"I'm not even that upset that he said it. What I'm upset about is that he didn't tell me and I'm not only upset at him, I'm upset with Minho, because he could've told me. I'm also a little upset with Shuhua, because she is leaving parts of he story out,"
"I don't see how you aren't upset that he said that about you,"
"I'm hurt. I am a little hurt about it, but I can't be upset because I did say a couple unsavoury things about Hyunjin too," Felix told her.
Karina hummed.
"What do you think Shuhua left out?" She asked.
"When Minho gets really angry like angry the way he was with Hyunjin, he knows how strike the right place and make you feel bad. I know because he did it with my ex. He did it to Jisung's ex when he wouldn't stop coming around. And he did it to Lani after a... incident.
He's like surgeon with it, he knows precisely where to hit to make you feel bad. I know he said that he was glad Hyunjin and I broke up, but he knew that would've only hit a little bit. The way Shuhua paused after saying just tells me that there is more to it,"
"Look, I am definitely not Hyunjin's biggest fan right now, but you need to either talk to him or call your brother," Karina said.
"I don't think I can talk to Minho about it, because if he does tell me what he said I might actually get mad at him,"
"Then you should talk to Hyunjin,"
Felix pursed his lips and looked at the clock.
"Felix, I don't think he'll rest easy until you are in his arms," she said.
The younger took a breath, "I'll see you Monday," he said grabbing his stuff.
"I'll stay awake a bit longer just in case. Text after you talk so I know if you are coming back or not,"
Felix nodded.
There were moments where characters felt defeated. This was one of them.
He had just gotten Felix back, the love of his life. Now, everything had seemingly fallen apart.
His stupid actions from the past had come and bit him in the ass.
His head perked up when he heard the front door.
He heard shuffling then Felix peeked his into the kitchen.
"Is Viola asleep?" He asked softly.
Hyunjin nodded, "She went to sleep an hour or so ago. Felix-" "Don't, please... I have questions, but please don't explain it all yet," Felix cut Hyunjin off.
Felix walked into the kitchen further keep a couple feet between him and Hyunjin, which hurt a little.
"I am upset, but not because of what you said because I said a couple unsavoury things about you too, nothing like that, but still I said things; I'm upset because you didn't tell me.
I am hurt by it though, because you compared me to your ex who you have made clear time and time again that you heavily dislike. I am also hurt because you assumed that I slept with Winslow... yes, I have made stupid decisions, but you of all people know that I would never no matter what he said do that with him,"
Hyunjin pursed his lips and blinked a couple times.
Felix took a deep breath, "I know that Shuhua didn't tell me the whole story. So, what did my brother say to you? And don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about, because you know Minho, if he wants to make you hurt he know just how to do it. So what did he say?" He asked.
The older took a breath, "You don't need to know, lix, it is in the past,"
"I do, because I love Minho, but he just doesn't know when to not say something sometimes,"
"He told me that he was glad you and I broke up, but he also said that if the baby was mine he hoped that you never let me see them because... I am self centered asshole who doesn't care who he hurts even if it is own his kid, just like my father," Hyunjin said softly, wiping some tears.
Felix was quick to step forward and pull Hyunjin into a hug. He had seen Hyunjin cry once before, but it wasn't like this.
"I am so sorry for what I said, angel," Hyunjin muttered, holding Felix tighter.
Felix shook his head, "We both said thing we regret... but Hyunjin Minho is wrong, okay? You're nothing like your dad. He was wrong to say that to you. I don't care how upset he was, he should have never said it,"
He really should not have said it.
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