TW: Self-harm is alluded to
"How was your talk with her?"
Felix pursed his lips, "It was much better than all our other talks, because this one didn't devolve into her saying she rather live with Julianna,"
"But?" Hyunjin questioned.
"But there is something I know that I can't tell you because she isn't ready for you to know. She wasn't ready for me to know, but I already kind of figured it out," Felix said.
"Is it bad?"
"As far as I know, no, but I'm not completely sure,"
Hyunjin nodded, "Just make sure you look out for yourself too, because you just barely stopped recently,"
"I'll be fine, Hyun, I went through it for almost eighteen years, what matters is her,"
"Felix, I mean it, if it becomes too much for you to handle go to someone. I don't care how long you've been going through it," Hyunjin said.
"Hyunjin, I'm not twenty-five anymore nor am I fifteen. I'm thirty, I know how to handle myself," Felix stated.
"That doesn't mean anything. I can worry if I want to, especially since up until a month ago you were still struggling with it. Lix, some of them aren't even fully healed, you can't tell me that the only one that matters here is Vi. Yes, she should be our focus, but you also need to make sure you don't put yourself at risk,"
"Hyunjin, I'll be fine amd it does get to that point I know how to handle it,"
"Locking yourself in a room for days, isn't handling it. Wearing long sleeves all the time to ignore the urge, isn't handling it. Shutting everyone out, isn't handling it," Hyunjin stated.
Felix shook his head, "Hyunjin, stop,"
"No, because you are going to push yourself too far and when you do that you'll shut everyone out, you'll be that twenty-five year old I met five years ago. The one who pushes everyone away when he needs help. I went through that once and it was heartbreaking.
It was heartbreaking because I love you and I hate to see you hurt that way. So, promise me, Felix, that if it become too much you come to someone, it doesn't have to be me, but just someone,"
Felix pressed his lips together, "Fine, I promise,"
"Thank you," Hyunjin stated.
Felix stood up and put his sweater on.
"Where are you going?"
"To the lounge. I have a deadline for my column and a deadline for my book," Felix said.
"Are you seriously upset, because I am looking out for for you?" Hyunjin questioned.
"No, I just have work to get done,"
"You're acting five,"
Felix clicked his tongue, "Fine with me," he said, leaving the room.
Hyunjin sighed and got out of bed following his lover.
"Stop following me,"
"No, because I don't want this argument to just be in the air,"
"We aren't arguing," Felix said.
"We are though," Hyunjin said.
Felix pressed his lips together and sat in the armchair.
Hyunjin kneeled down next him leaning forward on the arm rest.
"My angel, you have to understand where I am coming from... we have been through so much and that was one of the things, it makes me worry. It is something I get scared of," Hyunjin said softly.
"I just don't like being treated like a porcelain doll, you know this and it feels like you are treating me like that," Felix said.
"It is something I can't help, I love you a lot and I don't like seeing you hurt in any way,"
Felix looked at Hyunjin his heart softening see the look on Hyunjin face.
"Hyunjin, I promise you that if it gets to be too much for me I will come to you,"
"It doesn't have to be me, angel, it just has to be someone," Hyunjin said.
Felix leaned forward and kissed Hyunjin, "I love you," Felix whispered
"I love you,"
Awkwardly, Felix and Hyunjin sat across from Viola and Mars.
"Mars, we wanted to say that we are sorry for how we acted... me especially," Felix said.
"While I wish you got to know me before you jumped to conclusions, I do understand why you both were so cautious, especially you," Mars said.
"There are things we do not like about this relationship, and we will probably not like them for a while, we do want to extend the invitation of you coming here. Of course, always call first," Hyunjin said.
"Thank you, it is really nice. I will always message to make sure it is okay first," Mars said.
"So does this mean those ground rules can go away?" Viola asked.
"No, but they can be changed. You don't have to stay in the common area all the time, you guys can hang out in Viola's room the door has to stay open at all times though, the rule about going out hasn't changed though, you need an adult with you. And at some point Mars we are going to have to meet your parents," Felix said.
"We have the same rules at my house. My parents are actually really looking forward to meeting you, to be honest they weren't to keen on the dating thing either. It is why they want to meet Vi again and apologise for doubting her intentions,"
"Peas in pod that is for sure," Viola said.
"We do have to say that after that Viola is grounded for two days, so you won't be able to see her," Hyunjin mentioned.
"Ah, I'm grounded too, but for three days,"
It really was two peas in a pod.
Over the course of the next few weeks Hyunjin and Felix got to know Mars and his mothers.
While both sets of parents (who also had age gaps) weren't keen about the gap in age between the two. They were happy to see their kids happy.
"Do Hyunjin and Felix argue this often?" Maryann asked.
"Only when it comes to the wedding," Viola said.
"Last week is was mushroom puffs verses salmon puff," Mars mentioned.
"Oh, which won?" Johanna asked.
"Undecided still,"
"Where we like this during our wedding prep?" Maryann questioned.
Johanna nodded, "We solved it by bringing in a third party. My sister,"
"Right, the wedding did come out beautiful though," Maryann muttered.
"Honestly, if you have any suggestions give them. I love my parents, but they need to finish this planning or my head may explode," Viola stated.
Maryann stood up and walked to the kitchen.
Hyunjin and Felix who were previously arguing over linen quieting.
"Hey," Felix said.
"So, we can totally hear you guys from out there,"
"Sorry, our friend and planner called about the wedding and we have yet to agree on a single this besides flowers and a colour," Hyunjin said.
"Oh? What is your colour?" Maryann asked.
"Powder blue," Felix said.
Maryann hummed, "Want my opinion?" She asked.
"Yes, we can definitely go for a third opinion," Hyunjin said.
"My opinion is you go with mushroom puffs and salmon puffs it gives variety. Silver linen is best for powder blue. Blue and white flowers to tie it all together," she said.
"Okay, but what about black linen?" Hyunjin asked.
"Silver is best because of the light colours already there," Felix said.
Hyunjin thought for a minute, then nodded.
"Great, so are we ready to go to the movies?" Maryann asked.
"Yup, I'm just going to call Seung really quick see how the twins are," Felix said.
"Okay, well be in the living room,"
Felix nodded.
Just as Felix was going to dial Seungmin, his phone began to ring.
Minji M.D.
"Doctor Kim, hi,"
Felix's eyes widened, "What?"
Hello, another cliffhanger.
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