It was icy in the house. Mainly between Felix and Viola.
"Angel, you should talk to her,"
Felix kept typing away on his laptop.
Hyunjin sighed and shut the device and put it to the side.
"I don't want to do this right now, Hyunjin,"
"Felix, her birthday is coming up and you guys aren't talking," Hyunjin stated.
Felix pursed his lips.
"We have to try and look at this from her point of view, angel. Yes, their age gap is not something I like, but we have to remember where she is seeing an age gap daily,"
"There is a difference though, we met as grown adults. She is barely twelve and he is fifteen. I have looked at it from her point of view, but I keep coming back to the same place and I will never ever be okay with them dating.
I can recognise that, maybe she does like him and maybe he likes her. However, what I can't separate from the fact that she seemed so happy to see him, is that if he doesn't like her and she does something that could piss him off... that is something that will not end well," Felix explained.
"Felix, she is mature and has been for years, we can't be surprised when she makes a mature decision like this," Hyunjin said.
"Hyunjin, when it comes to believing you like someone, maturity, boundaries, and smarts, are all lines that blur. We were prime examples of that. We crossed boundaries that shouldn't have been crossed in a professional relationship. Our maturity when one of us were jealous gone. Our smarts during the whole thing was non-existent,"
"She isn't us, my angel. She is smart and nothing can change that,"
Felix shook his head, "Nothing. I mean nothing is going to ease my worries about this situation, because I have been in a similar situation, but if you want to give them a chance then we can," he said.
"We'll keep a close eye on them, okay?"
Felix hummed and stood up.
"Where are you going?" Hyunjin asked.
"Therapy," Felix muttered.
"I thought that was only once a week,"
"Changed to twice a week until I can get passed a certain area of my childhood,"
"We need to to talk her after you get home," Hyunjin said.
"Yeah, I know. I should be back in and hour or two," Felix said, leaving the house.
Hyunjin sighed.
"I really hope I am doing the right thing, because I swear, if she comes home with a mark on her after being with him, I may actually go to prison," he muttered.
"Vi, we need to talk to you," Hyunjin said, as soon as the girl walked into the house.
The girl sighed and walked into the living room, "If this is about Mars, I haven't changed my mind," she said.
"Oh, we know," Felix said.
Hyunjin cleared his throat, "Look, we understand that we in a way have been unfair, so we want to give Mars a chance,"
"Are you guys like actually serious?" Viola questioned.
"Yes, we are," Felix said.
"Thank you," she said, with a smile.
"Don't thank us just yet. There are rules," Hyunjin stated.
"Should have saw that coming," Viola muttered.
"He is allowed over but you guys have to stay in the living room. If you want to go out, either your dad or me have to be there. Basically you aren't allowed to be alone with him," Felix stated.
"That isn't fair. If I was Aries, you wouldn't be setting these rules,"
"Yes, yes, we would, if Aries was your age dating someone four years his senior, be it guy or girl he'd have the same rules and we'd be just as worried," Felix said.
"You know, you really shouldn't be reflecting your past experiences on your kids," Viola stated.
"You're right, but when I see my daughter not acting too smart even though she is absolutely brilliant, I get really nervous, so forgive me if it seems like I am projecting a little,"
The word Viola said shocked all of them.
"You're not even my actual parent, so just stop!"
Viola's eyes widened, not believing she actually said that.
"I... I didn't..."
"Viola, go to your room please," Hyunjin said softly.
"Dad, I..."
"Just go to your room, please,"
Viola stood up, tears beginning to collect on her lashes.
Her vision was blurry when she rushed off, leaving Hyunjin and Felix alone.
"Felix, she didn't mean it," Hyunjin said softly.
"On some level she did, which is what hurts," Felix muttered.
"We don't know that,"
"Hyunjin, it isn't the first time she has said something like that to me. It is coming from somewhere,"
Felix stood up.
"Lix, where are you going?"
"She needs a little and me being here when she comes out won't help. I'm going to stay at the flat for a little,"
"What about Aries and Faye?" Hyunjin questioned.
"I can take them with me if you want," Felix said.
Hyunjin sighed, "Two days, okay? We'll give her two days, after that you guys come home, please,"
Felix nodded and leaned down to give Hyunjin a small kiss.
"I'm going to get some stuff together for the twins,"
"Here, I'll help," Hyunjin said, getting up.
An hour later the three were gone.
Hyunjin sighed and knocked on Viola's door.
"Come in," Viola's voice was weak and small as she spoke.
When Hyunjin opened the girl had her leg to her chest and tears were streaming down her cheeks.
"Felix, Aries, and Faye went to the flat. They are going to stay there for a couple days," Hyunjin said softly, as he sat down on Viola's bed.
"If papa mad at me?"
"No, baby... he is hurt more than anything. To us, you, Faye, and Aries are everything. You guys are our world. To him, you hold such special place in his heart because while you only met him when you were six, you changed a lot of things for him,"
"Why is he so scared about me being with Mars?" Viola questioned.
Hyunjin took a breath, "When Felix was thirteen he met someone older the guy was seventeen. Minho and his older sister were already out of the house in college and their parents weren't the best. No one was there to tell him to be careful or to protect him.
It wasn't until Lani stepped in that anyone realised that something was wrong. You know that necklace that you loved when you were little?"
Viola nodded.
"That was given to him by this person. What was so bad about the relationship was when the guy got mad... he got like Julianna just a little worse.
Felix sees you and Mars and sees that experience and while it may not be the same, it still reminds him of it,"
Viola shifted and hugged Hyunjin, "I'm sorry, daddy," she whispered.
"I know... and I know that something is going on. You might not be ready to tell me but please remember that Felix and I are always here for you,"
Viola nodded.
"I'm going to go order so takeout, rest for a little," Hyunjin said softly.
The girl nodded and sat back.
Once Hyunjin left and her door was closed she grabbed her phone.
Pressing it to her ear she hoped the older would answer.
"Hey, Vi. What's up?"
"Hyeinnie, I think I messed up,"
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