Chapter 6
The voices of Mudstar, Honeystar, Dreamstar and Weedstar said in unison.
Mudkit's eyes fluttered open and he saw Stormfly and Mossflame above him.
" Mudkit! " Mossflame wailed.
" He's awake! " Mossflame said happily.
" Good, " He heard Stormyfly mew. Mudkit could feel cobwebs lined against his belly.
He gained his scent and his vision wasn't blurry anymore. He could now scent that Alderstar, Clouddream, and Rowanwing were in the den with him.
" W-what happened? " Mudkit asked.
" Shhh, don't waste your breath. " Alderstar mewed. Mudkit stayed silent.
" He just needs rest now, " Stormyfly mewed, turning towards Mossflame.
" He should rest here, " Clouddream suggested.
They don't trust Owlkit.
" I should stay here too, " Mossflame said in reply.
" Alright, You two can sleep in the extra den. " Stormyfly said, flicking her tail to the entrance of the second den. Mossflame gave a curt nod and trotted over to it. Alderstar and Rowanwing left together and Clouddream wished Mudkit to get better before walking out.
SandAster soon came into the den, her aster scent was amazing.
" Hello, Mudkit. " She mewed calmly, sitting down next to Mossflame, Mossflame pawed the ground anxiously.
" Hi? " Mudkit said, he knew what Sandaster did and what her job in the clan was. He didn't want to be helped. He didn't need help.
" Do you remember what happened? " She asked.
" Kind of? Why does it matter? No way to change what happened. " Mudkit said, slightly annoyed.
Sandaster stared at Mudkit. Mudkit couldn't see any emotion in her eyes.
Mossflame laid down and started to drool.
" I'm just trying to help, " Sandaster started, " It's my job. " She finished.
" What you don't want my help, do you? " Yeah, leave. " Mudkit growled.
" Mudkit, she has to help you! " Mossflame snapped.
Mudkit rolled his eyes. Sandaster nodded.
" What do you remember? " She asked.
" Owlkit attacked me after I walked into the nursery. " Mudkit said, parting his fur to show the wound.
" Did he say anything? What was his reasoning? "
" Yeah, he said a few things. He said I shouldn't act innocent, I caused his death, he died because of me, SwirlBear said it was a message from Starclan.. a-and that I was going to bring chaos and death to Weedclan, he has to kill me. "
" Hmm. "
Hmmmm? So much for help, mouse-brain! Mudkit forced down a growl.
" What happened after? " Sandaster asked, laying down.
" Rosekit tackled Owlkit off of me. Applekit and Maplekit attacked her, helping Owlkit. I ran out... and.. I dont remember what happened next. "
" Alright, could you describe everything that happened? Before and after. "
" I was talking to Stormfly and a few other warriors, they were talking about-- about.. something. SwirlBear came up and said something about the mudslide being a sign.. a sign that I would start to kill kits. I left and went into the Nursery. Owlkit attacked me, Applekit and Maplekit sat and watched. T-they were going to let him kill me.. " Mudkit paused, studing his paws.
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