Bonus Chapter Two - Hurtful Pasts and Breakups
"And that's how you solve x, y and g. Does everyone understand?" The Professor asked, looking away from the board, his full attention focused on the pupils that sat unbothered of what was just taught. Mumbling a string of profanities inaudible to the inattentive students, he took his seat, patiently waiting for the bell to ring as it was only two more minutes and it wasn't as if anyone listened to him.
A certain someone could definitely relate to the Professor, she felt as if no one listened to her. She felt as if life hated her. She felt unloved and lost. She thought maybe her sleepless nights were to end because of him, but no, he made him grew into a monster she couldn't suppress. He made her feel as if she was nothing but a chess piece being moved by its master, she felt like nothing.
She didn't feel that love and brightness in years. Since she was eight. . .she felt useless, unloved, unworthy, ugly, she felt like screaming to the world how much pain she was in, emotionally, mentally, physically. But she couldn't. Not with the monsters she possess, they wouldn't let her. They'd rather feed off the her pain and sorrow. After all, that's what the monsters like. Pain.
The bell rang, breaking the fragile girl out of her trance of thoughts. "Alright, everyone can lea- nevermind." The poor Professor was cut off as the students exited the class quite not in order. It was a shame that all the manners thought by their parents were forgotten. But she didn't forget, or it was instead, she who thought herself. Self thought, yes, she was trained to be the survivor she is now but it's too much.
It's only so much one can take until they break.
A tiresome sigh escaped her lips as she was the last to remain in the classroom, not wanting to get caught up in the crowd of elephants. She'd flatten if she does so! It was sadly a long day and she couldn't wait to sink into her bed, reading, forgetting of the horrid world she lived in. Creating breath-taking fantasies quietly amongst herself, like she always did, everyday of her damned life.
"Hey April!" A strange voice called, she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as to why this person wanted to interact with her. An outcast. He was unknowingly asking for a dead wish! It was highly disturbing to know what state he'd end up in socially.
Oh well, poor guy.
"Wait up, please." He shouted again, his heavy footsteps eventually became louder but she didn't stop, if she did, there would be dire consequences. She would be punished by him. Even thinking about it made her shiver terribly. "Oi." The strange guy said, touching her shoulder. She couldn't help but flinch slightly at the warmth in his hands.
"What?" She snapped harshly, not making contact with his eyes. He looked taken aback yet he quickly regain his composure and inhaled, exhaling afterwards before speaking. "I was wondering if you could help tutor me, Ms. B suggested I ask you." He nervously said, making her groan mentally. "No, I can't." She stated bluntly, opening her locker with such force, if it wasn't for the hinges, it might've flew miles away.
An expression of disappointment flooded the face of this stranger who dared approach April. But he was determined and stubborn for his own good. "Please April, I need this help. I'm failing Music and I really need your help. My parents would kill me now if I don't pass it this term-" She couldn't help but scoff at his use of words.
Kill him? His parents? Huh, atleast his parents isn't abusive, atleast they love him enough to push him to do better, unlike mine.
Snapping out of her thoughts, she slammed her locker shot. Finally making eye contact with the boy. His brown eyes stared into her tried ones. "Look, you. . .whoever you are-"
"Luke Par-"
"I don't care who you are. I'm not going to help you, find someone else." She cut him off, leaving no room for questions and disapproval. But he had other plans; of course. "Please April, I'm desperate!" He shouted as she walked off, swinging her bag over to her right shoulder.
"Fuck off peasant, I said n-"
"What's going on here?" A voice boomed throughout the hallway, making her freeze in pure terror. Her heart raced like a train as her little, doe eyes widened knowing that she was in huge trouble, big time. "Oh hey man, I was just wondering if April can tutor me. I'm flunking Music." The guy said casually, of course he knew him.
The Devil has always known everyone.
"Oh really? Well, she can't, ask Amanda."
"But dude-"
"Okay, jeez man. I'll go now." He raised his hands up in surrender and walked away. Leaving the beast and the fragile girl alone. As much as she wanted to shout 'Come back, don't leave me with him', she knew better. "Now love, what did I tell you?" He question, a wickedly evil smirk tugged at his lips. Her breathes became faster as she trembled, her hands shaking. Her mind racing, millions among millions of thoughts raced through her mind, wondering what he'd do to her. What more did her want? Kill her already than give her this torture.
It was said that when you died, you either go to heaven or hell, but in this case, she felt as if this - earth - was hell instead. Maybe if she took her own life, she'd finally be in a place where she belong. But she couldn't, she couldn't do it, otherwise that'll be selfish of her. Heaven is here too, her sister makes it one. God, if anything happened to her darling sister, she'd set the world on fire. It was a promise she made to herself and she'd forever keep it.
"April!" His voice roared, awakening her from her trace of thoughts. Her safe place. She trembled slightly, lowering her head as she fiddled with her sweaty fingers in fear and panic. "I told you to answer me bitch, and you dared to disobey me?" Harshly, he gripped her hands. Every word from his mouth can out like venom on her face.
What happened to the guy she met a year ago? Did all the "love" he had for her banish into thin air, just like that? Was this a joke to him? But as they say, love is a game. A game that is addictive and sadistic. What was she thinking when she fell for him? This wasn't a Disney fairy tale, this was life, reality. "I-I d-didn't talk t-to hi-him fir-"
"Stop stuttering, you're not a retard." He growled, warning her as all she could do was bite her lip in response, holding back the stream of tears that was ready to fall. He looked at her pitiful state and chuckled darkly. "Look at you, pathetic." Whispered, he gave her a rough push and with that, she feel to the ground landing on the face. Shit, her nose was a bleeding waterfall.
Someone help me, please God.
She thought, as if God has answered her prayers, her guardian angel, her best friend, Kerry, came to the rescue. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!" She shouted, her nose flared with anger as she looked at the fragile girl on the floor to the Devil that stood a meters away from her. "Is she a ball to throw about Hades?!" Shouting, her eyes widened with rage, the only thing that was keeping her from strangling this son of a biscuit was her best friend.
"K-Kerry, don't-"
"NO! THIS IS ENOUGH APRIL! I have had it with his shit, for all I care about his "love", he can shove it up his arse because he's clearly hurting you in a way that I can kill him with my bare hands right now."
"Don't p-please-"
"Don't, I know what's right and what's wrong. This is clearly wrong what he's doing to you. Hades, you fucking asshole, she's breaking up with you. No, no, no. She's dumping you, right here, right now." Her angel declared, April couldn't help but widen her eyes in shock. Shock that she's finally free of one Devil, but it certainly can't be that easy.
No, no it can't.
Leaving no room for comments and unnecessary conversations, Kerry walked forward proudly yet still in rage and gently helped her friend to the feet, taking her to the hospital where things was about to get better, much better. April was delighted, overjoyed in fact to be out of one abusive relationship.
The only thing she wondered now was, how to get out from the other?
Would there be another angel to save her? Or would she fall into the jaws of death; again?
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