thing ever. " Hey, are you hungry do you want me to make you something?" I asked. He gave me a soft nod and said. " Yes please." so quiet I almost had missed it. I put my hand in front of him with the palm up. He got on and held on to my finger shaking. I curled my fingers so he wouldn't fall off as I moved.
As soon as I made it to the kitchen I looked for something for him to eat. I found mini chocolate chip cookies and put some on a napkin to give to him. Once he had bit into it his eyes glistens as his mouth is filled with the sugary treat. As he was eating I went to my bedroom.
And went into my closest to look for a dollhouse my sister made for me before she moved to England. Once I found it I set it on my nightstand.
I went back to get him to see that he was completely done eating and had chocolate on his face. I went to get a napkin and lightly damp it with warm water and softly as I could cleaned his face.
He gave me a soft blush and looked away embarrassed. I threw away the napkin and walked back to him. I offered Mugman a ride to my bedroom so he can see his little makeshift house. Once he got on we started off to my room. " What's your name?" He asked I looked down at him and said. " It's (y/n). Mugman". He looked at me with a questioning look then he realized that he was in a game so he didn't ask anymore questions.
Once we made it to my room I set him down to his new home I could tell he liked it because he went rushing into the house full speed up the stairs and jumped into the bed. " so this is what being rich feels like." He said. I giggled. I realized that he had no pajamas. I went and took some off a doll and gave it to him. He looked so adorable in those to. I took out my phone and ordered 50 doll outfits and 50 pajamas for him.
I looked at his face and he looked at me with curiosity at what I was doing. " since you will be staying here I decided to order you some clothes cutie pie." I said while softly poking at his cheek. He giggled and playfully pushed my finger away. Once he let out a yawn I decided that it was bedtime so I clapped my hands and the lights went off. I climbed into my bed. " Goodnight little guy" I said. As I drifted off to sleep I heard a quiet. " Goodnight"
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