[A/N: in case anyone doesn't know who Jumin Han is/what he looks like ^^
°-Bom bidi bom Nick Jonas ft. Nicky Minaj-° <might want to listen to this while reading c:
please vote on the chapters to give this story more recognition! & comment just for fun xD I love reading your guys reactions lol]
Mr. Nikiforov
chapter two // a long day ahead
The song began to play and I slowly grinded my hips, not quite touching him but close enough to his lap to tease. I looked down at his face and felt my body heat up at the way his blue eyes looked at my body, as if he was undressing me with his eyes.
I can't fall for this, I reminded myself and swiftly turned around, walking towards the coffee table in the middle of the room.
I hopped on and grabbed a hold of the pole, masterly rotating my hips as the beat came to a drop.
'Cus I'm an addict,
I'm your patient
Your lips are the medication
Come here baby, yeah
You know just what I want'
I leaned closer to the pole and looked at Victor through half-lided eyes, my heart beating rapidly when our eyes met. I continued to dance, loosing myself in the music and his intense stare.
The colorful lights in the room flashed to the beat of the song, adding to the intensity of the moment. I took a second to mentally thank Erwin for paying for these stupid lights that I once thought were a waste of money.
In one swift motion, I dropped my ass, my arms held up above my head as I held on to the pole behind me. Victor was two feet away from me, his eyes darkening with every blink. Smirking, I opened my legs and gave him a sideways glance, putting on my best innocent look.
I noticed him shuffle in his seat, boosting my ego. With unknown new-found confidence, I stood up and twirled behind the pole, my tongue coming out to lick the silver metal as I tried to remind myself these poles were cleaned after every shift.
It seemed like that action was enough to tip him over the edge.
It was as if a barrier had fallen and his cool demeanor broke down as a look appeared in his face, desire clouding his eyes. The sight before me reminded me of a puppy begging his master for food.
But what he didn't know was that I was taking a big hit as well. The way his eyes asked for me and his hands fisted at his sides did something to the pit of my stomach and made my legs go weak.
Without realizing what I was doing, I stepped down from the small stage and walked over to him, my hips swaying with every step. I returned to my previous position from before and sat on his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck in a leap of faith. I knew I was crossing the line and this was unprofessional, but it was as if my body had a mind of its own meanwhile my own mind was clouded with lust.
What the hell is wrong with me?
My eyes caught a glimpse of his hands ghosting over my thighs, most probably contemplating if he could touch me. We both knew it was against the rules; I could possibly lose my job and he could get in trouble, but in the moment, I didn't really care about the consequences.
"It's okay." I whispered, a bit out of breath.
His eyes snapped up to meet mine, his pink lips parting slightly in awe. I smirked and resumed on moving my hips. Having permission, Victor didn't waste a second before grabbing my thighs, running his hands up and down, blurring my mind further.
Slowly everything began to blur away and all I could focus on were his warm hands trailing up my bare torso, greedily gripping my body. I shuddered and looked down at his face, surprisingly meeting his eyes as he took in my reactions.
'Every kiss and every touch
Is like a hit, it ain't enough
I call it good love'
My eyes trailed down to his lips, noticing how soft and delicate they are compared to ordinary male lips. My own lips parted and his eyes also scanned down.
If we've already gotten this far, there's no harm done with one kiss, right?
Victor seemed to think the same because we both leaned in and our lips met in a passionate kiss. His hold on my hip and thigh tightened and I pressed my ass down against his hips on instict, causing him to gasp. I slipped my tongue into his mouth and tugged at his silver hair, my whole body melting in delight.
Lost in the moment, the kiss heated and slowly I felt something poke me from underneath, turning me on further. His hands continued to trail across my body until he grasped my ass, kneading the skin over my tight pants, making me moan against his lips.
We pulled apart to gasp for air, our eyes opening slowly. His eyes were almost black now, pupils dilated in desire.
"Come home with me?" He whispered out of breath. It sounded mainly like a question, but part of me knew it was more of a demand.
We couldn't do anything here; if we went any further than this, we would definitely be in trouble. And there are no rules about hooking up outside of the club.
But as much as I wanted to go home with him and have a great night--I knew I couldn't. The first day of college is tomorrow, but there's no way I'll tell him that.
I shook my head. His hands slowly released their hold on me and I hesitantly stood up from his lap, knowing I needed to get away from him to think straight. [A/N: <literally xD]
"I can't tonight, I'm sorry." The song came to an end and we were left in silence, the lights in the room automatically lighting up a bit as the music from the main area was heard in the distance.
"Oh, right, it's fine." Victor mumbled, a pink tint coloring his cheeks. He stood up from the sofa as well and began to compose himself, straightening his clothes and fixing his hair.
I scratched the side of my face nervously, "It's not that I don't want to, but I can't tonight." I explained a bit further.
Knowing I was interested, Victor's face lit up and he smiled in relief. He chuckled softly and ran his hands down the front of his dress shirt one last time before meeting my eyes correctly.
"Mind if I have your number then?" I smirked and shook my head in amusement.
"That's out of limits." I teased and slowly walked over to him. Ignoring the fact he towered over me a couple of inches, I slid my hand into his front pocket where I had noticed since the beginning his phone was in and pulled out the device. I slid my thumb across the screen and went into his contacts that were thankfully unlocked.
I added my number and sent myself a quick text before locking the phone and sliding it back into Victor's pocket.
"This will be our little secret." I winked and Victor smirked, nodding.
Next morning came around and it took a lot of willpower to actually get out of bed and even more to get ready for the day. But after an hour of sluggishly moving around my room and changing, I was finally ready to leave.
I was on my way out the front door when I heard a voice groaning tiredly from behind me, "Leaving already?"
I stopped halfway out the entrance and turned around, flashing my roommate a smile. "Yes, my first class starts in ten minutes."
"Have a good day then." He smiled back.
"I want to kill myself." I beamed sarcastically and he cracked up.
"Want to take a selfie before you--"
"Goodbye, Phichit!" I waved and shut the door behind me, leaving him hanging. I knew that if I agreed to take a selfie, I would never see the end of it and miss class for the next two weeks.
The walk from the dorms to the math building wasn't far and I made it there with three minutes still left to spare. I took that time to find my corresponding classroom and the last minute to find a seat I liked.
Like a protagonist in a film, I chose the seat at the far back next to a large window that had a perfect view of the parking lot. I patiently sat in my seat and turned towards the entrance. I watched as students continued to file in and spotted a couple of familiar faces from last year.
Marie, Sai, John, Mike, Kauru, and a couple more.
I wasn't surprised when I saw Yagami step into the classroom and take the seat in the back, opposite side from me. That kid's got a brain but is somehow a social misfit. But in college, who isn't?
The last of the students came in and I was a bit disappointed that there wasn't anyone I was particularly close with in this class. I was ready to give up on the idea of having a friend in this class when I spotted a curly mop of red hair step into the clasroom.
"Yuri!" He greeted from the entrance, catching a few of fhe students attention. I shook my head in emberassment but he cheerfully skipped over to the back of the class and took the empty seat beside me.
I noticed a brunette followed him as well and took the seat in front of me, turning around to flash me a smile.
"Hi there, names Eren!" The brunette guy beamed.
"Um, I'm Yuri. You a friend of Seven's?" I asked curiously.
"We're roommates." Seven explained and I flashed him a confused look.
"I thought your roommate was that blond one...?" I trailed off trying to remember his name.
"You mean Yoosung? His mom insisted he moved into a dorm room instead of my place, and well he's too much of a scared b--"
"Morning class." The professor spoke up, cutting off Seven's enthusiastic speech. He pouted and slouched a bit in his seat, making me smile. "Hopefully everyone pays attention. You should already know from last year how college runs, so let's get started. Open your textbooks to page twenty..."
The second the professor dismissed class, about thirty students simultaneously stood up from their seats and began to file out of the classroom without a word being spoken. But of course, being friends with Seven meant there was always going to be talking involved.
"So where do you have class next?" Seven asked cheerfully the second I stood up from my desk.
"Um..." I scanned my brain for a few seconds, recalling my schedule, "French class."
"Ohh! With who?" I shrugged, realizing I didn't bother to learn any of my professors names.
"I know it's class J433." I offered and Seven's smile widened.
"I have class there, too! What about you, Eren?" I looked over at Eren who was walking on my right. His shoulders slumped at the question.
"I have some Ackerman--class J420."
I was about to mention something about the class number when Seven interrupted me with an exaggerated gasp and a painful "man, you're dead!"
Eren gave him a horrified look, actually stopping in his tracks in the middle of the somewhat busy hallway, "Is she that bad?"
"He actually, and yes, he is. Don't let his appearance fool you." Both Eren and I gave him confused looks but Seven simply ignored us and continued to walk out of the building.
"What does that mean?" I questioned as both Eren and I caught up to the tech nerd.
"He's...scary. That's why I changed my schedule the second I realized I got him. Changed it to that new teacher--hopefully he's better than humanity's meanest, a.k.a. Captain Iwillbiteyourheadoffanysecondnow."
Eren and I looked at each other, silently asking if the other understood anything he was saying. We simply shrugged and headed for the J building that was a couple minutes walk from here.
"So, how do you know so much about the teachers here?" I decided to ask. Seven looked over his shoulder and his glasses shined, a dark aura surrounding him.
"It's a secret." He chuckled, "You'd be surprised at the things I know. By the way, how's that cat mom, heard somewhere he went to visit yesterday?"
Seven and Phichit are the only people who know that I work in a strip club and am a college student--which is basically illegal in most states, but as long as no one knows I'm a minor, everything will be alright.
I sighed, "Remind me again how you know him?" Seven just shrugged and gave me a cheeky smile, "We barely even talked since I spend most of the time with his brother. But he seemed fine to me--"
"His what?!" Seven yelled in shock. I jumped, startled and gave him a crazed look.
"I thought you knew about him--"
"What? No, of course not! I thought he was an only child?!" I shrugged and sighed in relief when I spotted the J building up ahead. I looked over at Eren only to see him silently praying, saying something under his breath like 'don't let him hate me, or at least know me'. I looked back at Seven and he was mumbling incomprehensible words under his breath--is he speaking another language?
We all walked in silence and eventually reached the Language building where a few students were coming in and out of. We entered the building and first found Eren's class. He stopped outside his classroom entrance and gave us a pleading look, a sweat drop rolling down the side of his cheek.
"U-uh...wish me luck?" He asked uncertain and I gave him a reassuring smile.
"It's going to be fine. He probably won't ever know you with all the students he has." I pointed out and Eren nodded, visibly getting his confidence back.
"You're right."
I nodded happily and Seven skipped over to his side, patted his back harshly, and laughed, "I'll prepare your funeral. Would you prefer to be buried in a white tux, or a black one? That's if you're body is found, of course."
"Seven!" I scolded.
"Kidding!" Seven laughed, holding his hands up in defense. "Maybe." He whispered loud enough for Eren to hear. "Oh, look at that, it's Haru! Haru, wait up!" Eren opened his mouth, ready to say something but Seven was fast to bolt away and run down the hall to a dark haired guy calmly walking around to class.
I shook my head, giving up in trying to understand this boy. Sighing, I gave Eren one last smile and patted his shoulder softly.
"Good luck."
"Thanks." Eren mumbled sadly and walked into his classroom, leaving me alone in the now empty hallway.
Empty hallway...shit!
I pulled out my phone in a hurry and felt the blood drain from my face, realizing I was already two minutes late. Of course, the professors won't give two craps if you're late, but they also won't care if you miss anything from a lesson.
And so I put my phone away, grabbed a tight hold of my backpack, and rushed down the hallways in search for my class that should be near by.
I smiled, spotting the classroom at the end of the large hallway. I not so discretely ran to the end, happy that I found it pretty quickly.
Hoping for a miracle, I ran inside the classroom and stopped at the entrance, breathing heavily. My eyes instantly scanned the perimeter and my eyes nearly watered when I saw there was no professor in sight.
I made it before the teacher even got here!
The second I spotted Seven sitting at the back and took the first step, I was unexpectedly brought off my feet and my face was in no time pressed against the cold floor.
"Ow." I whimpered, pushing myself up from the dirty surface.
"Oh, god, I'm sorry. Are you alright?" A male voice asked from behind me. I rubbed my nose and looked at some papers scattered around the floor.
"What the hell?" I muttered and turned around, ready to blow at the guy that bumped into me. What I wasn't expecting was to turn around and come face to face with the last person I thought I would find in this place.
"Y-YOU?!" We both exclaimed in horror.
[A/N: it's a bit cheesy so far, but the smut and seriousness of the story will come around soon. I really hope you are all enjoying this :) please share! (?is that too much? Idk?)
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