Chapter 2
Out fit above 👆
Ella woke up with Alora shaking her.
"What?" She yawned
"We're going to be late for class!" Alora exclaimed.
Ella rolled out of bed "No you're going to be late. Dumbledore said that I have to go to his office today."
Alora looked sad "But it's the first class.."
"You'll have Alexia and I'll see you at lunch yeah?"
Alora nodded before running out to not be late to class.
Ella walked to Dumbledores office sighing as she took the spinning staircase up.
She knocks before walking in.
Ella spots Dumbledore and Harry Potter talking. "Shoot." She mumbled.
Harry looked over at her "Who are you?"
"Ella. Ella Woods."
"Are you related to Wood?"
Ella shakes her head and sighs "why do I keep getting asked this? My last name is WOODS not WOOD."
Dumbledore stood up "Harry you're going to be late for your class. Ella come talk to me."
Harry left.
Ella sat across from Dumbledore.
"So Ella how was your summer?"
"Terrible. Ari didn't talk to be the whole break. Again."
"That's too bad. How about your father?"
Ella looked down "He kind of hit me a bunch?"
Ella sat next to Alora at lunch.
"Hey Ella." Alora smiled at her.
Alexia sat down across from them, her hair now red.
"Lexi.. your hair.." Ella started.
Alora's hair, unknown to her, turned the same shade of red.
"Isn't it amazing?" Alexia smirked.
"What about your father?" Ella asked
"Oh who cares what he thinks?"
"Don't you? He's your father."
"I don't. And my brother won't tell him. He finally figured out we were friends by the way." She started eating.
Ella did the same. Alora kept looking at the ceiling which was now pouring with thunder and lightning.
Ella looked up also "Lor? Whatcha looking at?"
"It's very pretty." She said quietly.
Ella looked at Alexia confused.
Alexia shrugged. "Well I guess no quidditch practice today. Gotta go tell the boys." She stood up walking over to the Slytherin table.
Ella finished eating looking over at the gryffindor table. She spotted Fred and George talking with the 'golden trio'.
Fred looked over at Ella and smiled.
Ella smiled back and stood up. "Lori you coming?"
Alora nodded breaking her gaze away from the ceiling and stood up also.
Fred gestured for them to come over.
Alora and Ella sat across from George and Fred.
George smiled at Alora.
Alora waved shyly.
Ella looked at her smiling.
Alora hit her lightly.
She acted all dramatic and flopped around laughing.
Alora burst into giggles.
Fred and George laughed also.
Ella sat up. "So boys how are You planning to trick the judges to think you're 17?"
"Age potion of course." Fred whispered.
"Ooooh." Ella smiled "So where are you going to make it? Or should I say who should make it for you?"
George looked at Alora "Lors do you know how to make an age potion?"
Alora nodded "Of course I do. What do you think I do in potion club?"
Ella laughed quietly.
After the Halloween feast everyone was cramming to see the goblet of fire.
There were benches on the sides which Ella, Alora, Alexia, Fred and George sat down on one.
They saw a few durmstrang and Beaxbatons kids put their names in.
"Come on Ella." Alexia said "just put your name in for fun with me!"
Ella paused "Fine.."
Alexia stood up giving her a piece of paper and dragging her to the goblet.
They both put their names in joking about 'what if we're chosen?' And laughing.
Ella and Alexia made their way back to the group and sat down.
Ella sat down next to a Beaxbatons girl "Hello."
She looked up "Bonjour! Tu parles français?"
Ella nodded "Oui! Tu t'appelles?"
"Layla. Et toi?"
"I'm just kidding by the way. I do speak English." Layla said. It took a minute for Ella to understand her through her accent but then laughed also. "So did you enter the triwizard tournament?" Layla asked.
Ella nodded "I don't want to get chosen though." She laughed. "Have You?"
Layla nodded "I want the money for my famille. Sorry family." She corrected.
Ella nodded.
Dumbledore clapped his hands and the lights went dim.
The goblet of fire's fire turned from blue to scarlet.
A piece of paper flew out.
"First from durmstrang.. Sebastian Ivanov." The hall cheered
Another burst of red flames, "Viktor Krum." It seemed to cheer harder.
Another burst of red flames "Layla Jade." There was whispering and cheering.
Ella looked at Layla who smiled nervously at her.
"Fleur Delacour."
"Now for Hogwarts. Cedric Diggory."
The whole Hufflepuff table cheered.
"And Ella Woods."
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