Chapter 7
Chapter 7
Sebastian rushes to Ella's side once he gets out of the water. "Vhat happened?!" He asked panicked.
"She ran out of air and fainted." Cedric said quietly.
Sebastian feels Ella's pulse.
"She's not dead." The nurse said "She also had a panic attack and that was also part of the reason she fainted."
Sebastian nodded shivering from the cold.
The nurse wrapped blankets around him and Viktor.
Fleur and Layla walked over. Layla hurried to Ella's side "Poor girl." She said quietly.
Later that day, Ella was still in the hospital wing not awake yet.
Sebastian was by her side holding her hand when Fred ran in followed by George.
Fred rushed to Ella's side "No. she's not going to die is she?"
"Of course she's not going to die." Sebastian said "The nurse said she'll be out for a week at most."
"Phew." Fred breathed.
"Aren't you the one she was mad at?" Sebastian asked
Fred paused "Uhhh."
"Yes he was." George said "They're fine now though."
Sebastian looked doubtful but dropped the subject.
"So we just wait till she wakes?" George asks.
Sebastian nods
A week later Ella groans opening her eyes slowly.
Layla hugs her immediately her long blonde hair tickling Ella's neck.
"L-Layla?" Ella asked slowly.
Alora rushed over "Ella! We were so worried."
Alexia nodded "especially Sebastian and Fred." She smirked.
"Oh shush with that. I just woke up."
"And she's back." Alexia laughed
Ella laughed also. "So what happened?"
"You panicked. In the water. Then you scared Cedric so much he accidentally popped the bubble around your head."
"Oh.. wait where's Seb?"
"He's at his ship." Alora piped up.
"Great I'm going to go talk to him." Ella tried standing up but a headache hit her. She groaned falling back into the bed "Ouch."
"Yeah don't stand up yet." Alexia said.
"Really?" Ella asked sarcastically.
Fred and George ran in.
Fred rushed to Ella's side "You're finally awake!"
Ella glared at him "Not speaking to you."
Alexia, Layla and Alora look away when Fred glances at them. He looked sad which almost made Ella forgive him.
She stood up making her way to the window looking out at the grounds.
Fred stood beside her. "I'm so sorry El."
"Please just don't. Where's Aria?"
"Studying." Fred said.
Ella nodded "Can you get her?"
Fred sighs "Yes. Of course." He leaves.
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