chapter 26 | Getting close
"Hey. What is happening? Is she feeling sick?"
"No," I shake my head and peek down at her, who is still sound asleep and not bothered by the noise. "She just wanted to sunbathe but fell asleep."
"Oh," she does not express any good feeling about this, making me feel like I have done something wrong. "Well, are you going to work out as planned?" she mentions what she has not forgotten about, and I nod. "Yeah. In a few minutes. You can already get changed first."
"Alright," she glances at her daughter once more before leaving, and I wait for her to be out of sight to wake y/n up. I pronounce her name in a low voice to make it gentle, but she does not react. I try again, but this time, give a kind squeeze to her calf, and she opens her eyes.
I let her have a few seconds to come back to consciousness, and once she stretches but clenches her thighs over mine, I smile and tell her I have to go. "I'm going to work out, I'm sorry for ruining your nap."
"Work out? Oh..." she emits a sound similar to a moan after the tension was released in her body, and she sits up to remove her legs from me. "I'm sorry for falling asleep."
"No, it's alright. I hope you had a good rest," I stand up to not make Harin wait, and I grab my book and phone to not forget them here. "I did," she smiles and runs her fingers through her hair. "I'll cook dinner after I'm done, okay?"
"Okay," she nods but leaves the swinging bench as well, so I go back inside but let her pass first, and when she steps in, I follow her and close the door behind me.
11:10 pm.
The sound of Joonha's game filling the room to not leave it quiet, I turn to my right to check what he is doing, and I sit up on his bed. "When do you have to wake up tomorrow?" the sound of my voice makes him whirl his head towards me. "Six because I have to pass by a colleague's house."
"Alright," I memorize it to not ask him again, and he focuses back on his game. "Why?"
"Just asking," I shrug, telling the truth, but he peeks at me again. "And you? How are you going to do with work?"
"I'll take the bus nearby at six-thirty, it will bring me there," I grab my phone, looking at him and wondering what I am doing. "Are you sure you don't want my dad to drive you there? He won't mind at all."
"No, I don't want to bother him," I refuse to let this happen, and he sighs. "You won't bother, dummy."
"But it's still better for him if he only has to drive to his workplace and not drive to mine, then come back home because it will be too early, and then go again," I state, knowing this will be annoying, no matter what he says. "He leaves the house at around seven so he can drive you there, can't he? How far away is it from here?"
"It's like fifty minutes away from here, so he won't even have time to do it," I solve the problem and end the argument. "Oh...and I guess it's useless to ask your mom—"
"Yes, it's useless," I cut him off so that he does not waste more saliva, and he sighs. "I knew it."
"Well, I'm going to go to bed because I'll wake up way earlier than usual because of you," I stand up to get out of the bed. "Because of me? Why?"
"You want me to stay here, so that's your fault," I put the blame on him without being serious, but he shrugs. "If that's the reason, then I don't care. I won't let you wake up later," he smirks, not even showing empathy for me. "You're an ass," I open the door of his bedroom to get out, but he stops me. "Wait, where are you going?"
"I'm going to bed, why?" I hold the handle of the door, speaking in a lower voice now that I could be heard. "Why don't you sleep here?" he invites me to stay with him for the night again. "For you to make fun of me and throw me out of your bed because I'm clingy? No, thanks."
"I didn't throw you out of it! I let you grab me nonstop, don't tell lies, you brat. What if I was the one who had grabbed your ass or boobs while sleeping?" he pauses his game to look at me. "I never did that to you!" I state out of shock, and he chuckles. "Almost. Your leg was over me and it kept rubbing my dick."
"That's why you didn't throw me out, pervert," I step back to leave but hear his voice once again. "That's not even true! I just didn't want to wake you up because I knew you were tired."
"Sure, but I don't care. I want to sleep in my bed tonight and leave you alone, so goodnight, jerk," I kindly tell him, and he smiles, not even being offended. "Have a goodnight, brat."
I jokingly send him a flying kiss but receive a middle finger, so I go out and walk downstairs to head to my bedroom. Hearing the sound of the TV playing in the living room, I take a look in that direction but see that Mister Jeon is all alone on the sofa.
I take this opportunity to join him and not have my stepmother around. I do not say anything while getting closer to him, but as soon as he catches sight of me, he gazes up at me and smiles. "Hey, aren't you sleeping?"
"I'm not," I change my mind and sit down next to him to be in a corner of the u-shaped sofa. "Were you about to go to bed?"
"Not yet, I'm watching this movie, but what about you? Why aren't you in bed already?" he spreads his legs to slide his hands in the pockets of his silk pajama pants. "I don't know. I'm going to sleep soon too."
"Hm," his lips curve up even more, and I bend my legs to bring my knees closer to my chest. "Are you alone? It's odd to not see my stepmother near you."
"She's taking a bath," he disappoints me. "And she's going to use my bedroom tonight because I haven't got the time to clean and build the bed in the other guest room upstairs."
"Oh, I see," I do not show any happiness about it at all. "Does that mean you're going to share your bed with her?"
"No, I'll sleep here," he shakes his head, and the relief fills me. His eyes remaining on the TV screen, I peek down at his forearms, wearing a black shirt with the sleeves rolled up, I look at his tattoos and veins, then glance at the movie.
— Next day —
Monday, August 9th, 2021.
6 am.
"See you later, Mister Jeon," I tell him goodbye before leaving, and he waves back at me while eating. "See you, have a good day," he smiles at me, making my day better, and I do it back and step out as Joonha did the same.
"See you later, honey!" my stepmother says, and out of surprise, I turn around to look at her. Faking a smile, pretending to care and be used to doing this. I do not respond but walk away, and Joonha follows me.
I remain silent while texting my best friends and heading towards the bus stop, having Joonha with me only because he absolutely wanted me to not be alone.
"Honey..." he scoffs, probably thinking the same as I do about this nickname I have never heard again after my father was gone. "She's in front of your dad, what do you expect?" I put my phone in the pocket of my denim jacket to focus on him, and he grins. "True. You must be ready to get kisses and hugs from her now."
"Bro. No thanks. I don't want that to happen," I erase the images he created in my head, feeling sick at the thought of it. "Ah yeah? And why were you clinging onto me when we slept together?" he brings this back up, never leaving me alone with this. "Shut up."
"Nope," he already is in the mood to bug me, so I hasten the speed of my walk to distance myself from him. "Where do you think you're going, little girl?" he seizes the handle of my bag and pulls me back. "You hold daddy's hand," he slides his long fingers between mine to intertwine them, and I cannot help but look up at him to glare. "I should have asked your dad to drive me there."
"Stop breaking my heart like that, I woke up earlier just to be with you and protect you," he does not let go, peeking down at me. "Did I ask you to do it? I didn't."
"You're such a bitch, I swear," he licks his lips and combs his brown hair back, the wind blowing through it. "I should put a leash around your throat and choke you every time you disrespect me."
"You're the one disrespecting me. I'm the oldest, but you seem to always forget that," I remind him of what he never wants to accept as a fact, and once again, he smirks but bites his plump bottom lip. "I only remember what I want to."
"I know that," I look back in front of me, but a notification makes my phone vibrate, so I take it out.
< You forgot the banana and chocolate bar I left on the counter for you ]
Mister Jeon? I did not expect to receive a text from him already, but this brightened my morning even more.
[ Oh I forgot to put it in my bag >
< It's okay, make sure to buy something to eat for breakfast and lunch ]
[ I will >
"You don't have food for the whole day?" Joonha reads over my shoulder as always, so I lock my phone for the screen to turn black. "No."
"You're lying," he gives a tug to wrench me towards him. "You're under my dad's roof from now on, so you're not going to do as this bitch tells you. Okay? You're gonna eat and be healthy, otherwise, I tell my dad about it and force-feed you."
"Who?" I peek up at him but drop my eyes to his lip ring. "Who's what?"
"Who's gonna force-feed me?" I ask for details. "Me," he answers with the option I did not prefer but still like. "With what?" I try my best to conceal a shameful smile, and he smirks at me. "It's six in the morning. Calm your hormones down, girl."
"I was talking about food!" I make him the bad guy when I was the one implying something dirty, and he does not believe such an obvious lie. "Of course. I'm pretty sure you missed me last night, so that's why you're flirting and stuff," he jokes, and I cannot even hold back from laughing. "Like, I know you were all alone in your bed and thinking about me, but when you tell me you're gonna suck my dick then in the end, don't do it, I cannot trust any of your words anymore."
"I never said I would," I lie once more, and his head turns in my direction for his big eyes to meet mine. "I have proof. You wanna see it?"
"No, I'm alright," I flee away from a new argument I know I will lose, and he shows his satisfaction. "That's what I thought."
3 pm.
< hey, I won't be able to be with you at the bus stop because I gotta do something so my dad's gonna leave work earlier to pick you up, okay? ]
While I can have a break, I check the text that Joonha sent me some minutes ago when I was busy.
[ No, he doesn't have to, it's fine >
< you can't go home if you don't have the key you know ]
[ well, what are you gonna do that you can't be with me? I want to know the reason for you to dump me >
< I'm sorry babygirl but one of my colleagues want to hang out with me and since it's her birthday, I don't want to be a jerk and say no. But daddy's not cheating so don't be jealous, I love you more ]
[ so you're not going to be with seunggil, right? >
< why do you want to know that? ]
[ I can go skating with him while waiting >
< no ]
[ and why not? I have his number anyway so I can do what I want >
< you're not hanging out with him if I'm not there ]
[ WHY? >
[ Thats not a fucking answer >
< it is, so fuck you ]
[ fuck you too. I'll hang out with him if I want to and that he says yes >
< I'll tell him not to. ]
Willing to know what Seunggil could say, I leave this conversation and look for the old one I have not opened in a while.
[ Hey, I'm sorry if I'm bothering, but I wanted to ask if you're busy after work? >
When my text is sent, one from Joonha appears.
< you better not be doing what I think you are or were breaking up ]
[ well, I broke up with you as soon as you told me you were hanging out with another girl so I'm good. >
< :0 ]
< she's just a friend! ]
[ Seunggil is just a friend too >
< Seunggil is a guy and he's flirty asf so he might flirt with you while I'm not there ]
[ and? You're flirty asf too fyi >
< not with other girls ]
[ that means I'm special?C: >
< you're not, I'm just closer to you and know I can do it without you misunderstanding cuz we both know who you're into c: ]
Instead of writing an answer, I check the text Seunggil sent me.
< Hey, no I'm not. Why? Do you wanna hang out? ]
[ yes, I wanted to go skating but only if you're down for it >
< Sure, I'm totally down. When do you want to meet at the skatepark? ]
[ At around 5:20, is it okay for you? >
< it is. I'll be there at that hour. Are you gonna be alone? ]
[ Yeah bcs Joonha will be busy >
< alr, see you later then, can't wait ]
[ See you, and thanks for accepting >
< Of course, it's going to be cool;) ]
I smile but go back to Joonha who was spamming me this whole time.
< are you ghosting or ignoring? ]
< you better be working and not texting someone else ]
< and not making out with your boss either you cheater ]
< y/n ]
< don't be mad I love you, alright? Please forgive me, I'll make it up to you tonight, okay?:< ]
[ Seunggil said yes lmao, have fun with your new girlfriend >
< this asshole I'm gonna talk to him ]
[ see you tonight:) <3 >
< you're lucky you're not my girlfriend ]
[ or else what? >
< angry sex to make you regret it ]
[ if I was your girl no type of sex would be a punishment you dumbass-_- >
< :0 ]
< that means you'd love to have sex with me:> ]
[ I'm done >
I leave to not have to face my mistake, and I decide to text Mister Jeon to warn him that he does not have to come pick me up after work.
[ Good afternoon, Mister Jeon. I hope you'll see this text soon, but I need to tell you that you don't have to leave work earlier because I'll be hanging out with someone while waiting for you to come home >
Once it is sent, I put my phone down and go back to work.
5 pm.
Wondering where Seunggil is waiting exactly, I slow down once I get to the skatepark and look around me, but I do not see any signs of life. I am a bit early, so it is understandable.
I sit down on one of the benches and drop my bag on the floor to take a look at my texts.
Since Mister Jeon has already answered earlier and that I managed to let him do as usual and not waste his time on me, I read what Joonha sent me.
< Seunggil hasn't answered me yet, are you gonna skate with him fr? ]
[ I'm waiting for him at the skatepark rn, but aren't you hanging out with your girl already? >
< come on, she's just a friend goddammit;-; ]
< I'm gonna call him ]
I do not say anything since he is going to be busy on the phone, but someone says my name in a familiar voice and gets me to turn around. "Hey," Seunggil smiles at me, so I stand up. "Hey, you're a bit early too?"
"Yeah, I always am, it's better," he nods but peeks down at my bag. "You don't have a board?"
"I don't...I thought I'd learn with you a little more," I hold my hands together behind my back, feeling nervous without Joonha around. "Oh, alright. Sure, I'll do my best," he chuckles and drops his skateboard down. "I'm not good at teaching, so don't count on me to make you a great skater, alright?"
"Don't worry about that," I shrug and reassure him, not caring about the quality but only the time we are going to share together. I hope I will get to know him more and be good friends with him.
"Okay, what do you want to learn exactly?" he asks a question I do not even know the answer to, and I bring my hand up to my hair to run my fingers through it. "I don't know..."
He laughs at me, surely wondering why I asked him to come if I do not want anything. "Alright, come with me," he gets on his skateboard and moves closer to the railing that prevents us from falling in the sand. "We're gonna do like we did last time you were here," he goes back on the floor and heaves his hand up. "Try to get on the bo—" his phone rings and interrupts him. He checks who is calling him, and he picks it up.
"Hello?" he glances away. "Yeah. Why?" he sets his eyes on me, making me feel like either this is Joonha, or he wants to tell me something. "Bro, we're just skating," he confirms what I thought, so I lift my hand up towards him. "Let me talk to him."
"She wants to talk to you," he smiles and gives me his phone, so I bring it to my ear and speak to Joonha. "What do you want, cheater?"
"Girl, you're the cheater? Why are you hanging out with my best friend? Uh? I thought you had a crush on my dad—"
"I don't have a crush on your—" I cut myself off to not say that out loud in front of Seunggil, and I lift my eyes up to the sky. "Dammit. Joonha, I'm going to kill you."
"Sure, baby. I'm waiting for that to happen, little girl," he makes fun of me when I am not even small but average. He is the abnormal one. "Goodbye, let him teach me, and don't interrupt," I hang up to not hear him anymore, and I give the phone back to Seunggil. "Here."
"Jeez, he's gonna cry," he states and laughs, getting me to frown. "Why would he?" I try to get on the skateboard without his help, and he smiles at me. "Seriously. You haven't noticed?"
"Noticed what? That he's the most flirty guy I've ever met?" I look down to position my feet properly, and a chortle escapes him. "Nothing. Forget it, but yeah, he's flirty all the time."
"Even with you?" I raise my eyebrows, and he nods. "Not flirty, but he makes sexual jokes nonstop. Like, you cannot tell him the word 'suck' or 'come' without him chuckling and replying with something nasty," he describes the man I can recognize in a few words only. "I guess that's why we get along so well."
"What does that mean?" he smirks at me, and I realize I should not have said that. "Well. We're the same. That's all."
"Uh. So you're a dirty girl, alright," he does not make it awkward or uncomfortable like another man would have, and I nervously laugh. "No. It's know."
"Yeah. I mean, there's nothing wrong about it, it's fine," he low-key tries to tease me about it, so I look down and smile without saying anything more, knowing I will only dig my grave deeper.
"If you want some advice though, I know how you can annoy him back," he grabs my hand to help me even if I did not ask. "And how?"
"Find a way to scare or startle him so that he screams because whenever he screams, he screams in such a high-pitched voice that he sounds like a girl, and he always gets embarrassed about it, so if you wanna piss him off, do that and record his scream, he's going to stop annoying you for sure," he chuckles as if he had already experienced it, and I cannot help chuckling at the thought of it. I never heard him scream, so it must be cute as ever. "I want to try this so bad now."
"He kicked me in the ass after I did it, but it's worth it, trust me," he warns me about the consequences I might have to face, but I disregard them. "I trust you."
6:50 pm.
< Hey, I don't want to bother you, but dinner is soon ready, and I would like to know if you will come back home to eat with us? I wouldn't want you to skip this meal again ]
I read Mister Jeon's sweet text while walking back to his house. I am smiling again.
[ Hey, I'm coming back right now, but I'll probably eat later so no need to wait for me >
< Oh, do you want me to come pick you up? Where are you? ]
[ No need to, I'm close so I'll be here in less than ten minutes >
< Alright, but be careful, and if you come across a man who is bothering you, call me, okay? ]
[ I will, but don't worry >
< I can't help. You can ask my son, I'm the same with him and since you're a woman, I'm even more worried ]
[ There's no need to be, I'll fight them^-^ >
< But make sure to call me first, it's important ]
[ I will >
I smile and lock my phone to hurry to go back home. It feels good to know someone cares.
10 minutes later...
I enter the house after knocking on the door to make sure Mister Jeon knows who it is, and I close the door behind me but get warmly greeted.
"Hey," he smiles at me, facing my mother at the table for dinner. "Hey," I take my shoes off and drop my back on the floor, feeling pretty tired. "How was it at the skatepark?" he asks, making me feel weird since I have never been asked about my day before. My stepmother turns around to look at me, and she forces a smile to never stop being fake. "It was great, what about your day at work?" I fix my hair and walk closer to the table. "It was fine. As usual."
"Great, I'm relieved. I hope you didn't overwork," I hold my hands together for no reason, and he licks his lips and shakes his head, his features always seeming so bright and full of life. "I didn't. You ate for lunch and breakfast, right?"
He should not ask that in front of my mother.
I gulp down and briefly avert my eyes from him. "I didn't have time, so I drank some juice to get some energy," my answer leaves my mouth to reach him but causes some discontent. "Hm. Alright, I understand," he does not react like he did the past few days when I was alone here, so I remain quiet and walk away.
I head to the kitchen to get some grape juice, and I make my way to my bedroom without saying anything more.
40 minutes later...
I get out of my bathroom after taking a shower and finally peeing, and I put my oversized t-shirt on to get to my desk, which is right next to the door. I sit down on one chair and put my feet on the other one I placed right before me.
I grab hold of the grape juice I brought and open it to drink but text Joonha at the same time.
< I'm coming baby<3 ]
[ good for you >
< ;-; ]
< thought you'd say "my mouth's open" but ok ]
[ dude >
< hm ]
[ leave me alone, i gotta focus >
< focus on what? ]
[ on thinking >
< thinking about what or who? ]
[ something or someone >
< but what's that something or who's that someone? ]
[ you're so fucking annoying lmaoo >
< :) ]
I smile at this idiot and look for my wireless headphones to take them, and I put them on to listen to some music while talking with him.
[ how was the date? >
< it wasn't a date, but it was cool, she was flirting and trying so hard tho lmao
[ did you fall for it? >
< kinda, she's cute so it's hard not to ]
[ So weak. >
< Yeah, I have a big heart ]
< And a big dick ]
[ I knew you'd say that, I was actually typing it but saw you say it first... >
< We're connected:> ]
[ we're not >
< yes we are:< ]
[ such a sub:) >
< I'm a dom, a top, so shut up okay? ]
[ you're a sub, a bottom, and you love being called a good little baby boy, so you shut up >
< fuck you I won't let you call me a sub unless you make me one:< ]
[ :3 >
Someone's warm hand touching my calf startles me, making me clench my thighs to close my legs, and I peek up at the one who came into my room and take my headphones off.
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