"Why the hell is she admiring the bracelet like that..." Sunoo is creeped out by the luscious, most beautiful bracelet I continue to stare at, putting it next to the light as we continue to sit on the bus. My eyes sparkle, a fat grin on my face as it literally looks so ravishing. "She's scaring me... I don't think she's functioning."
"Just give her some time," Jake whispers, crossing his arms as he sits next to me. "It's Christmas—and it seems like she's starting to fan over our hyung." I simply ignore the lad's words despite knowing my fat crush on him. Giggling to myself, I look forward at Heeseung, who's blushing. I grin even wider, looking back on my bracelet. "Oh my god—you know what, hyung, just switch spots with me."
I roll my eyes at Jake, watching as he switches sides with Heeseung, Jake sitting in front of me as Heeseung is sitting next to me. I clear my throat, trying to keep a straight face as I look down. However, I can't contain my happiness as I fiddle with the bracelet. I keep giggling to myself— gosh, Iseul, this is so~ not like you.
But I like the new you.
"Do you like it?" Heeseung questions as if it isn't obvious enough, clasping his hands together. "Again, I didn't know what to get you, so—"
"It's great, thank you," I whisper, still admiring it. "You know, you have a knack for finding things. Is this your favorite color or something?"
"Actually... yeah— it is," Heeseung whispers, scratching his nape. "Um- don't mind the color, I just hope it fits your taste..."
He gave me his favorite color as a bracelet, how cute. Gosh, I love his cute acts.
No! We love Jake still, stop switching sides!
I continue to adore this bracelet of mine until I see someone. Out of the corner of my eye is Sunghoon, crossed arms as he bites his cheek. Jealous, much? I know, I'm so gifted. He rolls his eyes before turning away, a leg over the other.
I hate you, Damn Iseul. I can hear him say in his eyes.
You're just mad I got a gift and you didn't, loser!
Shut up, we're here.
I look out the window, seeing the mall. My eyes sparkle and I only have one mission in mind—get Heeseung a Christmas gift. Of course, I can't give it to him today—then he'll think I"m only giving it to him because he gave me a gift first. So, if I ever see him in Daejeon, we might as well give it to him there.
"Alright, is it Secret Santa time?" Sunoo questions, holding a box in the middle of us. We all crowd around it, smirking at each other. "Take your pick—and if you want to switch, I encourage you to talk about it with them and not us."
I smile before taking my pick, running off behind a pillar. Opening the paper, I see an S. Frowning, it wasn't Heeseung.
It was Sunghoon.
To be honest, I didn't really know what to get him—he always appreciates my gift, so I have a wide variety of choices. I want to get him something nice, but not simple. Not something expensive, but not cheap. Not too stylish-
"Hey, Jae Iseul," Heeseung bumps into me, pushing out his hand. "Let's switch—I got my own name."
"Oh, then yes, let's do it," I nod, secretly smiling to myself knowing that I'll be able to find him a gift. However, when we switch and I open the paper—it wasn't his name, it was Ni-Ki's. I'm utterly speechless as he's already running away with mine, making me yell.
"You stupid loser! Give me his name back!"
"Have fun!" He laughs, running off. I turn around to see a stiff Sunghoon, tilting my head.
"Oh, hey! Who'd you get?"
"I got Jungwon—how about you?"
"Well, I was supposed to give you a present, but Heeseung decided to run off with your name and give me Ni-Ki's," I reply, sighing. "Don't worry—I'll still give you a present eventually." Sunghoon shakes his head, patting my hair down. "What?"
"Don't worry about giving me a gift—instead, focus on getting Ni-Ki's, he'll like anything just like me," He adds, smiling. "I'll see you around then, I have to go get Jungwon's present."
"Okay, bye bye~"
"Bye~" He harmonizes, waving before walking Heeseung's way. I shrug before sighing, looking at the scratch paper again. "Stupid Heeseung. You're making this so hard."
I hum as I walk along with the pavilion, holding several bags. To be honest, I might have gone a little~ overboard on gifts, considering that Ni-Ki was the youngest. However, in my left hand is Heeseung's somewhat large gift—a sweater. My heart is racing as I walk back to the group— however, I halt hearing two familiar voices and an argument that involves me.
"Hyung, I understand, but still—to get that jealous over a piece of paper?" Sunghoon scoffs as I listen in, hiding behind the wall. "You and I both know we're fighting just for her—and you're starting to get a little pathetic."
"Pathetic in what way?" Heeseung questions, shoving his hands in his pocket. "All I did was switch papers with Iseul—I got my own name, so—"
"I know you're lying!" Sunghoon yells, Heeseung not bearing to flinch. "She already told me about how I was her secret Santa, and—and how you chose to take her paper when you got Ni-Ki. Doesn't that prove my point enough? That you're still insecure about me being her best friend—"
"Doesn't that prove my point also?" Heeseung inquires back, chuckling. "Who's the one really jealous over a piece of paper—all you wanted was a gift from her, and I simply wanted to switch. If I'm pathetic, then I don't know what you'd be."
Sunghoon scowls as he shakes his head, looking away. "Sunghoon, I know that you like her—in fact, she does too," Heeseung sighs, staring at him. "But if you were going to make a move, then why didn't you?"
"You obviously don't know what patience means, hyung," Sunghoon harshly mutters back, crossing his arms. "I've waited for her my entire life, even when she wasn't ready. You decided to push "love" on her because you wanted her to be "happy?" Well, it must just be momentary at this point—one day, she'll realize that all you're doing is giving her happiness for now until you leave her just like you did with Ji-Hun."
Sunghoon is about to walk away until Heeseung strikes a question. "And if she doesn't?"
"...What do you mean?" Sunghoon turns his way.
"What if I don't give her momentary happiness—instead, it's permanent?"
"...Then we'll see who she chooses when both men offer the same benefits," Sunghoon undertones, looking down. "Because I will not give up when someone decides to intervene."
"You always seem to amuse me, Sunghoon," Heeseung tilts his head, smirking. "Even when you're the one she always looks up to—she still comes to me."
"Just shut up," Sunghoon growls, grabbing his elder's collar. "You're drunk on a misunderstood passion for someone you don't even know."
Heeseung doesn't respond to him—instead, Sunghoon pushes him back slightly, glaring at him before he walks away with his hands shoved brutally in his pockets.
"You'll never know her... the way I did."
And at that moment, my heart starts to palpitate.
Things were getting worse than the way it sounded—
and it was all because of me.
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