9. Bonding
||Yujin's Pov||
"Mrs. Park?" I muttered as she engulfed me in a hug. I was still in shock but soon enough I had a smile as I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her in a hug. I snuggled my head on her shoulder as I inhaled her scent.
I was pretty close with Mrs. Park and Mr. Park when I was still in university, I used to hang out with her often. Park's were our family friends so it was common for us to have frequent hangouts at each other's place.
I felt so happy to see her, to meet again, when Jimin disappeared out of nowhere I thought I would also not be able to meet her. But my belief was proved wrong when now I'm in her arms.
"Grandma you know her?" The voice behind us made us break out from our hug, it was Jihyo who asked the question.
"Yes, I know her dear," she answered them while tenderly caressing my cheeks and radiating her gummy smile, her smiles are the best in the world.
"How are you dear?" she asked, taking me out of my trance of admiring her.
"I'm fine, how are you?" I said as I gave her one more quick side hug.
"How I'm looking?" She asked.
"See I'm gorgeous," she replied making me giggle. She has a great sense of humor that never fails to amaze me.
"Grandma, look here," the twins shouted in unison making us turn toward them, they were sulking because of lack of attention toward them, "cute," I thought as I approached them.
"Well, how do you end up coming with her instead of your nanny?" Mrs. Park asked as she looked at the twins, confusion and also a hint of worry washed over her face. I took the initiative and told her everything the twins told me earlier.
"Ohh, my god! this is so unbelievable, thank god Yujin found you both on time or I don't know how long you both would've been standing there," Mrs. Park said as she hugged the twins again, worry was evident on her face.
"I am thankful to you Yujin, thanks for bringing back my kids safely, I will always be grateful to you for this," she said as she sighed in relief.
"Well come on, come inside dear. sorry for making you stand outside for so long," Mrs. Park said to which I refused while shaking my head in denial.
"No no Aunty, I need to head back now. I was here just to drop them safely at their home," I replied.
"No dear, how can I send you back without offering a cup of coffee? Also, I missed our coffee sessions, please don't say no?" she said, pleading. I sighed; I could never win against Mrs. Park.
"Okay, I will come only because I missed you and our coffee sessions," I replied to which she grinned widely as I entered through the front door along with twins.
I was in awe looking at the interior of the bungalow from inside. It was so beautiful, elegant, and sophisticated. The walls of the living room were painted in ravishing off-white color making the room seem even bigger than it already was. Many paintings were hung on the walls of the living room.
"Come dear have a sit," Mrs. Park said, and I sat on the couch while still observing my surroundings.
"Unnie can we play?" Jihyo asked while smiling sheepishly.
"No first go and get change, asked Nancy to help you both and later you all can play," Mrs. Park said and both twins nodded as they sprinted upstairs I suppose to their bedroom. Me and Mrs. Park chuckled as Jiho almost tripped over the carpet while going upstairs.
They both are so cute, I just want to squish their cheeks all the time. They are so cute little fluff balls. I was still thinking about them when it struck me, in front of me was Mrs. Park, that meant they were Jimin's children?
I looked toward Mrs. Park as I was going to confirm it with her but it again struck me, where is Yuna?
"Mom?" I heard a familiar voice which brought me to reality from my trance of questions. I looked toward the entrance as the voice came from that direction, and there he was, Jimin standing there at the entrance, his coat in his left hand.
"Yujin?" Jimin said as he entered the living room, a big frown visible on his face as he looked toward his mother with a questioning face.
"Jimin-ahh!" Mrs. Park called out with a smile as she took his coat and patted his back, "Don't worry, kids are safe. Yujin brought them home safely," Mrs. Park said while making Jimin sigh in relief, I guess she told him about their late arrival that's why he seemed a kind of tense, his eyes met mine as he gave me his eye smile.
"Thank you Yujin so much for bringing back the kids safely, I can't thank you enough," Jimin said as he came near me. I smiled and was gonna reply but I was cut off.
"Dad!" The kids shouted in unison and ran toward Jimin. They hugged his leg like Koya, Jimin crouched down and hugged them back after pecking their cheeks. I cooed at the lovely sight in front of me, "How adorable all three look together," I thought as I squealed in tiny for an unknown reason. Them calling him dad also cleared my confusion but still the question of Where Yuna was now still lingered in my mind.
"Dad you know what, Nanny Nonna left us on an unknown street as she was talking on her phone,"
"But unnie brought us home safely,"
Both Jiho and Jihyo narrated the scene from earlier in short to Jimin, I saw Jimin's emotions switch as his gaze still lingered on the twins, it was not hard to guess why his emotions suddenly shifted, his face twitched in anger but he immediately smiled as he answered them.
"Don't worry kiddos, from now on I will be one to drop and pick you up from school, is it okay?" Jimin asked as he switched his gaze from Jiho to Jihyo and back at Jiho.
"Ya!" Both screamed as they hugged him more tightly, which resulted in Jimin falling to the ground.
I burst out in giggles as I watched the trio, The twins were above Jimin as Jimin was in a sleeping position, and they too giggled as twins pecked his cheeks, they got up and also pecked Mrs. Park's cheeks.
I felt like getting pecked by them too but I suppressed my earge as I watched their sweet little moment; suddenly Mrs. Park gazed at me and smiled at me.
"Dear, why don't you stay over for dinner?" She asked, I opened my mouth to decline the request but guess what I was cut off again!!
"Unnie, please!"
"Nonna, please!!
"Yujin, please?"
I sighed, as looked at the three pretending puppies in front of me, I nodded and their face turned into wide smiles. I cursed myself for melting so easily by their looks, but I couldn't resist the parks' cuteness charms.
I excused myself as I made a quick phone call to my dad to inform him about my stay here for dinner, and also requested to make my mom understand too, "don't worry I will manage here, you enjoy," he replied.
I came back to be dragged by twins, they already arranged some kind of game to play. I obeyed them as they instructed me, we played some board games and not gonna lie but this kid got brains because they beat me in every game.
"Not fair!" I whined as I lost again, both giggled while giving each other high fives, and I pouted seeing them celebrating their victory.
"You are so cute Nonna," Jiho said while pinching my cheeks, "they are obsessed with cheeks," I thought.
"Not more than you both," I replied as they giggled.
"What's going on here?" I turned toward the direction of the voice and saw Jimin, he was in pajamas with his hair wet, "maybe he took a shower?" I thought observing him, the grey color of his pajamas complimented his skin making him shine.
"We are playing,"
"Dad join us, please!!"
Jihyo pleaded as adorable formed on her lips, Jimin nodded and sat beside me.
We played more rounds, and don't Guess, yes I did lose again. Jimin flexed in pride as he won almost all rounds.
"See I'm better," Jimin said as he smirked looking at me, I huffed and took the dice and rolled them, and I landed in jail. I whined as three cheered in delight.
"Good job kids!" Jimin said while patting their backs. Jimin showed me his tongue to tease me but was beaten by Mrs. Park as she flickered his head, she had an apron on her dress and a spatula in the other hand as she was cooking, this reminded me of someone close to me.
"Mom!" Jimin whined as he rubbed his head and and twins laughed, it was now my turn to laugh at Jimin, he rolled his eyes and looked at his mother who glared at him.
"Don't you tease her," she warned.
"Are you my mom or hers?" Jimin asked as he gave me his side eye.
"Dinner is ready," she said and went into the kitchen avoiding his question. Jimin looked toward her with total disbelief, I chuckled so did Jiho and Jihyo.
"Let's go to the dining room unnie," Jihyo said as they both again dragged me into the dining room. I took one of the sit and the twins settled beside me. It was a low-lying table that's why they were able to reach the height.
Mrs. Park served all and we tasted her delicious food, "Heaven" only word that wandered into my mind while tasting her food.
"The food is delicious as always," I complimented her which caused her to blush a little. After a little while Jimin came, but sulked immediately upon seeing us already eating.
"Don't sulk you, big baby, you are now babys' dad," Mrs. Park said her gaze fixed on food in her chopsticks as she ate it. Jimin sat on one of the chairs as he too started eating.
"Eat well, don't hesitate," she said and everyone started to engross themselves in dinner.
Throughout the dinner, Jimin sulked about how no one waited for him for dinner. At times we also laughed at the silly jokes made by Jihyo. the dinner was wholesome, the happiness could be sensed from all directions.
After dinner, I volunteered Mrs. Park to help in cleaning while Jimin made the kids ready for bed. After helping her, I decided to take my leave. It was easy for me to take leave as the kids were already asleep. I bid my farewell to Mrs. Park and Jimin, Jimin insisted on dropping me back but I declined as I already had my car with me.
I sat in my car and drove off from their parking region. Today was a blissful day as I enjoyed a lot with the twins and Jimin too. I smiled again remembering our moments, The sweet moment I spent with kids. As I was remembering, I gasped, as I remember I still didn't know about Yuna. I sighed and continued to drive but took a mental note to clarify my doubt with Jimin on our next meet, as I thought
"I need to clear this out with Jimin..."
Words: 1950
Here is the ninth chapter, the biggest chapter for now in the book. I hope you are enjoying this story. Do you like the storyline? Also don't forget to leave a vote and comment.
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