Chapter 9
*Pari Pov*
The next day I just tried to be normal and forget about him. And neglect to find any reasons for his trust in me.
Nevertheless, the further I think of it the longer I am getting confused. So I left the topic and decided to busy myself preparing some new cuisine I searched online.
I just chatted with my mom when I didn't have anything else to do. In the evening, I chatted with my Dad.
Now I am again on my bed lost in my thoughts. Why am I even thinking about him this much?
He is going to be married in two days as Rani said. I shouldn't think of him. It is not good for my sanity as well. With that thought I let sleep consume me.
The next day I am actually bored without any work. I got so used to doing my work that now I want to just join in some company to take action again.
In the afternoon, I was just sitting in our living room and changing the channels repeatedly. No proper movies are coming at all today, so I put a news channel.
However, I didn't look at it at all. Then I heard 'Stone Corporation', and I immediately concentrated on the news and even increased the volume.
There, standing is Ms.Sheela along with some man beside her. They look quite cozy with each other.
What am I even thinking? He must be some family member. Yeah, that's it!
I shook my head and listened when one reporter asked her "Ms.Sheela, we heard that you got engaged to Mr.Stone. Is it true?"
"Yeah, but I am now standing with my boyfriend. We both are in relation for about more than one year. " she said, holding that man's hand.
What? Why am I getting much shocking news these days?
"We are confused. " Another reporter said. So, am I Dude!
"Actually, I don't want to marry Mr.Stone, but he threatened my family when I refused to. So I have to accept the engagement. I really love only my boyfriend." she said, looking directly at everyone.
What a liar! We all saw how she nagged everyone stating her future status and all. However, why is she doing this?
"But isn't it weird getting engaged to your boyfriend's rival? " A reporter asked her.
Rival? Oh my God! Really?
She was about to answer, but her boyfriend said, "That's why we arranged this press conference so that he can't threaten her and her family anymore."
"And also, after getting to know these many clients of his are turning towards us. He can't even make them not leave his company." he added, gesturing to some other clients sitting beside them.
Aren't these same ones that said that their files got missed and blah? I heard some of these clients' names from Rani.
Then the answer is thrown at me with a huge heavy truck. Ms.Sheela is the one that stole those files. This was all nothing but an act for her, and I am sure that Mr.Stone will never force her to wed him.
I think if he had a chance, he would marry his company instead of a girl. However, that is not important now Pari so stop thinking that. I scolded myself.
The reputation of the company will start to drain for sure and because of those backstabbing clients, it will have a huge loss too.
I don't know how Mr.Stone is handling all these in the first place...
*Mr.Stone Pov*
I am currently sitting in front of the television in my cabin along with my sister. We heard each, and everything came out of those liars.
"Are you ok? " Di asked, placing a hand on my shoulder.
I didn't reply and just sat there. I already suspected those clients to be weird that day.
However, I didn't expect this at all. It means Sheela didn't love me at all, and they are all lies.
Without any reason, I felt guilty for these past few days that it is a mistake to look at Ms.Pari so much.
I heard my mobile ringing, and Di lifted it going near my window and talked in whispers. After that, she sat again beside me.
"Mom just called you. She said she is feeling guilty for trusting Sheela's family. She asked you to forgive her." Di said calmly.
It is not mom's fault. I should have been careful, but I didn't. Anyway, I don't want to talk to her right now so I again said nothing.
"Say something. " Di said.
"You know Ms.Pari advised me not to leave my cabin unlocked when I told Sheela to stay here until she has to get to her parlor after getting irritated by her nagging. I didn't listen to her." I finally said, turning towards her.
She was about to say something, but I cut her off and said, "I should have listened to her. She is my P.A right. Why didn't I? It is my fault isn't it?"
"It is not your fault. Don't think like that. They just dragged this war in a cheap way that's it. Please don't think like that. " Di pleaded me.
I so want to believe her words, but I can't. Suddenly, there was a huge commotion in the corridor.
We both went outside and saw that the staff from other departments is present here and started talking between themselves.
I cleared my throat and asked them "What is going on anyway?"
One older man who works on this floor itself stood in front of them and said, "We all just saw what happened on the news. And we are sure that the reputation of the company will be spoiled. We even know that you will close this company. Then, what about us?"
"What do you want me to do? " I asked them.
"We wish to quit before you remove us. And we want you to pay three monthly salaries for us when we leave. " He said.
"Why would I pay you that? " I asked him.
"If you won't, then we will strike in front of this company." he replied arrogantly.
"Just give us a few days to decide. " Di told them.
They were about to protest, but Di said, "We are just asking for a few days that's it."
They all nodded and left for their places except four people other than that old man who works on this floor stood in front of us.
One girl, I remember as Rani said, "We are with you, Mr.Stone. That day you trusted our friend, so we are definitely with you both. Don't think that you both are alone."
I am totally shocked, but just nodded and went inside my cabin, whereas Di gave them, a smile and went inside her cabin.
I don't understand what I should do at all. My three years of hard work and my dad's fame is going to drown because of my stupid decision.
I should have gone with my instinct instead of accepting my mom's emotional decision.
What is there to be done that I can save this company somehow?
But my bad luck is my brain just stopped working...
*Pari Pov*
Rani called me in the evening and filled out what happened today.
I can't believe it, why don't they understand that this is all a plan of the rival company? Now not only, the company is in danger, but also Mr.Stone will go into a loss if they pay the three months salary for everyone.
She said, "Mr.Stone is in really bad shape, Pari. He is not talking to anyone. He even asked Maam not to disturb him at all when we were leaving the office, and Maam tried to enter his cabin."
I couldn't help but feel very sorry for him. I want to reach there and do something to save him. I don't know why? This is all because of that Sheela. Yeah, I stopped calling her 'Ms.Sheela' because she definitely doesn't deserve it.
We discussed some more time. Before hanging up Rani asked, "Why don't you come here and give a little support, Pari? Maybe you will find some solution."
"How can I, Rani? I resigned just through the mail and didn't do it standing in front of them. They will never allow me." I said sighing.
"Yeah, you are also right. Ok, Good night!" she said hanging up.
At night while eating dinner Dad asked me "What is it all about in the news about 'Stone Corporation'?"
"Sheela is just telling lies, dad. " I replied confidently.
He looked straight at me for a few minutes with a blank face and asked, "What is he intending to do?"
"Even if he has a solution he can't. Because all the employees, except a few decided to leave the company asking for three months salary." I replied frowning.
"Do you want to help him to overcome this? " Dad asked me frowning.
"More than anything. " I immediately replied.
Yeah! I really want to help him. But I just don't have a chance because I am no longer his employee.
"Anyway, Good night. " I said and went towards my room.
I am totally restless due to this present situation, but I forced myself to sleep chanting to myself that 'It is not my job anymore'.
The next day morning I got a big surprise when I answered an unknown caller.
"Hello. Who is this? " I said.
"Hello, Ms.Pari. I am Mrs. Simran. Can I talk to you? " Maam asked me.
"Yeah, sure Maam. " I immediately replied.
"So... " Maam started saying.
i know you all must have doubt her from the start. so here it is her motive for her boyfriend. and poor Mr.Stone in verge of breaking down isn't it?
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