I had never imagined that Hogwarts could get this dim in the last month that passed. It was quieter than usual; less cheerful.
It was the last day and everyone was busy packing. But seeing as I didn't have many stuff in the first place and only had the few clothes and books the school had provided me with, I spent the morning in the common room.
I was sitting in my usual corner, skimming through the pages of a Potions' book which I had to return back to the library in an hour before leaving Hogwarts.
Just then, the door to the boys' dormitory opened and I saw Fred and George walking downstairs.
When they spotted me, they both grinned, pacing quickly towards where I sat.
"We just heard, Lexi!" said George. "That's amazing!"
"Heard what?" I raised a brow.
"Yeah, mum just sent us an owl and told us!" said Fred enthusiastically. "Why didn't you tell us?"
"Tell you what?" I questioned again.
"That you're coming to the Burrow with us!" the two said in unison.
"What!?" I took aback, causing the twins to look at each other in confusion.
"You – you didn't know?" said Fred, frowning in confusion.
I shook my head. I was so drowned in my thoughts in the last month that I didn't even think about where I was going to spend the summer, now that I had no family to go to; seeing as my parents had a one year old girl named Lexi in this time line.
I obviously couldn't go to them claiming that I was their fourteen years old daughter coming from the future. They were both Muggles. They could have never understood.
"What did your mother say in the letter, exactly?" I asked.
"That Dumbledore had asked her to take care of you for the time being and that you must spend the summer with us at the Burrow until we were ready to move out." said Fred, handing me the letter. "Don't know what they mean by that, though. Where do they want us to move to, do you suppose?"
I took the letter from him and read through the lines. I shrugged at Fred's question and simply said, "I dunno."
But the truth was, I did know. We were going to move to 12 Grimmauld Place, Sirius's family home, as the new headquarters for the Order of the Phoenix.
"How about your parents, though?" George asked. "They do know that you're coming with us, though, right?"
Fred quickly looked away, seeing as he knew I had no parents to go to in the present. Yet George still thought that I was a muggleborn that had spent my prior years at the American magical school, Ilvermorny.
"Err... of course they know." I nodded awkwardly. "But I'm not sure they know anything about Voldemort. They're just Muggles, after all."
Fred and George both winced at the name, making me roll my eyes and grin. "Oh, get a grip on yourself before you wet your pants."
Lee, Fred, George and I took a carriage to the Hogsmeade station and boarded the Hogwarts Express with everybody else, less enthusiastically than ever.
"I think we all need some cheering up." I said as we walked through the train. "Let's hex someone."
"You've gotten violet this year, Professor Snappy," George grinned.
"Don't you mean violent?" I chuckled, seeing as he had used my own words against me, regarding the prank I'd pulled on them for their birthday and had turned their skins blue and purple.
"Alright! Who do you wanna prank?" said Fred, rubbing his hands together with an evil smirk.
"Hmm..." I hummed, thinking through our options. "Malfoy would be nice; just to cheer us up."
"Nice choice," they said together and grinned.
We walked down the train, glancing quickly in the compartments to see if we could find the blond Slytherin.
But we stopped in our tracks when we spotted Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle by an open compartment that must've been where Harry was. Malfoy was talking down at them with a smug look on his face.
"Too late now, Potter!" Malfoy was saying. "They'll be first to go, now that the Dark Lord's back! Mudbloods and Muggle-lovers first! Well – second – Diggory was fi–"
But before he could finish, Fred and George had taken out their wands and threw hexes at the three of them.
In the flash of an eye, Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle were thrown on the floor, unconscious.
When we moved forward, we saw that Harry, Ron, and Hermione were also on their feet with their wands raised. Apparently, they had hexed those three as well.
All of us moved inside the compartment, looking down at the Slytherins as they laid motionless on the floor.
"Interesting effect," said George impressively, looking down at Crabbe. "Who used the Furnunculus Curse?"
"Me," said Harry.
"Odd," said George lightly. "I used Jelly-Legs. Looks as though those two shouldn't be mixed.
"Well, let's not leave them here, they don't add much to the decor," said Fred.
And so by that, we all started kicking, rolling, and pushing Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle out into the corridor and rolled the door shut.
"Exploding Snap, anyone?" said Fred, pulling out a pack of cards coolly, as if we hadn't just left three unconscious boys out of our compartment door.
Despite all the horrible things that I knew were awaiting us in the future, as I watched Fred pass the cards around, I caught myself smiling at the fact that I was going to spend a crazy fun summer with them.
What could possibly go wrong?
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