A: Age: 27
B: Biggest Fear: between losing someone I love and Spiders
C: Current Time: 8:15 pm
D: Drink You Last Had: sweet tea
E: Easiest Person To Talk To: I have two MrNatsuDragneel1989 and MrsLuceDragneel
F: Favourite Song: way to many to list and I can't pick just one
G: Ghost, Are They Real?: Yes Yes they are definitely real
H: Hometown: Kennedale, TX
I: In Love With:MrNatsuDragneel1989
J: Jealous of: I don't know I will tell when I do though
K: Killed Someone: No
L: Last Time You Cried: this morning
M: Middle Name: Rae
N: Number of siblings: this one is hard I'm adopted by my Great Grandparents so with that 5 brothers and 3 sisters if you don't count that that 2 brothers and 2 sisters
O: One wish: becoming a writer
P: Person You Last Called: my husband
Q: Question You're Always Asked: Are you okay
R: Reason To Smile: my friends and family
S: Song Last Sang: Rewrite the Stars
T: Time You Woke Up: I think it was 10:30 or 11 am
U: Underwear Colour: none of your business
V: Vacation Destination: tbh I don't have one anyone is fine as long as I have my friends and family
W: Worst Habit: putting myself down and my writing down
X: X-rays: I can't remember them all
Y: Your Favorite Food: I don't have one I love food
Z: Zodiac Sign:Scorpio
1. MrNatsuDragneel1989
5. MrsTerrynEucliffe
6. MrsLuceDragneel
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