Chapter 5
Ella got ready for the ball and Alora helped her. Then Ella helped Alora "You never told me who you're going with." She made sure to word it not like a question so Alora didn't have to answer.
"It's a secret." Alora said smiling.
"Fine." Ella stood up. "Ready Madam?"
"Yes I am Madam." Alora giggled as they walked out.
Ella arrived in the hall looking around.
Sebastian walked over "Wow." He breathed and Ella blushed.
"You look nice also." Ella smiled.
They walk into the ballroom and both gasp "Wow." Ella breathed.
There was fake snow everywhere and ice sculptures.
Ella and Sebastian start dancing.
So do the other champions.
Ella spots Harry, Hermione, Cedric and Layla.
A couple hours later Ella and Sebastian's faces were both red from all the dancing and laughing.
"Ella I think this will be a good time to ask.. so.. will you be my girlfriend?"
Ella nodded "Yes." She went in to kiss him but suddenly..
Sebastian's head turned into a pumpkin. He flailed around blindly.
Ella took a few steps back before spotting the twins. Fred had his wand out and he was looking at Sebastian. He spotted her and their eyes locked for a second.
Ella burst into tears and ran out.
Ella was sitting in the hallway when she heard approaching steps. It was Hermione her face also puffy and red.
Ella stood up "Hey mione. What's wrong?"
"R-Ron being stupid." Hermione said quietly. "What about You?"
"Fred. He turned my dates head into a pumpkin right as I was about to kiss him."
"That's terrible." Hermione said.
"We should get some hot chocolate." Ella commented.
"Definitely." Hermione agreed.
After talking for a while Ella yawned and checked her watch "Wow it's almost midnight. I better go find Seb."
"And me Viktor." Hermione stood up also.
Ella walked upstairs and saw Sebastian and Viktor chatting on the stairs. She walked over "Hey Seb.."
"Ella! Where were you?"
"I kind of ran away because the pumpkin thing."
"Oh yeah. About that. Did you see who did it?"
"No." Ella lied "I was too busy being mad."
Sebastian nodded. "I think before we were interrupted we were-" he leaned closer "Here?"
Fred suddenly appeared behind him "Hey Ella!" He said brightly.
Ella glared at him "Don't talk to me." She hissed.
Fred looked hurt.
"Sebastian could you excuse us?" Ella asked him.
He nodded leaving.
Ella turned to Fred "How Dare You."
"Let me explain!" Fred exclaimed.
"You've lost that privilege!" Ella shouted in his face. People started walking over and staring. Ella didn't care since she was blinded by rage.
"You ruined my night!" Ella hissed "I've tried to forgive you for your pranks but this is too far!"
There was a chorus of 'ooooh's from the crowd.
"Just shut up!" Ella shouted stomping out.
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