T W E N T Y - O N E
(Not to sound bitchy or whatnot😅, but remember--voting helps the book spread and let's me know you are enjoying the story!)
Mr. Nikiforov
chapter twenty-one // sleepover
After finally getting Victor to let me help him with dinner, I served us all some delicious pasta, chicken, and veggies--which Anton refused to eat, but ended up giving in to once Victor used me as an example.
"Vegetables make you grow big and strong, so make sure you eat lots of them." I had whispered to Anton across the table, a little nervously. He sure is a sweet kid, but I found myself intimidated by him.
I smiled as his eyes lit up.
"I thought Dad always lied when he told me that. I believe you now, Dad. I'll eat my veg-taples."
Victor had thanked me for that after we finished eating and started to clean up, admitting that it's always difficult to get Anton to eat his vegetables. I told him it was nothing and finished loading the dish washer as I smiled to myself, silently agreeing that Anton sure was adorable.
"Dad, I finished brushing my teeth!" Anton announced as he marched into the kitchen, already wearing his pajamas which were a bit crooked around the shoulders.
"Awesome." Victor praised and went over to fix his shirt, tapping Anton's button nose afterwards which earned him a giggle.
"Oh, Yuri, want to see my toys?!" Anton gasped, skipping over to my side. I looked over at Victor, silently asking him what I should say. "I have many! Papa just gave me new dinosaurs last time I saw him, and there's a yellow one with wings! It's fun, I'll show you!"
"Uhm--" I cleared my throat nervously. I wasn't too used to being around tiny, over-energised adults; and I know I'm the one who told Victor he should let Anton spend the night at his own home instead of V's place, but I wasn't sure if there were boundaries that I'm supposed to be aware of or not.
What should I say?
"Maybe tomorrow, bug." Victor suggested, thankfully stepping in and saving me. "It's already past your bedtime and I'm sure Yuri's also tired."
"Oh, okay. Tomorrow we can play games!"
"Yeah." I smiled down at the platinum haired toddler. He'd truly be a spitting image of Victor, if it wasn't for his vibrant green eyes and bubblier personality. Victor was definitely more serious and conservative for the most part, which makes sense since he is both a teacher and a parent.
"Let's go, Anton, I'll go put you in bed." Victor smiled softly.
"Goodnight, Yuri!" I waved goodbye and nodded when Victor mouthed at me to wait for a bit before carrying Anton up to his hip and disappearing up the stairs.
I walked over to the living room and sat on one of the couches, smiling softly to myself.
Today had gone by much better than I had expected. And even though I surprised myself by asking Victor to tell V, Anton should come back, I don't regret it at all. He's really a sweet kid. Victor is clearly doing a good job at raising him.
It felt like I was downstairs for a only a few minutes before I heard Victor come back downstairs. I turned to look at him and he flashed me a sheepish grin.
"Anton's asleep now. It's actually pretty late already...want to go upstairs already?" I felt my hands tremble at my sides, but I took a deep breath and nodded.
I got up and went ahead up the stairs with Victor following close behind. I could somewhat recall the way to his room and with a nod of approval from Victor, I opened the door to his bedroom.
As I walked in and glanced around, I realized I hadn't paid much attention to what his room really looked like last time I was here. It was pretty mainstream and mature looking; somehow fitting perfectly to Victors outer appearance. The walls were a basic cream color, the drapes a darker, muted one that matched his bed spread. The few furniture in the room was white with silver edged lining, matching the doorknobs. That was a bit specific.
I realized I had been staring a bit too much at my surroundings--which is a thing I do when I'm the slightest nervous.
When I glanced at Victor, I was waiting to see him give me an uncomfortable look or ask me not to stare, but instead he smiled and pointed at a door on the right.
"That's the restroom. I have some clothes you could borrow to sleep in, if you want." My eyebrows raised at his offer and I nodded, thankful I wouldn't have to sleep in jeans.
He hummed and went to another door to my left, which I realized was a closet. I heard a few drawers being opened and closed before a head popped out, a thin eyebrow raised.
"Do you want sweatpants, shorts, or briefs to sleep in?" Victor asked casually and my face heated up.
"Briefs are fine." I mumbled. I usually sleep in briefs (rarely ever commando), but the question made me really register the fact I'll be sleeping beside Victor. Victor Nikiforov, the man all the college girls swoon over, the one I met at the club and nearly shared a passionate night with--we are now going to share a bed. His bed.
Victor soon walked back to me with some neatly folded clothes. I thanked him and took the small stack, wondering what I should do next.
"I don't know if you want to change, o-or take a shower. Or should I go first?" He cleared his throat, trying to play off his small stutter. I wanted to smile but I was also pretty embarrassed, even more so because of the thought that crossed my head.
Was I really going to say it?
"Well...do you want to take a shower together?" Holy shit, I said it. "Y-you know, to save water and all that." I added instantly.
Victor chuckled, his eyes drifting around the room for a second. "Sounds great."
And so there I stood, inside Victor's restroom, watching as he reached inside the shower to turn on the water and set it to the right temperature. Once he was pleased with that, he stripped from his shirt with no hesitation, soon following with the rest of his clothing.
It wasn't like he was trying to, but fuck did he look sexy...
He cheekily turned over his shoulder to flash me a small smile before going into the shower, the slightly blurred glass door still allowing me to see Victor's body.
Don't get hard.
I took a couple of deep breaths and removed my clothes as well, making sure I folded them neatly so I wouldn't make a mess in someone else's home.
My hand nervously reached for the door and I slid it open, letting a bit of steam out into the rest of the restroom.
Victor looked at me through his wet bangs pressed against his forehead.
"Let me know if the water is too hot for you." He smiled and I sheepishly closed the door behind me and approached him, standing under the water. It was just the right temperature.
I swear I could feel Victor's eyes all over my body, examining every move I made.
If he was going to stare at me so shamelessly, then I was going to do the same.
[Victor's P.O.V.]
I couldn't tear away my eyes from Yuri's body, no matter how hard I tried. His soft, white skin tainted with slight freckles and birth marks in certain areas was entrancing. Despite being a man, he was curvy and somewhat feminine with that red color dusting his face.
Knowing I shouldn't stare (too much), I took the shampoo bottle and began to wash my hair.
For some time, we took turns under the water as he washed our hair, sometimes 'accidentally' brushing against each other as we switched places.
When it was Yuri's turn to wash off the conditioner from his hair and we began to move places, I set my hand on his waist and quickly pulled him against me, startling him a bit.
"You okay?" I asked, holding back a smile.
"Ah, I thought you slipped there for a second." My thumb caressed his skin above his waist just before I released my hold, my skin crawling with goosebumps as it yearned for Yuri's body heat again.
I took my chance of Yuri closing his eyes as he rinsed his hair to admire his body some more.
Sure enough, being a dancer did well to his body.
"Want me to wash your back?" I asked once he was done, grabbing a sponge and bar soap.
Yuri shrugged, turning around to show me his back.
I felt my heart beating rapidly against my rib cage as I stared at his perfect, round, plumb, sweet ass. Lord knew I was holding myself back.
Remembering I had offered to wash Yuri's back, I snapped out of my thoughts and got to it. I made sure to take my time scrubbing every inch of his muscular back.
Was the water getting too hot?
Slowly, the room began to feel stuffy, and with every stroke across his back, it became harder and harder for me to even blink.
Once I got to the small dip of his back, I was nearly panting.
All this time, I was too focused on his skin and body to even realise I was getting too aroused.
My hands traveled further down his back and I massaged his bottom, watching the soap slide down to his legs.
"V-victor..." Yuri gasped, arching his back a bit.
My hands stopped and I leaned in, pressing my front against his back.
"Want me to stop?" I asked softly against his ear. I could feel his body tremble a bit before a confident 'no' fell from his lips.
"Then..." I moved back to watch as I very slowly rubbed my shaft against his ass, the soap making it very slippery and easy to move, "Is this okay?"
Yuri held on to the wall in front of him, panting softly, and nodding. "It's f-fine..."
I subconsciously bit my bottom lip and continued teasing both Yuri and myself. It felt a little strange to rub against Yuri's skin with the soap spreading between us. Every now and then, the tip of my dick would be caught by Yuri's gaping ass, and I was tempted to just slide into his heat...but I wasn't going to. Not now, not here, and not like this.
"Ah, Victor~" Yuri purred, his back arching further as he pushed himself back on me.
I decided to stop right here and reached for the shower head, rinsing both our bodies from the remaining soap. Once clean, I turned off the water and stepped out of the shower.
I quickly wrapped a towel around my waist and handed Yuri one, too. For the first time since our little moment, I turned to see his face and I felt terrible when I noticed his red colored tainted cheeks, and the small pout on his lips. Was that disappointment?
"You okay?" I asked hesitantly.
Yuri jolted a bit and gave me a small smile, nodding. "Yeah, I'm alright." He chuckled a bit awkwardly and quickly took the towel from me, trying to cover himself as fast as he could. I happened to glance down and I noticed what it was, my heart skipping a beat.
Yuri's face reddened further.
I gave him a light-hearted smile, letting him know it was fine.
"I just wanted to move this to the bedroom." I informed him as we exited the restroom.
Once we reached the bed, I turned to take away the towel around Yuri's waist, smirking. "We won't be needing this~"
Yuri yelped a bit and reached to cover his erection, but I softly pulled his hands away, leaning in to press a kiss to his lips. "Do you want to continue?"
Yuri's eyes glimmered and he nodded eagerly, his eyes flickering down to my lips.
I smiled and took a hold of his face, cupping his cheeks tenderly as I kissed him deeply. This time, there was more passion and desire as our lips moved against one another.
My hands slid down his chest as I groped him here and there. His hands were also running across my back, his grasp tightening when I kneaded his ass between my fingers.
Yuri's small gasp was interrupted by my tongue sliding into his mouth, exploring the warmth.
Yuri was by no means small (in any sense of the word), but his curvy body and smaller frame instantly made him fragile, despite his muscles.
I began to guide Yuri back slowly until the back of his knees hit the bed and he fell back onto the mattress. I chuckled at his flustered state.
"Don't laugh." He pouted, pushing himself up on his elbows.
"Sorry." I whispered, signaling for him to move further up the bed. I climbed on as well and crawled a bit until he hit the stack of pillows, his eyes watching carefully every move I made.
I made sure to keep my eyes glued to his beautiful brown ones as I placed myself down in between his opened legs, my hands rubbing his inner thighs on either side of my shoulders.
"You're beautiful." I whispered as I leaned down to kiss the soft skin beside me. Yuri's breath rose and he jerked his hips a bit. As I bit his inner thigh, my hands ghosted above his hips, just barely grazing his hot skin.
"V-victor." Yuri whimpered, suddenly tossing his hands into my hair. My eyes snapped open and I looked up to see Yuri's desperate face. "Please don't tease me..." He breathed out.
I gave him a looped smile, nodding. "Okay." My mouth opened and I took his dick into my mouth, pressing my tongue against him and sucking.
"Ah!" Yuri's hand flew up to his mouth, silencing himself. I exhaled through my nose, finding it amusing.
I pulled him out of my mouth and softly jerked him off, teasing, "Anton is just down the hallway, Yuri." I reminded him and Yuri flashed me a small glare.
"I know tha--ah--" his eyes snapped shut when I put him back into my mouth. I took a deep breath and got to work, bobbing my head up and down as I sucked, my tongue massaging his soft skin.
I could feel myself getting further aroused at the sound of heavy breaths and Yuri's muffled moans echoed a bit in the room. Yuri was now throbbing in my mouth, his precome mixing with my saliva.
"Ngh..Victor, I'm gonna.." Yuri's grip on my hair tightened and I took that as my signal to pull away. I bit my bottom lip, holding back a smile when Yuri whined in protest. "No, no...Why??"
I sat up and wiped the bit of saliva running down the side of my lips, pulling away the towel around my waist. "I can't let you cum... while I'm like this."
I moved back above him, looking into his eyes. I held up Yuri's thigh and wrapped his leg around my waist, taking a hold of both his hard cock and my own. I pressed them together and held them a bit loosely, starting to thrust and jerk us off at the same time.
Yuri sat up in surprise, his eyes glued to our private parts. He was panting, his hands holding on tightly to my shoulders.
My jaw hung open a bit, soft grunts rolling past my lips. The precome collecting from both our dicks began to mix, creating a sort of lube that made it easier for me to slide against him.
"It's t-too good.." Yuri admitted in a high pitched voice, surprising me. I lunged myself forward and kissed him deeply, our tongues dancing together past our heavy breaths.
The bed was creaking a bit with every thrust, the wet sounds music to my ears.
Just a bit more...
Yuri removed one of his hands away from my shoulder and brought it down to press his palm against the head of our dicks, adding pressure and rubbing. I accidentally bit down on Yuri's lip, earning a grunt.
"Sh-shit." My hips were thrusting weakly at this point, with no real pace, solely relying on force, eager to finish. A few more sporadic thrusts into our hands and I came, moaning into Yuri's mouth.
I softly rode out my climax, feeling a warm wave take over my relaxed body. I sighed, slowly coming back to my senses and surroundings.
I looked down at Yuri, seeing him still hard and unfinished. I pressed my forehead against his, suddenly a bit gloomy.
I'm getting old...
"I'm sorry." I apologized and Yuri patted my back, shaking his head.
"It's okay. Don't worry." He assured me.
Without a warning, I was suddenly on my back with Yuri above me, a smug look on his face. "But you gotta lend me your hands." He ordered.
I did as told and grabbed him, my hands closing around him tight enough for him to thrust in and out. My hands were like a human flashlight; I was being used as a toy so he could release himself.
I subcoinsiously bit my bottom lip, loving this confident and lewd side of Yuri.
His eyes closed as he focused on the feeling, his arms that were holding him up, starting to shake a bit next to me. I watched as his eyebrows furrowed and a few drops of cold water from the ends of his hair fell against my cheek. He was panting and moaning quietly, my name falling from his lips over and over again.
I teased his tip with every stroke, my grip tightening slightly.
It felt like a dream.
"Close your hands more..." Yuri pleaded, his hips jerking quickly. "I'm so close~"
I pulled myself up enough to kiss his neck, biting and sucking the skin. I could feel every moan Yuri was holding back, along with his heart beat.
"Victor!" Yuri cried, giving one final thrust. I felt a warm liquid squirt across my abdomen, and spread a bit on my hands. "Hah..."
My lips stretched onto a smile, falling back completely onto the mattress so I could look up at Yuri's face. Once our eyes met and he gave me a goofy grin, his eyes still dark and dilated.
"You're beautiful." I accidentally said out loud. Yuri blushed redder, his grin glowing ever more brighter.
He chuckled, falling down beside me, both of us staring at the ceiling. I felt him reach for my hand between us and I grasped on tightly.
I felt my heart swell up. I knew this feeling. It was something I hadn't felt in a while, but there was no doubt.
"We'll have to take a shower again." Yuri laughed, turning to smile at me. I turned to see him and nodded softly.
"We do." I chuckled.
When morning came along, I was expecting to wake up to a beautiful sight of Yuri sleeping beside me, the morning sun shinning onto his skin, making him glow. Instead, I was shocked awake by a high pitched sound, making my heart race and my instincts kick in.
I shot up from my sleep and turned to look at the source, my brain unable to truly register what was going on.
"What's wrong?!" I asked, worried. I looked at Yuri and back at Anton, not understanding the wide grin on their faces.
"Good Morning!" They both beamed, jumping onto the bed and on top of me, giving me another shock.
I couldn't help but laugh, being careful neither of them got hurt as they trashed around. My eyes caught Yuri's and my smile widened, my heart warming up.
I'm so glad they're getting along.
"Dad, it's Christmas Eve!" Anton gasped, excited. I nodded. "And Yuri made breakfast!"
"Oh, that sounds awesome." I looked at Yuri and he shrugged, smiling as he rolled off of me. I sat up and ruffled Anton's hair, laughing a little at his messy hair.
"So, yeah, breakfast is ready." Yuri announced, a bit sheepishly. Anton jumped off the bed and happily ran out of the room, his cheers echoing down the hall.
"He looks excited." I pointed out.
Yuri shrugged, "It's just pancakes with eggs and bacon." He admitted. I smirked, moving so I push him down and crawl on top of him.
"That sounds delicious." I assured him, leaning down for a morning kiss. I felt myself melting away against his plumb lips, and every little problem I had vanished.
"Mm--" Yuri pulled away, eyes wide. "Do you have something in your pocket?"
We both looked down at my sweatpants and I smiled, laughing a little awkwardly. "Ahh...morning wood."
Yuri laughed. "I'll meet you downstairs then, I have a feeling Anton could finish everything if no one stops him."
I moved from on top of him and sat down on the edge of the bed, snorting. "Oh, believe it."
Yuri smiled and left the bedroom, my eyes glued to my slightly bigger clothes framing his body.
"Looks good." I beamed.
A/n: at last, the smut I promised T_T
I'm sorry for not updating in like over a month I think ??
Finally, I am done with my biggest (scariest) examns, and I will be getting back to writing more!
Another little update on he chapters, we are about 10~ 12~ chapters away from the end, and I miiiighhttt do a sequel, but who knows. So yay! We are near the end!!
Thank you for all the followers, and as always, all your support! I'm really enjoying writing this♡
As usual, let me know what you think ?? Drop a vote !??? It always helps the book spread!!
Sai x
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