Sitting at the computer with my tracksuit on after a beautiful morning run, I try to start typing something for my literature project—but as we backtrack to Romeo and Juliet, everything reminds me of him.
His stupid lip-bite, his stupid smile... His stupid giggles whenever he thought I was cute or whatever... gosh, do I miss everything about him.
"Someone's here for you!"
"Who is it?!"
"Someone by the name of... Jake Sim?"
Eyes wide open. When I tell you I felt electrified, I mean it. It was going too fast. "Bring him to my window!"
Mom hums, mumbling a few words as I groan. Fixing my hair and pulling up my sleeves, I put on my glasses.
My eyesight worsened at the sight of him.
"What do you want? Why are you here? Can't you see I'm sulking in my own misery because of you?!"
"I'm completely aware," Jake shoves his hands in his pockets, opening the windows before I could. "But, I'm here for a rematch."
"Ugh, for what?" I ask, crossing my arms. "I want to be asocial and dissociate from everyone right now—"
"A rematch..." He interrupts, holding out one of his hands. "One last match to see if you'd like to give me a chance; if not, I've already told Ji-Hun I'm backing out from our deal. Sounds good?"
I hesitate, gulping. However, I grab his hand with the background of my buzzing phone, nodding.
"One last match."
"Your school's really pretty," He compliments, pointing to the sight of my high school. I nod, mixing my macchiato up. Sipping, I also beckon to it. "Do you hang out there often?"
"Yeah, I try to see it every year," I smile, crossing a leg over the other. "This year, though, I've seen it one too many times."
We sit on the football field, drinking our hot drinks to avoid the cold. With every reason, he told me he planned to sit me down and talk to me—because it seems like I've never had my own chapter before. I guess we could call this Iseul's chapter—and Jake will be interrogating me on my stupid feelings.
"Well, are you ready to talk serious business?" He makes it sound funny, making me laugh and nod. "What? Am I wrong?"
"You make it sound wrong, but continue," I nudge him, rubbing my hands on the cup. "What is it that I don't seem to know—or what more, what would you like to ask me? I'll answer."
"Are you... upset over our plan?"
"Quite, yes," I chuckle without hesitation, taking a sip. "If you liked me, I'd prefer in the future that you'd tell me straight up than making a mess. I feel restless because of you, but I guess there's more to it, right?"
"Yeah, there is," He looks down, clearing his throat. "Let me explain—you... were also my first love. Call me oblivious, but I just... never thought about it, you know? I knew I had no chance with you, so I pushed it behind me. Who knew that it would be serendipity, but I guess I made it take a wrong turn..."
"I was sour about it, I'll admit. The thought of you dating hyung while knowing I could've had a chance with you were beating me up—so, I made a deal with Moon Ji-Hun to help me get you to get with me," He says, crossing his arms. "Awful idea, I know. However, she agrees—and in return, I'd help her with Heeseung hyung. I was manipulated in that short moment of that agreement—and realized only the day I told you that you deserved better than what I agreed to was so, so wrong."
I nod, continuing to listen and choosing to say silent. "It's unforgivable, I will say—but I'm new to this kind of stuff. I just thought... maybe... I'd still have a chance," Jake softens, gulping. "But I know that you like hyung, and I accept it. It was a formidable defeat though I put up no fight, and hopefully, you and hyung can forgive me. I'm so, so sorry, Iseul."
I hesitate to see his own face, the boy's eyes saddening within seconds. It's almost as if I pity him, but I clear my throat. "I forgive you, but not immediately. Mind telling me how the audition went?"
"We passed—but the agent lady said for us to get ourselves together before coming back for another performance—since you know, tension arose," He frowns, hugging himself. "I know I'm an antagonist, and I don't want to be one anymore... but you do deserve better than all of this."
"You tell me these things as if I don't know them, however..." I trail off, sighing. "I feel that I know what I gained and what I lost—why I told Jay I'm at an equilibrium."
"Mind telling me?" He quotes me.
"I gained love—but lost some," I smile sadly, clasping my hands together. "Just as if I brought the band back together, but lost a piece of myself along the way."
"I realize I deserve better than all three of you—than you, Heeseung, and Sunghoon," I pause, licking my lips. "However, a relationship doesn't come without giving, taking, and hating. If I can risk my love just to gain more of it, I'll do it for him—because he also deserves better than me."
"Don't people usually seek perfect relationships? You know, without jealousy, hate, grieving... why don't you?"
"Why strive for perfection? Then, there will be no room for improvement," I scoff, smiling. "In between the cracks of 'imperfection', there's fragments of missing feelings. As you collect them, you start to do better than just perfection. Don't be upset your relationship is 'not perfect', but be happy it is. There's so much love in between it that's waiting to be explored."
"You know, for someone so inexperienced in love, you've learned quite a few things from the short period of it," He compliments me softly.
"Thank you—he's influenced me quite well," I chuckle, taking another sip of my drink. "Hopefully, I've done the same."
"You have, actually—he sent me out here to come to apologize to you," Jake tells me honestly, sighing. "He got physical with me—and as you can see, I have a bruise here!"
He points to the bruise on his cheek, causing both of us to laugh. "I deserve it though. It was a wake-up call. Besides that... will you break up with hyung?"
I nod, trying to hide my smile. Continuing his talk, I listen. "I just want you to do me a favor."
"Yes, of course," I nod, smiling. "What is it?"
"Please don't ever... leave my son," His father whispers, staring at the green grass. "I know that we were all so talkative about the Ji-Hun thing, and I apologize—but I have never seen my son give his all to someone. However, with you, he really loves you. He's entrusted everything into you, and I can see the sparkles in his eyes when he talks to you."
"I know there can be rough edges, and people are bound to get in the way—but promise me you'll never be the first person to want to break up or walk away," He sighs, rubbing his temples. "He's always very secretive and doesn't like telling his concerns, but he will always voice something that concerns him. So please, from father to daughter-in-law—just protect him—because he'll only ever want to do the same."
I gazed his father's way, seeing the soft eyes that stare back at me. I nod lightly, grinning. "I don't ever want to hurt your son. He's done so much for me and that band—so I simply can't walk away. I love him just as much as he claims to love me. Thank you for telling me this—and I promise I will keep your favor in mind during the future to come. I appreciate your greetings and appreciation for me... dad."
"I promised someone I never will, so I won't ever leave Heeseung," I say truthfully, crossing my arms. "Of course, if he wants to, he has to make the first move. I can't do it myself."
"Who'd you promise it to?"
"His father."
"Scary," He replies.
"No... just... caring," I shrug, grinning. "We were wary of Ji-Hun. Heeseung and me, of course—we knew something was up. I guess manipulation is no joke, huh?"
Jake cackles, leaning back. "Seriously, she's so good at it, too!"
"She's a professional," We insult her, but after a while, I smile. "But to be honest, she also just wants someone to depend on."
"True," Jake understands, nodding. "She's lived a life where popularity was a given. She has to live up to it—and maybe she just wants someone to cope with her. Just like you and hyung, he told you everything in hopes that maybe, you'll stay—and you did."
"You sound like you're very interested in this Moon Ji-Hun girl..." I trail off, causing him to panic. "Are you...?"
"No! No!" He covers his ears, squealing. I chortle, pointing at him. "No, I don't like Moon Ji-Hun!"
"Alright, alright, that's enough," I pat his shoulder, calming myself down from the short giggles. "It's nice talking to you like this—and not like an obsessive psycho."
"Feels good to be back," He whispers, facing me. "But... one last question—since our rematch is over now."
"Oh?" I start to stand up, stretching. "What is it?"
However, before I can turn around, Jake's arms wrap around my waist, my eyes widening as his hold on me is quite strong. I know this might be his way to um... figure things out... but another back hug?
"Does this officially mean... there's no chance for us?" He asks quietly, his grip tightening around me. "You know... us as a pair?"
I shake my head quietly, smiling softly. "I'm sorry, but I don't think I can give you a chance. I love—and will always love—Heeseung."
He nods, his grip loosening—soon before he completely keeps his distance from me. I watch as his eyes turning into crescents, his puppy-styled grin making its way on his face. "Don't apologize—love is inevitable if you choose the right one!"
I chuckle, nodding. He sighs, patting me on the shoulder. "Now, let's take you home. I don't want to waste any more time! You have things to do—and I have a train to catch."
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