Chapter 4
As the warriors walked away Mossflame started to speak.
"Why did you leave the camp?!" She growled at Owlkit.
She slapped her tail over his muzzle before he could say a word, "Do you even understand the dangers outside of camp?! Foxes, badgers, water, other cats!" She hissed quietly. She drew her tail off of his muzzle and let him speak.
"I just wanted to see what was beyond the camp! I'm tired of being stuck here!" He spat out, glaring at his mother.
Their gazes stayed locked for a moment and then they walked back to the Nursery.
Mudkit walked up to StormFly, who was sharing tongues with a few warriors.
"Oh, Hello Mudkit."
" Hi. " Mudkit replied, sitting down next to Stormfly.
" What happened to Graykit? " Mudkit asked, still frightened at seeing one of the cats he knew dead.
" He died, he fell off a cliff due to a mudslide. " Stormfly mewed calmly into Mudkit's ear.
" I really didn't see them leave.. " Frostclaw said, grief edged his mew.
" It's okay, Frostclaw. " Clouddream said kindly, pressing herself against Frostclaw.
" Yes, Fawnfur is just mourning.. give her time, she'll forgive you. " Stormfly added in.
" Perhaps it's a sign from Starclan? Mudslide, death, kits. " SwirlBear had come up and sat doen next to Clouddream.
"' What is that supposed to mean? " Stormfly asked, clearly puzzled.
SwirlBear glanced at Mudkit,
" Mudkit? Mudslide. He's always been a bitter kit. It would make sense for him to- " SwirlBear was cut off by Stormfly:
" Enough. Mudkit is just a kit, don't assume he's a murderer. " SwirlBear glared at Mudkit.
She knows what she is saying.. Mudkit thought sadly. I'll prove her wrong. Mudkit had heard enough, he got up and trotted away, his tail in between his hind legs.
Mudkit could here wailing inside of the nursery as he got closer. It was Owlkit.
Graykit was Owlkit's best friend..
Mudkit walked into the Nursery and Owlkit's head whipped around to look at Mudkit.
" Y-you! " Owlkit yowled at Mudkit.
Mudkit awkwardly walked to his nest.
" Don't act innocent! " Owlkit hissed, getting up and standing over Mudkit.
" You caused his death! " Owlkit wailed.
Mudkit glared at Owlkit in confusion but Owlkit kept going.
" He died because of-- of YOU " Owlkit yowled, leaping onto Mudkit.
" What? " Mudkit growled, trying to push Owlkit off of him.
" SwirlBear said it was a message from Starclan! " Owlkit unsheathed his claws and scratched Mudkit's belly. Mudkit yowled, how could a kit like Owlkit hurt me so badly! He's my brother!
" You're going to cause chaos and death to Weedclan! I have to kill you! " Owlkit hissed.
Mudkit finally noticed that Maplekit and Applekit were watching from the back of the nursery.
They're going to let him kill me!
He thought, fear and anxiety filled his belly.
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