House of FlapJacks( lyttlejoe )
Billy stayed until everything was wrapped up at the station and the Feds took Donavan and the others into custody. He shook his head as he watched Annie working on getting her story; he pictured a pretty bumpy future with the unpredictable writer.
She smiled and asked, "Ready to get something to eat, now. I seem to have worked up a real appetite."
"Sounds like a plan. You pick a place."
Annie took his good arm and walked closely to him out to his car. "I was thinking maybe that House of Flapjacks since the other places we like are closed right now."
"You uhm- you know what that place-?"
"I'm not a nun, Billy. Neil's friends used to talk about it all the time."
"All the time . . . swell . . . and you just listened with your little notebook handy."
Annie squeezed his arm and opened the car door for him.
"What are you doing?"
"You aren't driving like that, Officer; I'd have to write you up." He groaned then changed it to a happy moan as she leaned over and kissed him. "Into the car, lover."
Billy leaned back and his eyes fell on the list Lulu had given him sitting on the dash board. He turned on the dome light and read it over as Annie wheeled out into traffic.
"All these guys . . . I just can't believe it, Annie. We worked togeth-"
"What? What's wrong?"
"Smith! Where the hell is Smith? He wasn't at the station. Did you see him?"
"No, but maybe we just missed him."
"No. He's still out there." He crumpled the list and swore out the window. "Tres! Wasn't he taking Daisy to dinner at Flapjacks?"
"I'm not sure . . . wait! I think you're right. You don't-?"
"Step on it, doll, I've got a bad feeling."
"Evelyn, the flowers were lovely. Thank you so much."
"I was devastated to hear and look at you, Madam Phantom. That actually looks chic, Daisy. Maybe a gold lamé or silver; that would be stunning."
I pulled out a chair and seated Daisy, rolling my eyes at the two of them turning her bandage into a fashion piece.
"So, he is financing this evening is he?" Evelyn winked at me and patted Daisy on the shoulder. "Well you are in for a treat."
One of Evelyn's girls arrived with a silver stand with a champagne bottle on ice and proceeded to professionally open and serve two large glasses.
"Enjoy you two."
We clinked glasses and I saw a bit of dampness in Daisy's good eye.
"To you, Dais, the rug beneath my feet." I laughed as she snorted a bit of bubbly while kicking me on the shin.
The dinner was amazing and we stole bits off one another's plate while I told her how the whole muffin mystery was going down. She had plenty of sharp questions and I realized more and more how big a part of the success of Tres Gunn Investigations she was.
Evelyn came by to make sure everything was okay and as she turned to leave there was a loud commotion at the door'
"What the hell . . .!"
I turned to see and my breath stopped. Hiram Smith was charging across the dining room, waving a gun and pushing girls and guests out of the way. There were screams and breaking dishes; Evelyn was dashing to the alarm she had that alerted the police. I knew that was no good tonight.
I jumped up, lifting Daisy off her chair and down behind the table then grabbed my gun from the shoulder holster, groaning when I realized I had no ammo.
Smith fired wildly, blasting a chunk off the plaster wall by my head. I ducked and grabbed for the closest weapon . . . Daisy's steak knife.
Another shot and a shout of pain as somebody tried to grab Smith. He kept coming, kicking chairs aside, and his eyes flaming behind the huge bandage over his broken nose.
I stood quickly and hurled a dinner plate at him forcing him to duck and fire another shot, into the ceiling. He stumbled and bumped into our table. I heard Daisy yelp and I dove across, wrestling him to the floor.
He was growling and swearing and I was having a rough job containing his gun hand. Another shot and it felt like a hammer to my side. I rolled away and saw the red stain on Smith's shirt . . . it was from me.
"Tres! Tres! Where- oh shit!" Billy slid to a halt beside me and pointed his gun at Smith. "Drop it Hiram, it's over!"
"Hell you say, you stinking ra-"
Both guns fired at once and Annie and Daisy sang matching screams.
Evelyn kept waving off all the apologies as I was wheeled out to the waiting ambulance. She assured me she would find a way to collect. Another gurney passed us with Hiram Smith and Annie stepping alongside scribbling frantically in her note book.
"Don't you ever quit, doll?"
"Billy, he died! I got his last words!"
"What were they?"
"Son-of-a-bitch . . ."
Daisy laughed and hit my gurney with her hand. The pain shot through my entire body and they all looked on sympathetically as I was whisked outside.
Evelyn shooed the group out with a promise to call if she needed help. Daisy and Annie hung back for a second until Billy was out of earshot.
"Can we ask you something?"
"Sure. Shoot."
"Who is Dixie?"
Evelyn looked surprised then broke out a huge smile that turned to a laugh.
"Good night, ladies. Drive carefully." The laugh continued until they were outside and couldn't hear it any more.
"Maybe if they sedate Tres we can get something." The two women hustled Billy into the car and told him to sit tight; they were heading for the hospital.
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