"So like what am I doing here?" Viola asked.
"Well, I wanted to meet you. Your dad and Felix mentioned you yesterday and I just wanted to ask you some questions. Know you a little,"
"My parents mentioned me?"
Sakura nodded, "Do you mind if I ask you some questions?"
"I guess not,"
"Do you and your parents get along?"
"Yeah, of course, I mean obviously we argue about stuff but I know they mean well and they know I am trying to push boundaries to learn about myself," Viola said.
"Do they let you test your bounds a lot?" Sakura asked.
"Yeah, but they always make sure I am not doing something bad,"
"Has their attention changed since they adopted your siblings?'
Viola shook her head, "They love all three of us equally, they pay us all the same attention. Sometimes if my Little sister's sugar is to high or too low that pay her a little more attention, but they always make sure to pay attention to my brother and I," Viola stated.
"Do you feel comfortable with going to them about secrets or crushes like that?"
"Yeah, I mean they always unless absolutely necessary tell me everything I need to know. The only secret I think I ever hid was when I was six. It was the first time my dad and papa broke up. Dad never realised, but I realised that there was more going on with papa.
There was case that my dad had worked on a previous year before he met my papa and it was about a bad situation and the mom in it she miscarried. My aunt Shuhua talked about psychological signs and I picked up on them the day my papa and dad broke up. I never told them I knew,"
Sakura pursed her lips, "Do they still not know you knew?"
"They know that I knew now," Viola said softly.
"Why did you keep that secret from them? Were you scared of how they would react?"
Viola shook her head, "I was scared of how my dad would change if he found out. He didn't know and after the break up he was already heart broken. I didn't think he could handle knowing he lost more than he thought.
I kept it to myself, never told anyone. It hurt knowing and knowing that if it ever slipped out before it should have things would be different by a lot,"
Sakura handed Viola the box of tissues.
"How was your dad after the break up, Viola?"
"Sad, distant, angry. I had only ever seen him like that once before. I was three and Julianna left me home alone, I broke my arm, and had to get stitches on my forehead. He was mad at himself, at Julianna. He was sad that I was hurt. Distant because he felt like it was his fault," Viola said, touching the scar on the side of her forehead.
Sakura took a deep breath, "Thank you for speaking with me. It was a pleasure talking to you,"
Viola pursed her lips and she hesitated to get up.
"I have read so many stories about love and they are all great. While my dad and papa have had the bumpiest of roads, they have been the greatest of stories I've been able to see.
They screw up, a lot, but they always make sure that even in their crappiest of arguments that my sibling and I never hear. In the end of those arguments though, they always make up.
If my dad was wrong, he will buy my papa tulips, that always come with a "sorry" and so many "I love you's" that it is hard to count. If my papa is wrong he'll stay up until my dad comes home," Viola paused and looked down at her hands.
"When my dad is home he'll take out those perfectly made chocolate chip cookies, say "sorry" and say so many "I love you's" where at the end of all of them he'll give my dad a kiss.
As for those particularly bad arguments that my papa begins to cry during or my dad begins to pace around the house during, those always end when it looks like they are about to start and they always end resolved and they always and with an 'I love you'.
Those 'I love you's' are always true. They always mean them. They love each so much and while their first loves didn't work, they always hope that this will work because of home much they love each other,"
Sakura smiled softly, "Thank you, Viola,"
A couple weeks later
"Hey, dad can I ask you something?" Viola asked.
"Sure, what's up, darlin'?" Hyunjin asked.
"I wanted yo know if it was okay for me to invite someone to the engagement party,"
"Uhm, it is kind of last minute since the engagement party is tomorrow, but yeah, you can. Who is this someone though?"
"Uhm... a friend someone I met at school," Viola said.
"Do I get anymore info or...?" Hyunjin asked.
"You'll meet them tomorrow, it is like a small surprise,"
"Okay, I'll meet them tomorrow,"
Viola smiled a little, "Thanks, okay, I am going to go do homework,"
Once Viola was in her room and her door was closed she called Chris.
"Hey, hey, how is my favourite flower?"
"I ask my dad if he could come to the engagement party,"
"You what?" Chris questioned.
"Chris don't make me repeat myself, please,"
"Okay, fine, what in heck were you thinking? Do you realise how pissed your parents might get?"
"Yes, I do and I am hoping they Don't get that pissed," Viola said.
"May the force be with you on that. Hyunjin gets twitchy when I come over. He finds out about him? You'll be rapunzel," Chris stated.
"Okay, but my papa likes you,"
"Yeah, because I'm your best friend. Felix as level headed as he may be, he will not be level head with him,"
Viola bit her lip.
Maybe it was a bad idea... but they had to know eventually right?
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