Chapter 7
*Pari Pov*
I am feeling actually contented to be back at my home with my parents. I made the house in Mumbai my home, but it differs from the place where you stay with your loved ones.
My birthday celebrations are over, and now I am but just trying to sleep in my old bedroom. Nonetheless, my sleep has other plans and not coming near me.
I still don't know why did Mr.Stone shout at me like I did some disgusting thing. His words continue to be hurting me. I covered so much in front of my parents.
I don't want them to get stressed about this stupid shouting of Mr.Stone.
Is it against company policy to celebrate a bit for birthdays?
If that is the case, then why Maam didn't say anything to me?
Why did only Mr.Stone shout at me for that?
Urgh! I am going to get a headache if I think this much, so I closed my eyes and tried my best to even force the sleep to consume me.
The next day I woke up with a dreading feeling of going back to that hell tomorrow. I want to enjoy this day here, but I am not in a position to forget about tomorrow.
I went towards our kitchen and cooked some breakfast for Mom and Dad. I woke up a little early so they are not yet here.
"Pari! How many times do I just have to tell you? You need to take a rest from all these when you get a chance dear. " I heard Mom saying from the kitchen entrance.
"And how many times do I just have to tell you that, you need to take a rest once in a while from all these years of work. " I replied.
She started to say something, but my dad who just entered said, "Leave it! You can't win this discussion with my princess."
"I know that and again the mistake is yours. Who told you to be so stubborn and let my daughter have those genes? " She said.
"She is our daughter ok. Not only yours. " My dad said.
With that, they both started by arguing about what genes I got from whom. I missed this completely by staying in Mumbai.
I always heard this type of silly banter between them. I never heard them having a big fight at all.
They love each other so much. One day, I want that type of love with my partner. I sighed at that feeling. One day for sure!
"Ok children now take your seats and have a delightful breakfast. And stop this childish fight. " I said, breaking their banter.
They both grinned at me, and we enjoyed our time. I want this day to pass as slowly as possible.
Dad chose to stay home for today. He is a great businessman, but always has time for his family. I can't believe it is already afternoon now.
Oh, God! Why does it happen every time like this? When we wish to pass the time slowly, it suddenly takes speed track. I mean when I sit in my office the time doesn't move at all.
By the evening, I am trying to control myself as I have to go back now, but suddenly I got a call from Rani.
I lifted it and said, "Hello, Rani!"
"Pari! Are you ok? " she asked me concerned.
"I am fine, Rani. I am going to come back today night. " I said.
"Oh great! We all missed you today Pari. He shouldn't have shouted at you like that."
"I too missed you. And I still don't know why did he shout at me." I said.
"You still didn't figure it out? " she asked me confused.
"No! Do you know the reason? " I asked her.
"Yeah! We all know it. After you left Maam entered Mr.Stone's cabin, but didn't close the door properly and we all heard them shouting. " she replied.
"So what is the cause?" I asked her frowning.
"Is it true that you hugged him? " she asked me suddenly.
"Yes! But what is that had to do with this?" I asked, frowning more hearing her questions.
"You didn't tell any of us. How could you hide that from me? " she said and I can imagine her frowning.
"Rani, I thought it didn't matter. I just hugged him in fear, and I don't even know that he was the person that I am hugging. " I said calmly.
"What actually happened? " she asked.
So I spent a few minutes explaining the incident. After that, she said, "Really? Thank God! You didn't get hurt."
"Yeah! Now can you tell me the reason for Mr.Stone's cyclone? " I asked her.
"Oh, yeah! Sorry, I got sidetracked. Anyway, he thought that you spread the news about the hug to all of us, and like an old tradition in the office you are giving us treat. " she said in one breath.
"What? How could he say that? Now I can understand his words, about him saying that I did even after engagement and all. I am not some desperate girl who is dying to hug him. If I know that he was the person that was holding me, I wouldn't have." I said with tears falling from my eyes.
"We all know that, Pari. Like I said he shouldn't have assumed everything on his own and say something like that. And shout at you for the non-business matter." she said consoling me.
"Did he reckon that I throw myself at anyone not caring about their marital status or something? He really crossed the line today Rani. He shouldn't have said that."
"Shh... forget about that, Pari. Just leave it. He is such a type of person. Now what are you going to do? " she asked.
"The same thing which I should have done way before itself. " I replied.
"I am going to miss you, even the remaining staff. " she said after understanding my answer.
"I am also going to miss you all and give them my number and urge them to call me whenever they can. I don't want to lose my contact with you guys." I said taking a deep breath.
"I will. Take care. Good night. " she said hanging up.
After the conversation, I cried for some more time without making any sounds. I don't want my parents to know about this.
I still can't believe he thought like that. Everyone always stayed friends with me, and no one thought that stupidly about me.
This is exactly what I should do now. I don't deserve this at all, and I never place anyone in front of my self-respect.
I opened my laptop and started typing my decision and thought about mailing it in the morning.
I slept that day with a hurt feeling and felt like missing something.
*Mr.Stone Pov*
Today Ms.Pari is going to come into the office, and I just have to try my best to apologize.
I never apologized to outsiders other than my family, and today I really want to ask her for forgiveness, which is a totally new subject for me to perform.
These two days were hell without her help. She organized everything so perfectly that I thought I would die if I have to do everything myself like when before she came.
I don't want to fire her at all in any case. Even if she makes any mistake too, which I highly doubt that she can make a mistake.
She is perfect for this company which I will not accept it in front of anyone of course. That is just not my nature. What can I do?
I reached my company earlier than everyday at which I asked her to arrive. However, I got disappointed when she is not in her place.
Actually, no one was there so I calmly entered my cabin. After that, I heard everyone reach, and she didn't as the noise is coming a little away from my cabin.
Maybe she is running late. Yeah, that would be it.
One hour later, Di entered my cabin with a paper in her hand and a blank face.
"What is it, Di? " I asked her.
She gave me the paper and said, "Read it."
I stared at her confused and saw the paper. Just like that, I felt like hitting myself.
"Did she really? " I asked her for sure.
"Yes, she did. I got it today morning through the mail. I will go ahead and inform them. And I even have to search for a new one. " she said and reached the door.
After opening it, she cleared her throat for their attention and said, "Ms.Pari has quit the company. I am simply informing you."
Immediately I heard some girl asking Ms.Rani "Rani, is it true?"
"Yes! She told me yesterday. " Ms.Rani replied I guess.
"But she said that she would come today right." I heard someone saying.
"Yeah! She was even prepared to come yesterday evening as well. But... "Ms.Rani stopped from saying.
But, what happened then? I asked in my thoughts.
"But what happened? Why did she quit? " some boy, maybe Mr.Imran asked her.
"But she actually doesn't know why Mr.Stone shouted at her like that. I told her the reason which we heard yesterday. She was more hurt by that. She said that she was not desperate for him, and he shouldn't have said that to her. In the end, she decided this." Ms.Rani replied.
"We are going to miss her so much. " Mr.Imran said sadly.
Does he like her or something? I thought with a weird feeling.
"She too said the same, and she requested me to give her number to you all so that she can stay in contact with us." Rani said sighing.
I never thought I would hear someone's conversation like this, but I just did. Just for her and why I don't know.
Even Di heard all of this just standing near the door. Before leaving, she turned towards me, and I can read her thoughts in her eyes, saying that 'it is your fault'.
I know it, ok! I know that completely. I should have kept myself in some control, but I can't undo that right.
There will be much work from this day forwards. Even though we get a new P.A and Secretary, I can tell that Ms.Pari is one of a kind.
Her quitting felt like something is missing here. She even said that she would not take this month's salary as a loss for us.
And that Sheela, it seems she just disappeared from the face of the earth. After that day of a quarrel with Ms.Pari, she didn't even contact me as she used to every day from the date our marriage is fixed.
Our marriage is in less than one week and each day it felt completely wrong. Maybe she is busy with the preparations and all.
Well, I have my work to drown myself into. However, today even after drowning I am unable to brush off the guiltiness.
Today is two days completed after her quitting and my cabin is in chaos.
Nevertheless, to my bad luck, some important clients of ours visited the company. They always just inform us before visiting, but today they didn't inform us. Why I don't know?
Now they all are sitting in my cabin looking around it. However, no one started to talk.
I break the silence and said, "Sorry for the slight chaos. My P.A and my secretary just quit recently."
One of my clients said, "It's Ok. We are actually here to ask you something."
"And that is?" I asked them confused.
"Can you show us the files of our company's secret details important for our deals with you, we gave?" he asked.
"Yeah, sure." I replied, still confused, and went through the drawer where we keep them all.
When I opened it, I am shocked would be the silliest understatement of the year or a whole decade.
No file is inside the drawer. And they are very important for us as they belong to important clients of ours.
I composed myself and turned around and can see that they expected this, but I said, "Excuse me, gentlemen?" and called my Di to come into my cabin.
When she entered near me, I asked her "What happened to the files over here?"
"I don't know about them. You were the one that safely placed them." Di said.
"So, what happened to the files? They are lost aren't they? " one client asked.
"Yes! However, I don't understand how they are lost. I always lock my cabin before going anywhere. We didn't see any breaking down inside. And the security is also tight. " I said and got more confused.
"It is a great loss for all of us along with you because you lost them. " Another client said.
"But how do you all know about this? " I asked them.
"We all got the information yesterday that you lost them, and we just have to come and check them. We realized that it is from your rival company. Maybe there is some spy here working for them. " One client said.
They all got up and went outside my cabin with Di and I was following them. They stood in front of the staff and asked me "Who do you think that spy would be in them?"
My staff just got confused and Di filled them with the information. I just stood there not understanding what I should do.
After a few seconds, one client said, "You told us that your P.A had quit right. Maybe she is the one."
Remaining all clients accepted for this and started nodding. Then I remember the coffee cup on my table on the day I shouted at her.
How did she place that when I usually lock it? But then I remember not locking it the day before and didn't come back to the company that whole evening.
"We don't think so." Di said, standing beside me breaking me out of my thoughts.
"Mr.Stone we will just call the police and report on your P.A. Maybe she did it for some money. I mean, who doesn't love it. If you don't report on her, it is sad to say that we will leave your company completely and go to the rival one. " One client said.
My rival company! The company, which I want to destroy. That is my life goal of three years.
And if I don't report a complaint about Ms.Pari, my company may just go into losses, and my rival may get more profits.
How can I see that happen?
"So, Mr.Stone shall I call the police? " a client said, holding his phone and asking my permission.
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