He blinked a couple as he opened his eyes. The light coming into the room was close to blinding.
"You're awake,"
"Yeah, I am. Did they have to put me in the brightest room known to human existence?" Hyunjin questioned.
"Figured you would enjoy sitting in the sun," Yeji said.
Hyunjin hummed.
"Where is everyone? Did anyone else get hurt?" He asked.
Yeji pursed her lips, "Vi, Juni, and Ryujin went to get food. No one else really got hurt,"
"The way you worded that... who else got hurt?"
"The guy let off a third shot, it just barely hit Felix. Felix didn't even realise it hit him until a doctor looked him over, he had to get a couple stitches," Yeji told him.
Hyunjin sat up a little more, "Where is Felix? Is he with Minho?"
"Uhm, Minho is currently ripping the New York police a new one. Felix left with Karina,"
"Why don't you tell him the full truth, mom," Juni said, walking into the room.
Yeji pursed her lips.
"What does that mean?" Hyunjin questioned, looking at his twin.
"When I first found out you got shot because you got between Felix and that guy, I blamed Felix and said some really harsh things. Including that as far as I was concerned if he hadn't come back into your life or come into your life at all you wouldn't be in this situation," she explained.
Hyunjin let out a small breath, "Yeji, this wasn't Felix's fault. I knew he had a gun, so I put myself between them. Also it isn't like this is the first time I've gotten shot, because it isn't,"
"I know and I feel really bad about it, especially after he gave me this and I saw what is inside..." Yeji pulled out the blue velvet box and showed Hyunjin, "you proposed to him?"
"Yeah, in the middle of an argument," Hyunjin said.
"Oh, Hyun, you saw how that went in Gilmore girls. It has to be more than a way to stop an argument. There has to be a thousand yellow daisies and a white horse, obviously I have no clue what the horse is doing there, but Felix is right it has to be more than to stop an argument," Yeji said.
"Yeah, I know... I wasn't really thinking,"
"What was the argument about?"
Hyunjin groaned just thinking of it, "He walked in on Areum and I kissing,"
Yeji was about to say something but Viola entered the room, "Dad, you're up,"
"Yeah, I am sweet pea, are you okay?" Hyunjin questioned.
Viola nodded.
"Can you guys give us a minute please? I need to talk to Yeji," Hyunjin said.
Juni and Viola nodded leaving the room.
"It was stewing... you're upset," Yeji said.
"Yeah, I am, but I know you were scared and stuff,"
"I am sorry,"
"I know, Yeji, so as an apology can you help me with something?" Hyunjin questioned.
"With what?" She aksed.
"So have you heard anything from them?"
Felix stopped typing and looked to Karina, "I got a message from Vi. Hyunjin woke up yesterday and is getting discharged Friday. He has to have some physical therapy for the injury to his shoulder and he is using a cane for a little due to the wound on his abdomen area,"
"Does he know about what Yeji told you?" Karina asked.
Felix shrugged, "I wouldn't blame him of he agreed with her. I keep thinking that if I had just told Vivi that I wanted a different lawyer then maybe Hyunjin would be spending Christmas at home with his daughter, not in a damn hospital,"
Karina pursed her lips, "It isn't your fault, hun,"
"Yeah, I keep trying to tell myself that," Felix muttered.
"Why don't you go home and rest, work can't be good for you right now," Karina suggested.
"No, I can't be alone right now. I rather be here,"
"Okay, well, here. Vivi wants you to answer this for the Friday paper," Karina said, handing Felix the envelope.
Felix took it and nodded, "I'll get right to it," he said.
"Don't stay here too late, babe,"
The younger nodded, "I won't,"
Karina gave him a small smile, then left the room.
Felix let out a breath and looked at the envelope he was just given.
Picking it up he opened it and took the lined sheet of paper out.
I want to preface letter by saying u love my brother dearly, but he is a dumbass sometimes. He is absolutely in love with this person, but he made a bit of a mistake... at least not intentionally.
Unfortunately, my brother can self sabotage himself sometimes. He and this person previously had a relationship and it didn't end well. Recently, they came back into each other's lives.
My brother was pretty straight forward with his feelings for the person, but sometime after an unfortunate mistake was made.
The person he is in love with caught my brother and a former partner of my brother's kissing... kind of. It is a bit of a mess. His ex kissed him and before he could really react, the person he loves walked in and tht was a mess.
Later in the night, they got into a bit of an argument about it. My brother who again I love was a bit of a dumbass and proposed. The person he is in love with rejected him, saying that a proposal should be more than a way to stop an argument.
What should my brother do?
Felix shuddered a little.
It felt a little too close to home.
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