Chapter 7 | By accident
"He writes too?" I gape, getting to know this only now. "Yeah. He's an art teacher, so he loves art more than anything, but he writes books as well, I feel like that's the reason why he's so romantic and old-fashioned," he chuckles, making me wonder if this man has a single flaw. "And what type of story does he write? Is he famous?"
"He told me he writes drama and romance the most, but he also wrote a crime story, so he likes different genres, and he sometimes sells them online but gets paid kinda well," he reveals the most interesting thing about him, surprising me and making me admire his father even more. "That's great. Have you already read one of them?"
He shakes his head but laughs in a questioning manner. "He only allows me to read some pages but the ones he picks. I'm pretty sure he writes erotic stuff or something," he speaks as if this was weird or funny, but I keep quiet. I write this same stuff, so I do not have a word to say.
I wish I could read his books and know how he describes intimate scenes though.
"When you said 'writes too', do you mean that you write books?" he comes back on this answer I let out without thinking, but since I exposed myself, I do not try to lie and risk embarrassing myself. "Yeah..."
"And what genre?" he smiles. "Don't tell me you write on that famous platform," he looks for the name of it, my fingers crossing in the hope that he does not say the one I publish my books on. "Realiter? Is that it?"
"Oh..." I remain quiet, not wanting him to know. "Realiter. What is that?"
He cackles at me, perceiving the falsehood through my eyes. "Don't you dare act like you don't know!"
"How do you want me to admit it when you literally started your sentence with 'don't tell me'? I already feel the shame after hearing that," I reply with what is a fact to me, but he laughs. "Come on, I didn't mean it like that. I knew you were a writer there. What's your username?" he asks me, his phone in his hands. "I'm not telling you. Are you insane?"
"That means you're scared to get exposed," he tries to get some information from me. "That means nothing. Let's stop talking about it."
"How many followers?" he does not listen to me, but I know the answer to this will not tell who I am on this platform, so I let him know. "Around twenty thousand."
"Twenty thousand?" he repeats as if this was shocking. "Damn, I have a famous person right next to me."
"No, you don't," I laugh. "Many writers have much more followers than I do, so I'm just a small one, honestly," I tell him the truth. I know more than he does about this platform, so I know it is not unusual to see an account with so many followers, it does not mean anything. "Sure. Humble girl."
I shake my head, brushing this topic off to not have to talk about it anymore, and I take a look at my phone. I do not know what to say or do. I guess I should leave him and his dad alone.
"I should probably go," I pretend to have seen what time it is, but he sets his eyes on me as if he was bothered. "Already?"
"Well, it's been almost two hours, and it's already eight. I need to go home and sleep because I gotta work tomorrow."
"Where do you work again?" he asks to get like a reminder. "In a beauty shop. It's in a mall at like, an hour from here."
"What's the name?" he frowns, but he leaves his laptop on the side as Choco jumped on his lap. "Blossom's Touch. Honestly, it's so pretty, the walls are black, the light only comes from some spots or fairy lights, and there is a cherry blossom tree in the center. It's so beautiful, you should come one day."
"Are you tryna promote it?" he chuckles at me, but since he says this in an ironic way, I play along. "Yes. My boss will be happy if I get a new customer, so come, please."
"Sure, I'll come, but you better sell your products well, otherwise, I leave with nothing, alright?" he does not joke but already plans on visiting the place. I change my mind all of a sudden. "I mean, you don't have to come when I'm working..."
"There's no point in coming then. If you want me to be there, sell me your products and show me how good you are at convincing your customers," he pets Choco while stressing me out, and I smile, with nervousness running through my veins. "I guess I don't have a choice...I'll get you a bag full of skincare products and all. Trust me."
"My dad will be there too," he brings him up for no good reason, making my heart race at the thought of the awkwardness this will cause if he indeed is with him. "What?! No. Why would your dad be there?"
"He has his own skincare routine, girl. He'll buy some stuff. Like this, you bring two more customers to your boss, we're gonna get you to be promoted," he believes, scoffing at me as if he knew how anxious his dad makes me. "Your dad does that?"
"Yeah, every morning and night. He has many products. More than I do, but he kinda got me addicted to it. He also has face masks that he uses once a week, he's the only man I know who takes care of his skin that much," he reveals something more about him. "Uhm. Does he have any flaws or what?"
"He doesn't," he holds Choco near his chest to give him a hug, and I do not contradict him or try to get another answer from him. If he is the exact same as his son, then I guess that he has one flaw, which is being arrogant.
"Anyway," I stretch my body to stand up, and I grab my phone. "I need to go, I'm gonna take a look at your tattoo and work on it before going to bed," I do not forget about this, willing to do it today and see what I can do. "Take all the time you need, no rush," he pecks his puppy's head but rises from his spot as well. "Let me drive you back home. I'm gonna tell my dad."
"You don't have to, I can just go by bus," I do not bother him with this, but he refuses to hear me. "I want to do it," he opens the sliding door of the backyard to step out but checks at his feet, and he quickly closes it to make sure Choco does not run out. I am alone with this cute fluffy ball now, but he is only focused on the man, who he gets so much love and care from.
I wish I could have stayed here for a little longer, but Mister Jeon is not with us anyway, so I do not enjoy it as much as if he was.
Waiting for Joonha to come back, I head up to the front door of the house and put my jacket on, then I check my messages but see that no one has sent me anything.
"I'm driving you home," Joonha drags my attention back on him but makes me catch sight of his dad. Mister Jeon is here. He puts his book down on the kitchen bar once they pass in front of it, and I gaze at him for longer than I should while Joonha is putting his shoes on.
"I hope you enjoyed your time here and ate well," he speaks, knowing where my eyes are for sure. "I did, a lot. Thank you for the meals, and for allowing me to stay here, Mister Jeon."
"No need to," his charming smile takes my soul out of my body, and he tilts his head, sliding his hands in the pockets of his pants. "You're always welcome here, so your can come whenever you want."
"Why don't you ever say that to my friends?" Joonha complains, but I peek down to put my Nikes on. "Because your friends are too loud. She's not."
"Uh uh," he emits this sounds to reply, putting a smile on my face. I look back at Mister Jeon since I am ready to go, and I bow to him. "See you, Mister Jeon. Have a good night."
"Have a good night as well, y/n," he returns it, and his son opens the door, so we both get out to leave. He unlocks the car and allows us to get inside, so I do not wait before doing it but notice that Mister Jeon is standing at the door, with Choco in one arm, he seems to be letting him have some time outside.
"Your seatbelt," Joonha reminds me to do as I was having my eyes on his father, so I do it, and he goes backwards to leave the driveway.
I gaze at Mister Jeon one last time while we are drifting apart from him but see him step back inside the house.
11 pm.
< fuck I meant blowjob ]
I frown in front of the text that I received from Joonha, but another one quickly follows it.
< SHIT that was not meant for you ]
< pretend you never read this, fml😭 ]
[ lmaoo I can't unsee this sorry >
< please;-; I was texting seunggil ]
[ how the hell did you send this to me then? >
< good question, I left the convo without wanting to and Idk what I did, but I wish I didn't: ]
[ lmao be careful next time >
< I will, don't worry about that ]
I exit the chat since he seems to be okay now, and I go back to my drawing. I want to ask him something now that I know he is not sleeping though.
[ btw, did your dad say anything about me being there? >
< yeah he said you're annoying ]
[ well, thanks. I'll never come back >
< I'm jk -_- I actually asked him when I was home, he said you're a sweet person and that I can invite you whenever I want ]
[ I'm not sure you're not lying now >
< I swear I'm telling the truth lmao, ask him if you want ]
[ I won't dare do that, and isn't he sleeping rn? >
< he's old but not a grandpa girl, he's watching a movie ]
[ chill, I thought he was since he has a lot of work to do >
< I'm chill ]
[ didn't seem like it when you hurried to clarify that text was not for me:) >
< Shut up or I tell my dad you have a crush on him. >
[ WTF why would you say that?! >
< why you're getting mad now?:) ]
[ I'm not mad but I don't want you to embarrass me >
< Don't worry, that wouldn't be the first time it happens anyway ]
[ what does that even mean? >
< long story short, the best friend of my ex used to sometimes be there when my dad was with us, and one day she came up to me and said "Joon, I think I have a crush on your dad but I'm scared to tell him about it" and she was literally 17-_- ]
[ would that have changed something if she was older tho? And what did your dad say? >
< if she was at least 20, maybe I'd have told her to talk about it with my dad but not me bcs I can't do anything about it. Well, my dad kindly told her that he's sorry but he'll never return those feelings because she's a child to him and she cried lmao but honestly what did she expect? ]
[ true, he's almost 40 right? >
< he's already 39, but he was 38 when that happened, just one year ]
[ yeah, that's the same >
< since that happened she doesn't talk to me anymore tho, the worst is that she asked me out before I dated my ex. It's like it didn't work with me so she tried the dad lmao ]
[ you both look the same so understandable >
< no not understandable, girl, I'm 20 years younger than him don't tell me I have wrinkles ]
[ 20 years older mean more mature and more experienced, not more wrinkly, don't disrespect him like that >
< more experienced?:0 excuse me? Tf does that mean? ]
[ I meant in life! Stop twisting my words! >
< sure sure ]
[ yes sure >
< :) ]
I do not answer him but leave the chat to go back to reading. He interrupted me at an interesting scene for a dumb reason, so now I have to read it all over again to go back to it.
— Two days later —
Friday, July 30th, 2021.
7:15 am.
< hey, when do you leave work today? ]
I read Joonha's text while drinking some grape juice with no food for breakfast because of my step-mother who took all the food away from the cabinets to only leave some soup, and liquids.
[ 4 pm, but I'll be be busy afterwards too. Why? >
< I wanted to invite you for dinner:') ]
[ Oh, and what about tomorrow? >
< yes, I won't work so that's better ]
[ good then >
< my dad will maybe be the one picking you up bcs he'll come back from work way before dinner but he passes near your house so that'll be smarter that way ]
[ your dad? >
I worry at the thought of being alone in a car with him, but before I could read the new text from Joonha, I hear Harin say my name. I peek up at her and drink.
"The soup for breakfast is in the fridge," she grabs hold of her bag, reminding me of what I do not care about since I am already tired of drinking and not having any proper food.
I nod without saying anything, and she walks out of the house, so I focus back on my phone.
< yes, why? You have a problem? ]
[ no, but what if he just wants to go home and chill after work? >
< he already told me that he wouldn't mind being the one to pick you up if I want you to eat with us ]
[ well, if that comes from him then good >
< alright, don't tell your mom about it ho cause she's not invited:) ]
< tho* lmaoo I'm sorry ]
[ of course that was an accident, but anyway I'll come >
< it wasn't with an "e" so it's ok. And what about skating on Sunday? ]
[ sure I'm down for that too >
< perfect I'll text you tomorrow to tell you once my dad is about to be here ]
[ okay! See you tomorrow then >
< see you, have a good day ]
[ have a good day too >
None of us saying anything anymore, I leave the conversation and finish the rest of my drink to throw it out.
Today is the day, my boss, Moosaeng, has invited me for dinner. This is not the first time I go to his house and eat, so I am not nervous because I am comfortable around him, but I never know what to expect.
Is it for an important matter? Or maybe just to spend time with me because as he said, I am more than an employee to him, and he knows me personally now, so he told me he is attached and that he wants to be the one who takes care of me and makes me feel safe. He knows how my stepmother treats me, and since he got to know about it, he treats me like a precious human and pampers me all the time, so I like and appreciate him a lot. He is a good man, and this is rare.
The thought of this evening keeping my head full and loud, I walk up to the sofa to sit down and go on Netflix, but a new text lights the screen of my phone up.
< btw, I'm a bit too curious but why are you busy after work? Is it because of the snake? ]
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