TW: look age gaps are fine sometimes. This one is a big NO. Mentions of inappropriate relationships!!!
"We're both excited, but I think Min is more excited on the prospect of having another boy," Jisung said.
Felix chuckled, "It is cute that you and Min are so happy about having more kids,"
"We have a whole litter of kids," Minho said.
"Oh right, so like you remember when we cat sat for you?" Hyunjin questioned.
"Yeah, what about it?" Jisung questioned.
"Cherry is pregnant," Felix stated.
"And you are sure it was from one of our cats?" Minho asked.
"Cherry stays inside all the time and they are the only ones who haven been around her," Felix said, taking a drink.
Viola looked around her lips pursed.
"Rapunzel, you need to calm down," Chris said.
"I can't... what if he doesn't come?"
"Trust me he'll come..." Chris muttered.
"What is that supposed to mean?" Viola questioned.
"It means that is a little obsessed with you and I think he is creepy,"
Viola rolled her eyes.
As she around again, a smiled spread on her lips. The girl ran over and hugged him.
"I didn't think you'd make it, Mars" Viola said.
"Had to tell my parents where I was going,"
Viola held the older's hand, "And what did you tell them?"
"That I was joining my girl for an engagement party,"
Viola smiled.
"Who is that with Viola?" Felix questioned.
Hyunjin looked over to where Felix was looking, "I think that is the person she asked me if she could invite,"
"Who is he?"
"I don't know. She said she wanted wanted to surprise us," Hyunjin said.
Felix's brows drew together.
The two were beginning to walk over.
"Papa, dad, I want you to meet someone," She said.
"Yeah?" Felix said.
"Yeah, this is my boyfriend Mars Adams,"
Shock ran through Hyunjin and Felix. Jisung who was stand just in front of Hyunjin took the older's glass and set it down.
"Mars like the roman god of war," Minho mentioned, trying to ease the tension.
"Yeah, I am pretty sure my parents were on something fourteen years ago when naming me,"
That didn't help. Felix's hold on Hyunjin's hand got tighter.
Jisung's eyes widened, "You're fourteen?"
"Nah, my parents waited a year to name me,"
Jisung and Minho looked at Felix who looked like was in a complete daze.
"I need to go check on Aries and Faye," Felix muttered, walking off.
"Dad?" Viola said.
"I'm going to go check on him," Hyunjin said.
Viola looked at Jisung and Minho.
"Uhm, just... just give them a little they, uhm, just give them a moment, okay? Why don't you guys go to Chris," Jisung said, holding Minho's hand a little tighter.
Viola nodded and pulled Mars off to Chris.
"Why didn't you elt me drag the kid out?" Minho questioned.
"First of all, he is a kid. Second we have no clue what Felix and Hyunjin are thinking," Jisung said.
"Hey, do you know why Hyunjin and Felix like ran off?" Seungmin asked.
"Yeah it was weird," Chan said.
"Viola just introduced her boyfriend," Minho stated.
"Her boyfriend?" Jeongin questioned.
"Yep, fifteen year old Mars Adams," Jisung muttered.
"Fifteen? What the hell? No, where is he?" Shuhua questioned.
"Shuhua..." the girl's wife said.
"No, I am going to grab that Mars by the ear and drag him out," Shuhua stated.
"Dragging him out by the ear won't do anything," Soyeon said.
"Oh, it'll do a good lot," Minho stated.
"Okay, wait be fore we go all over protective, we need to know what Hyunjin and Felix are doing," Changbin stated.
"I'm sorry, but I am with Minho and Shuhua. He is fifteen and she is eleven she is only turning twelve next fucking month," Yuqi said.
"Okay, but we can't be surprised that she is with someone older, when there is a seven year age gap between her parents," Seungmin stated.
"If she was seventeen and the guy was eighteen, fine. If she was eighteen and the guys was 20, fine. She is barely twelve," Shuhua said.
"Also, if this was years ago and Felix was her age and he he tried to date Hyunji, there would be a big issue. Hyunjin and Felix met when Felix was twenty-four,"
"Look, none of us are defending this, but before we do something we may regret, let's just wait to see what Hyunjin and Felix are going to do," Jisung stated.
"Which looks like we are going to find out soon," Soyeon said, when she saw Hyunjin and Viola walk inside of the main building.
Felix stopped pacing when Viola and Hyunjin entered the room.
"You guys wanted to talk?"
"Yes, about your friend," Hyunjin said.
"He's my boyfriend," Viola stated.
"Vi, please..." Felix trailed off.
"It is true! He likes me and I like him!"
Felix scoffed, "That... That is golden,"
"Felix, we said we'd stay calm about this," Hyunjin said.
"No, no, you can stay calm, but I won't. I have seen this story before and I know how it ends," Felix stated.
"No, you don't, because you don't know him," Viola said.
"I don't need to know him, Viola. I don't need to know him to know that he isn't good. I know that this isn't good because I have been through the same thing,"
"I'm not you though!"
"Lorelai Gilmore said it best: "Sounds like me to me.". Instead though, Rory was willing throw away Chilton for Dean and you are willing to give up your childhood for a guy who is good for you," Felix stated.
"I'm not you," Viola stated.
"He has the dreamy eye, ones that anyone would fall for, he has the bad boy type look it probably draws people in. So what did he say to you, Vi?" Felix took a breath trying to collect himself.
"He probably said something like you're wise for your age. Maybe, he even called you pretty. Maybe, he gave you some flowers. I've read the story. I know the lines and actions by heart.
Same story, same words, and same actions, the only difference is that I was just barely a year older than you and the guy was much older than me," Felix stated.
Viola's heart dropped, "It's not the same. You don't know anything,"
"Viola, he is leaving and until further notice you are to have no contact with him whatsoever," Hyunjin stated.
The girl crossed her arms, "I hate you both,"
That was heartbreaking for all of them.
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