I immediately speed back home, slamming the door closed as I run into my house. Soo-Ri's already inside, trying to stop Jungwon from moving away. "Jungwon," I whisper from the doorway, seeing his head immediately tilt up.
He gulps, pressing his lips together as he can't seem to gaze back at me. "Jungwon, look at me, please," I beg, watching as he stops moving the box.
"How long... have you know about it, Iseul?" He asks calmly, putting his things down. "And when did he tell them?"
"I have no answer to the second—but I certainly have one for the first," I reply easily, beckoning to the couch. "Can we... sit down first?" He nods in understand, all three of us sitting together. I sit in front of the two as Soo-Ri swears to keep her mouth shut, the boy looking at his knees—stiff.
"Well, I found out at the winter party—you know, the one he hosted back in December," I sigh, rubbing my kneecaps. I was nervous. "He told me it all in his room. Stuff about Moon Ji-Hun, the small details about what happened with anyone. If I had known anymore, I think I'd burst. The only reason I couldn't tell you because I had hoped that one day, Heeseung would be able to tell you himself."
"Yeah, like that would ever happen..." Jungwon chuckles, shaking his head. "Hyung isn't the type to confront. I just... wish he had told me—even if it was his fault. Maybe I'd have more time to explain myself, more time to be in the band, too..."
"Why are you all disbanding? Who decided it—"
"I did," Jungwon whispers, clearing his throat. "We all had mixed opinions. The administrators gave us time to talk it out—and everyone didn't want us to disband. However, knowing what the future may bring for us, it was best that we stopped now before things got worse."
"Did you want to disband that badly?"
"Of course not... but we can't fix this type of pain that easily. It'd take weeks for us to decide things, and—"
"Then let me do it," I interrupt, clearing my throat. "Considering everyone has dispersed places, I'll chase after them and convince them. It's my fault after all."
"Are you sure?" He asks, making me nod. "It's hard to convince them, especially Sunoo at this time—"
"I'll do it no matter what," I reply, sighing. "The last thing I want is for the group I love the most to break down into pieces of shattered glass. As their leader, I know you wouldn't want the same."
He nods, sighing. He wears a fake smile, tears welling in his eyes. He turns to Soo-Ri, who looks at him. "Could I talk with your sister... alone?"
She nods instantly, running off to her room. He turns back to me, gulping. "Iseul... thanks for giving me all this information. I know you promised to keep the secret and stuff, but I appreciate you telling me this."
"Jungwon, you don't have to put up a cold front—I know it hurts," I lean forward, seeing his head fall. "Your parents have never approved of it. Hell, to even find this out is going to hurt."
"Of course it will, Iseul! I'm not superman," He chuckles as I take a seat next to him, listening close. "I just wish... I could've done more as the leader of the group, you know? I feel like crap knowing I couldn't influence their decision of staying together at the end." His head falls onto my shoulder as I continue to listen, not saying anything.
Tears fall down his face as he continues to wipe them, sniffling. "It's like that no matter what, my parents will never believe in me. I've always wanted to have a life of my own—my own influence that doesn't depend on theirs. Of course, they just want the money and the power, and all I'm left with are two high-demanding jobs that I have no passion in."
"It's just horrible... that I can't..." He chokes up, causing me to sigh and hug him. The tears finally flood my shoulder, the strongest mentality finally breaking his walls. "I can't take it much longer, it's so painful..."
I inhale sharply—Jungwon and the rest meant so much to me. Gosh, they felt like family. When Jungwon cries, I feel like crying. He deserved so much better.
"Today, I have to eat with them," He mumbles, clearing his throat as he sucks his feelings back in. "I have one chance not to mess it up though—can you help me?" He inquires, causing me to push away from him.
"Yeah, what is it?"
"It isn't that bad, c'mon," He ushers me inside the big restaurant as I struggle to move—I'm wearing a dress as Jungwon wears something near fancy. "They said they'd give it some thought if I had a significant other in a better major. I'm depending on you for this, please~"
"I'm older than you, Jungwon—and I have a boyfriend!"
"...Pretend you don't?" He laughs awkwardly, causing me to roll my eyes. "Please, Iseul!"
"Fine, fine!" I growl, hating this already. I just got into a relationship and I haven't even asked how Heeseung is. All I know is that he's back in Namyangju—and I'm worried. "Let's just hurry in. I don't want your parents waiting too long for us."
He happily nods, leading the way. The hostess leads us to a private room—and with the doors close, I hear light gossip and their shadows. I look over at a nervous Jungwon and place my hand in front of him, beckoning for him to hold it. "Are you ready?"
He hesitantly grabs it, nodding silently. He opens the door as we all stare at one another, his mom's eyes sparkling as she claps. "Hello, are you our Jungwon's girlfriend?!"
"Ah yes," I bow, looking at his mom, sister, and dad. His sister smiles slightly, waving at me. I wave back, quite acquainted with her looks. She's definitely been to one of their gigs before. She must be his supporter. "I'm Jae Iseul, it's nice to meet you all."
"Come sit next to me!" His sister pats the seat next to her, making me grin. I nod as Jungwon joins me, his mom and dad in front of us. As soon as I sit down, his sister drops something. We both aim to pick it up when she holds me down, making me widen my eyes.
"It's a fake relationship, right?" She questions, her eyes sparkling.
"You're pulling it off quite well—Jungwon usually isn't into non-musicians, so I'm surprised," She eye smiles, patting my back. "Thank you for helping us out—hopefully, you can convince them."
So she truly did support him. I nod, grinning back as she grabs her utensil and fixes herself. "So, Iseul—" I see we're getting right into business. "What's your occupation?"
"Ah, I'm a literature major—I plan on being a journalist," I explain, smiling. "I'm soon going to apply to be an intern at many companies—and hopefully, I get in."
They both nod, eating. "So... do you get a lot of money doing this job?"
"Mom," His sister warns, making her gasp.
"I'm just asking, love," She chuckles, making me gulp. "Besides, you make lots too! It's only natural for females to be making lots of money."
"Yes, I would," I answer, eating a piece of pork as I cover my mouth with my hand. I am not his girlfriend, but I don't want to look disrespectful. "May I ask a question?"
"Of course, dear."
"Why don't you want Jungwon to be a part of a band?" I ask, causing his mom to look at her husband. He sets his chopsticks down, crossing his arms.
"I feel like he'd have more talent... you know... having a higher paying job, you know?" His dad answers awkwardly, sighing. Why does it feel like his father is simply following along with his wife? "We just want what's best for him, and singing with his instruments won't do anything for him besides risk things."
"I see..."
Time passes by as his mom continues to intrude into my life, my mind swelling up as I slowly get pissed. I look at the time as his mom seems to enjoy seeing him suffer. "Iseul?"
I look up, seeing his father. "Yes?"
"Could I talk to you... outside?" He asks, making me nod. I get up, Jungwon and his sister grabbing my hands. I smile before shrugging them off, nodding slightly before following after their father.
"Do you smoke?" He passes the cigarette to me, causing me to chuckle.
"Did you just pick that up from the ground to test me?"
"Yes," He immediately drops it, both of us chuckling. He shoves his hands in his coat pockets, sighing. "So, you and my son?"
"Yeah," I exhale, the air leaving my mouth. "Mr. Yang, do you support his career as a musician?"
"Can I tell you the truth?" He raises his eyebrows, eyes sparkling. I nod, eager to listen. "I've always supported what he's wanted to. His mother is just... overprotective of him and begs for me to do it as well, so I must tell him off about his music skills."
"Have you ever told him about it?"
"I never had the chance—his mom was always around," He sighs, frowning. "I've always wanted to see his gigs and for him to see how proud I am of him."
"I have a video, wait," I remember, pulling out my phone as I scroll through my videos. Finding the one from not too long ago at practice, his father watches intensely for the next minute, smiling at his son.
"He's so good—I'm so proud," He sniffles as he looks like he's about to cry, causing me to pat his back. He points at my case—and I think I'm caught. "Do you match with Jungwon? I didn't see that as his case..."
"Well, can I be honest with you too?" I chuckle awkwardly, inquiring. "I'm not actually his girlfriend. We made a deal that I'd help him with convincing you guys."
"I see... well, you already got past me—all you need to do is convince his mom."
"Harder said than done," We hear, both of us flinching as I turn around. We both widen our eyes as his sister and Jungwon are held by their collars, his mom raising an eyebrow. I sigh, beckoning to the benches outside.
"Let's take a seat, I'll explain things," The four sit together, mom, dad, his sister, and Jungwon in that order. "It's true, I am not Jungwon's girlfriend. I am here to convince you to let Jungwon play in his band."
"I don't accept it."
"At least listen to me, ma'am," I plead, her eyes narrowing at me before nodding quietly. I nod back, passing her my phone. The video replays as she pretends not to watch—but I see her eyes on the screen.
"Your son is one of the most passionate musicians I've ever met. I've only played with them once, but he has so much talent. It may be hard for you to let go of your touch on him, but I promise you, he will grow up to love you just as much even if you let him do as he likes. Please don't worry about ever losing your son... and let him have fun, huh?"
She sits silently as his father passes me my phone, mumbling me thanks. It takes her a while as we tempt her with our totally loveable eyes, clasping our hands together in a plead. She groans, rubbing her temples.
"Fine! I'll let him have his freedom—but I still do not support him yet," She whispers, crossing her arms. "You can have your money back, but the house is off-limits. I already rented it out to some family members."
"Yay! Mom, thank you so much!" He squeals as he and his sister clap hands with each other, standing up and immediately hugging her. I smile at the sweet sequence, clasping my hands together. I feel a pat on my back, his father smiling at me.
"Thanks for convincing her—even if you aren't our son's actual girlfriend. He appreciates it, we all do."
"I'm glad I could help!" I grin, crossing my arms. His father walks towards his sister, who still is talking about all the things Jungwon has done. He, however, turns to me, his arms opening wide. I raise an eyebrow before he rolls his eyes, consuming me in a hug.
"Thank you for helping me out—" He cuts himself off, smiling. "—And in return, the band will not disband. Hopefully, you will convince them."
"I plan on doing so, hopefully."
"Who do you plan on seeing next?" He asks, pulling away. "Don't you have to travel?"
"Yeah..." I awkwardly sigh, shaking my head. "I guess I'll start with Ni-Ki... I know he lives in the dorms and the dance rooms, so... I think I'll be okay."
"Okay—I'll see you at home," He grins, patting my shoulder. "Go get him, Iseul!"
I surely will.
I'm not letting this group disband—not on my watch.
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