^^video up above was (sort of) inspired by this story :) I just has this story in mind a lot while making the edit :3 watch til the very end ;)
Mr. Nikiforov
chapter nine // friday night
"Yeah." Victor chuckled, looking down at my shirt before looking into my eyes once again, his eyes closing a bit in amusement. After processing his words a bit, taking in the positions we were in and what it led me to believe, I felt a heat rush up to my face and ears.
"O-oh." I averted my eyes from his and scratched the back of my head, "I...didnt know."
Victor nodded and after a second, he pushed himself away, letting me breathe some fresh air. Does this man not know what personal space is?
I quickly composed myself and looked down at my shirt, seeing that it was in fact, inside-out. No wonder I felt a bit off leaving the dorms this morning.
"You mind if I..." I motioned at myself and Victor raised a hand, waving it off carelessly as he turned to walk away.
"Oh, no. Go ahead." I nodded and tossed my backpack to the side, taking off my sweater and hesitating for a second before taking off my shirt quickly. It wouldn't have been the first time Victor would see me shirtless, but he still respected my privacy and turned around so I could fix my shirt.
He had walked back inside his office, leaving the door opened so I could walk in. After sliding my shirt on and deciding to leave my sweater off, I went inside his office, standing by the entrance much more comfortably.
"So...you wanted to see me?" I mumbled softly, catching Victor's attention.
He looked up from the paperwork he was fixing in his desk across from me, nodding. He took one quick breath and stared right into my eyes, his tone deep and serious.
"Are you...um..." He breathed out.
I slid my hands into my jeans pockets, frowning slightly. "Yeah?"
I watched as he placed the papers down to the side and walked around the desk to the front, sitting at the edge in a careless manner as he crossed his arms over his broad chest. My eyes lingered on his biceps that, despite the thick suit, were prominent.
"I tried to stop this, and we both know it's not right, but...I don't know what to do about this anymore. So..." bronze met icy blue and I was left breathless as I waited for his next words.
"Are you free this Friday night?"
There was nothing after those words. The room was as silent as a graveyard and not a single clear thought was going through my mind. Only his words echoing in my head and the constant thumping of my heart beating nervously in my chest and ears.
I didn't know how to respond. Most of all, I was stunned by his sidden question but I was also confused as hell. Surely I remember telling myself that I wouldn't let him move on so easily at some point, but I never thought it would actually work. And this early on? This was beyond my expectations.
Despite the many emotions I was feeling at the moment, I was definitely happy. Something about the soft blush rising to his pale cheeks as he nervously breathed his words out made me want to smile like a child on Christmas night. It was stupid.
After realising I hadn't responded, Victor brought his arms down and shamefully lowered his head, walking back to his seat behind the desk. "O-of course, it's fine if you're busy or you don't want to go out--"
"No." I cut him off. He froze in his place and like a child being scolded, looked at me from behind his fringe, anxious about what I would say next. "I'm not busy." He visibly relaxed and I added, "I'd love to go out."
Bless Erwin for giving me this weekend off from work.
Victor smiled and I noticed him playing with the corner of a few pages on his desk, his eyes lighting up a bit. "How does eight sound?"
I pushed the glasses softly up my nose and nodded, "Perfect."
"Alright. Friday at eight it is then." We looked at each other in silence for a few seconds until my phone chimed, interrupting us.
"Ah, sorry." I mumbled, reaching for it and reading the text on my screen.
BBIT: im home , bout to start dinner :3 let me know when ur coming back
Oh Phichit, you're always right on time.
"Sorry, I have to go. My roommate is waiting for me." I looked up from my phone and Victor flashed me a careless smile, waving me off.
"Don't worry. I still have some work to do either way." He motioned at the papers on his desk and I chuckled.
"...see you tomorrow then." I waved, heading out of his office slowly. Before I was completely out of sight, I heard him call out.
"Don't forget to work on the assignment from today!" I turned on my heel, flashing him an a soft-hearted glare. He laughed a bit and I left without another word.
As soon as I walked out of the language building I fist bumped the air and mentally patted myself in the back.
Friday at eight it is.
"I love you so much." I whispered, patting my stomach happily.
"Are you talking to me or your stomach?" Phichit teased after I sunk down a bit in my seat, pouting.
"You obviously." He rolled his eyes in a playful way.
"You're only saying that because I made dinner." I shook my head and stood up along with Phichit so we could take our plates to the sink. This damned dorm has a bigger kitchen than it does bedrooms but I'm not complaining since it gets Phichit in the mood to cook every once in a while.
"I'm saying that because you made my favourite dish. And I'll cherish that forever." Phicit laughed and I joined.
As our laughter died down, Phichit and I washed our plates in a comfortable silence that didn't last. But of course, it was no surprise for Phichit to always break a comfortable silence.
"So where were you after classes?" I shrugged and took the dish from him, using a small towel to dry it off so I could put it back in the cabinets.
"Had to go pick up an assignment I forgot." I lied smoothly. Quickly, I added a soft "I also ran into MC" so I could distract him from my lie.
We talked for a bit about how we haven't seen MC for a while and then began to recall random things we did together as kids. It was obvious he was careful with what subject and memory he brought up, trying not to re-open old wounds, and I was thankful for the thought.
"Yeah, I almost lost a tooth because of that." I sighed, looking at a random place in front of me to add effect to my melancholic tone. Phichit snickered and turned when he heard a phone chime from the table behind us.
"I think that's yours." He motioned and I put down the utensil before skipping over and taking my phone from the table.
I easily unlocked it and my heart dropped when I read the message.
Erwin: could you make it
in to work on friday?
something came up and zen
wont be able to show up
A second message came up.
Erwin: thered be an extra pay
"You've got to be shitting me." I groaned.
"What's wrong?" Phichit asked with a worried tone. I looked up and he was drying his hands on his hamster apron, frowning.
"Eyebrows wants me to come in to work on Friday." I explained.
"And you don't want to go?" Locking my phone, I gave him a frustrated look.
"I already had plans." I muttered without thinking. My eyes widened and so did Phichit's. It was quiet after that and I slowly began to back away, sweating nervously.
"Plans?" Phichit started softly. A smug smile appeared on his face, placing a hand on his hip like he knew it all. "With who?"
Phichit squealed and rushed over to me but I was quick to sprint off and run to my room, stumbling inside and closing the door behind me, locking it for extra measures.
"Oh, come on, Yuri! You can tell me!" Phichit laughed from the other side of the door.
"No! Go away!" I cried, trying to hold back a laugh.
"Just tell me! Is it Yato?!"
"Oh my god is it someone else?! Is it a girl? Do I know them?!" He sounded even more excited. "Yuuuuuriii~"
It took me half an hour to tire Phichit out and finally get him to leave my door. Once he was gone, I took the chance to think about what I was going to do about this Erwin situation.
On one hand, some extra money would be great. But on the other, stood Victor. And after writing down pros and cons for each option, the end result was unexpected. But I had promised myself I would do it.
I reponded to Erwin's text an hour after I originally received it. Then I quickly changed Victor's contact information and sent him a quick text.
Me: hey its yuri
Me: well you obviously already knew
My heart sped up when the small typing bubble popped up on Victor's side of the conversation. Faster than I could blink, I exited the conversation and threw my phone across the room in a panic.
"Fuck." I whispered instinctively.
I carefully went over and picked up my phone from the floor, opening up the new messages.
Victor: I did lol
Victor: what's up?
I mentally reminded myself that Victor is only twenty-eight and it's not weird for him to type 'lol'. I continued to repeat it in my head over and over again, typing my response.
Me: about friday... i know i said
i was free but my boss just texted
me and asked me to come in to
work that day...
The screen was blank for a few minutes after that. It was now past eight so it can't be school that's keeping him busy. Was he maybe hurt that I shot him down? Maybe he thinks that I don't want to go out with him? Maybe he thinks I've never been interested all along.
Worried that I might be loosing the little progress I've managed to make so far, I quickly typed another message.
Me: you could drop by there if
you want
"...idiot." I whispered as I reread what I had already sent. I wanted to erase the message but that wouldn't change anything.
I locked my phone and went to my bed, laying down in defeat. From going to a date, to cancelling, and then inviting him to a strip club. Smooth...
Great, Yuri. The first date you've gotten in a while and you just blew it.
Baffled by my own stupidity, I closed my eyes and mumbled softly to myself words that not even I understood once they passed my lips. I continued my incomprehensible muttering until my phone dinged somewhere on my bed, the tone bringing my speech to a halt.
Should I read it?
Of course I have to read it.
But it wasn't Victor who had sent a text. It was Zen
Zen: thanks for having my
back! next rounds on me
I didn't bother to respond and instead laid back on my side, waiting for a text, this time from Victor.
But an hour had gone by without a response. Then two. And when I checked my phone again, it was close to midnight and there was still no reply. I decided to call it a night and put my phone to charge before stripping out of my clothes down to my boxers and getting under the covers. I sighed without intending and closed my eyes, forcing myself to sleep.
Next morning came around and I decided to wake up earlier than usual.
My alarm went off and I groggily sat up, turning the peppy music off with a touch of my finger. Without putting much thought into it, I stood up and quickly changed into some shorts. After a few seconds of contemplating if I should wear a shirt, I left my room without a top and took a water bottle from the fridge. I patted my pockets, making sure I had my phone and earphones. Check and check.
Quietly, I left the dorm and not long after, the building. I was outside now and the first sign of sunlight was painting the dark sky, the horizon a lighter shade of blue. As soon as I connected my earphones to my phone and pressed shuffle on my playlist, I went off and started running in the direction of my old morning run routine from last year.
It was pretty chilly. September was coming to an end now and soon the temperature would drop, but it wasn't so bad for me yet. The fresh air actually felt great on my skin as I ran, the tip of my nose turning a bit numb. Determined to go through my whole run in the two hours I had to spare, I ran without stopping. My stomach felt a bit unsettled with the sudden work out, but I knew it had been a while since I worked out and almost two weeks since I last worked the pole, so this was needed.
It was about an hour until I noticed students walking around, quietly going to their morning classes. I slowly came to a stop besides a bench and stretched my arms, aimlessly looking around me. The sun was up now; it was way past seven. I knew I had to start heading back.
I finished stretching, did a few random squats and let out a deep breath, mentally preparing myself for the run back. I had only taken a few steps when I caught from the corner of my eye, someone fall to their knees a few feet away from me.
In a bit of a panic, I ran to them and offered one of my hands, pulling my ear buds out with the other.
"Are you okay?" I asked. They frantically looking around the floor for a second before spotting their phone and picking it up.
"Y-yeah." Looking up they noticed my hand and shyly took it, letting me help them up to their feet. I bent down and picked up their journal and the few pages that had slipped out. "Oh, thank you, you didn't have to do that."
"It's no problem." I assured them as I handed them their belongings. A blush crept up to their cheeks and they were fast to look away, clearing their throat. I remembered I was shirtless and I let out a quiet, nervous laugh.
"Um...do you know where the science building is?" They asked, clearly a bit hesitant. I felt relieved this wasn't completely awkward and pointed at a building behind me.
"The building behind that one." They nodded, their Y/E/C eyes lighting up. "You're new to campus?" I decided to ask.
"Yeah. I...I'm Y/N." They introduced themselves and I flashed them a friendly smile.
"Cute name." I complimented and their cheeks were set aflame once again. "I'm Yuri."
"Thank you. And thanks for helping me out." They slowly stepped to the side, seemingly embarrassed for some reason. I only smiled at their shyness and shrugged it off.
"My pleasure. See you around then, Y/N." I waved goodbye and slowly jogged off once they returned a smile. Their shyness sure was cute, I told myself, chuckling.
By the time I made it back to the dorms, I was drenched in sweat. Well, not to the point where it looked like I dipped myself in a stinky pool, but that's sure what I felt like. I needed to work out more.
When I came out of taking a shower, Phichit was just coming out of his room, fully dressed, his hair perfect as ever, and the rare most bomb eyeliner I've ever seen. It wasn't often Phichit wore eyeliner to school, but I didn't question it. Whatever reason there was behind it was something he would eventually tell me in his own time (although I had my suspicions it had something to do with Kyoya). Besides, I didn't want him to go back and jump all over me, trying to pry answers for yesterdays questions, so I didn't ask.
"Morning." I mumbled instead and quickly made a beeline to my room, closing the door behind me. I dressed into a casual outfit, some jeans and a thin sweater. Giving my hair time to air dry, I slowly put on my shoes, checking my phone as well for any unread messages. But there weren't any.
I told myself not to think about it too much and left my room, taking my backpack and glasses with me. I wasn't a big fan of taking my glasses with me on a run, or anywhere I didn't really need them. I had a pair of contacts somewhere around my room, but if possible, I avoided using those at all costs outside of work, since they always sting my eyes. But I'm a gonner in class without my glasses.
My hair was about completely dry by the time I was walking across the small living room in front of the kitchen, ready to leave. Phichit looked up from his breakfast at me and waved, smiling brightly.
"Have a good day!" He said in a sing-song tone. Something told me he was being nice because be wanted me to tell him about Victor, but I can't let him know. It's conmpletely different from him knowing about my job and knowing about...whatever it is that's going on with Victor and I. It's not only me on the line, but his job and whole reputation as well. I can't risk that.
I waved back and left the dorm, quietly walking down the hall and leaving the building once again.
The sun was out now and I felt pretty good. Something told me this would be a good day.
But of course, it wasn't.
My first class was fine. I had fun talking to Seven and Eren, who I felt like I hadn't talked to properly in a while. I told him about me running into his French professor after classes and he explained to me that was just his face all the time. But as he talked about him, it felt like there was something behind his words. Some type of feeling perhaps?
But I didn't ask him about it and instead we talked about different subjects as we went to the second class together. It was after saying bye to Eren and walking into our French class that my day was dulled.
In front of the class, where Victor would normally be standing, was an old man with small, round glasses. He was sitting on a high chair, sipping from a green tea cup quietly. He looked like a kid up there.
"Exuse me, is Mr. Nikiforov out?" Someone asked from somewhere in the room.
"Ho ho ho." The man laughed slowly, resembling some type of laid back Santa. It made me smile a bit.
Seven and I went further inside and took our seats at the back. Seven sat down and the seat next to him, which would usually be empty, was taken by none other than Yato himself. He flashed us a smile.
"Still hungover?" He asked me once he noticed he had caught my attention. I chuckled and shook my head.
"Not today."
A conversation developed after that, which mainly consisted of Seven and Yato talking, while I got lost in my own world. I couldn't shake off the feeling that maybe I had upset Victor. But could I possibly upset him so much that he decided to skip work?
Why do you care so much? A voice inside me asked.
...why do I?
A/n:first of all, I am so so sorry for how infrequent these updates are! I'm the worst, I know!😭 I'm not sure If they'll get better, but for now, I'm gonna need you guys to hang on and see what's going to happen along with me.. things kind of went to shit again, but let's hope for the best :) thank you so much for still supporting me through all of this♡
For those of you who are new, welcome :)
Now, about the chapter, kind of a lot happened here and yet nothing at all😟 the 'first date' plan, my daddy Erwin making a text appearance along with Zen (from Mystic Messenger sorry), and that was Tanaka from Black Butler at the end xD
I haven't forgotten about Yuri's job, so don't worry! There will be smexy Yuri in about two chapters from now!!
I also decided to add a small scene ft. You!! Bc I thought maybe some of you might enjoy those POV stories (personally I'm not a big fan but I'm trying new stuff._.) I probably sucked at that scene either way so let's move on ;-; ah! and the reason I used their/them pronouns is because I know there's some transgender people reading my stories, or just people who like different pronouns etc. so I tried to do my best and make everyone happy :)
c: I'd totally lick those egocentric abs😏
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