[A/N: Ouran Host Club on top!^ look at their smilesss😍😢😍
Also, I know the previous chapter was kinda weird but in short, Yuri was having some sort of (wet) dream during class in which he sees Victor well...fucking him (Yuri) in his office. Dream Yuri was bent over the desk with his head against it so Dreaming Yuri couldn't see his face at first. It was mainly put there so I could give you guys some smexy but also because Yuri is starting to realize *things*. Hopefully this helped a bit :/]
*not edited*
Mr. Nikiforov
chapter five // a perfect host
Pouting, I watched as every students rose from their seats and rushed out of the classroom, happily chatting with each other about whatever they planned to do after class. Then there was me. Practically sinking down from my chair as I shot everyone a disgusted glance, all while looking like a pitiful six year old, may I add.
Thankfully I didn't say anything during my sleep (I asked seven) but I did snore pretty loudly, which is what gave me away and Mr. Nikiforov called me out. And what the dream itself was about...I couldn't believe it. Perhaps it's because I've been thinking of Victor so much lately that I've started dreaming about him in that way.
Well, they do say that dreams are a subconscious wish. But am I really okay with messing with a professor?
God, things would be so much easier if he wasn't my teacher.
"I'll see you tomorrow then." Seven said awkwardly, waving goodbye before he too walked out of the classroom.
"Merci," a student mumbled as they finished a brief talk with Mr. Ni-ki-fo-rov. What kind of last name even is that? It's so stupid.
...Actually, it's fucking nice, but whatever.
The student, at last, walked out of class, leaving the room empty apart from me and Mr. Nikiforov. I could have easily walked down to him and confronted the issue, but I stayed put in my lazy position.
Instead, I watched Mr. Nikiforov erase the board quickly then began to organize a bit of his papers after. I realized for the first time how much of a clean freak he is; dispite having most of his desk occupied with paperwork, everything was neatly stacked.
It didn't take him long to finish organizing, and he didn't hesitate to look up and meet my gaze, unlike he always does during every lecture. I only smiled innocently.
"Is there something wrong?" He blurted, clearly not pleased with the conversation we were about to have.
My smile fell, "What?"
He sighed, loosening his tie a bit around his neck then leaned his back against the board, crossing his arms over his broad chest. His face showed no emotion besides the always-present uninterest.
"We may have met outside school grounds, but you are still a student. My student." He began, every word seemingly taking a piece of energy from him. "You're failing my class and, as your teacher, I must try and bring your grades up."
I frowned a bit in confusion at his words. It would make sense if this was high school--but it's college, the place where none of your teachers care if you pass or not, pay or don't pay attention. Most only do only what they are supposed to do, others dont teach at all, and recieve a check for it. But there is no College professor who will do more than what they are being payed for. Being on a students ass is simply not part of their job and definitely not what any normal college professor would waste their time on.
So why does he care?
"You haven't been turning in your assignments and now you're falling asleep in my class." Mr. Nikiforov started again, looking away and staring off to the side instead, his tone growing incredibly cold. "So I suggest you catch up or simply drop the class all together."
There it was.
Of course he didn't care about me or my grades! He was trying to tell me to drop his class.
I couldn't control the anger I felt along with a small, what most would call, 'pang' on my chest. But I ignored the feelings and stood up from my chair, quickly walking down to the front door.
My steps were decisive but not even I knew where I was truly going with this. Hopefully, something even remotely good will come from my pointless actions.
I opened the door and stopped on my way out, turning back around to face Victor one last time. He was looking at me with a certain look hidden in his eyes. Perhaps it was regret?
Yeah, sure, like he would ever feel sorry.
"If you really hate seeing me that much, I'll drop your class. And don't worry, I won't tell anyone about that night." I took a deep breath, my ears visibly heating up as my bottom lip trembled a bit, "Goodbye, Victor."
I walked out.
Before Victor or I could do anything, I just left. I ran away from my problems instead of facing them...as always.
But why am I even so bothered by this? I barely even know the guy! Sure, we hooked up one night, but he's my professor for crying out loud. Even if what happened that night felt...special, it wasn't meant to work out in the end.
God, I definetely need a drink after this.
I took a seat in my art class, somehow not noticing Phichit wasn't in his seat as usual. Everyone was all over the place, talking and having a real time with their friends without a care in the world. Their lives must be pretty great. Nothing around me was present until a hand landed on my shoulder without warning.
I jumped in my seat, panicked, and quickly looked up.
"Let's go to the host club!" Phichit beamed straight in my face. I blinked, confused and taken by surprise.
"..Uh, what?"
"We're going to visit the host club after class!" Phichit continued, showing me a torn piece of paper in which a series of words were written across neatly. I narrowed my eyes a bit as I tried to read over it, but before I could comprehend the hand writing, Phichit pulled the paper away and put it in his back pocket, winking.
"They're directions to the music room."
"Uh, music room?"
I was still very confused.
The art teacher walked in and everyone began to rush to their seats, the conversations gradually dying down. Phichit took his seat next to me and leaned in to whisper before the professor began class.
"You'll understand after class."
Those were the last words Phichit said to me before class started. Since it was still early into the semester, we weren't exactly drawing already. Instead, we were learning about the basic elements of art--the type of things that I learned and had memorized long ago. And so, of course, I paid no mind to the lesson.
But I quickly realized that my thoughts wanted to go back to Victor. So to distract myself, I looked around the classroom.
Bright, vibrant paintings were hung around the classroom, most likely from previous students. They all had their own sense of uniqueness and messages. Sure, most were beautiful and they might have had a deeper meaning if you took the time to analyze the pieces, but they didn't interest me. In the end, they were all the same in my eyes. Just canvases covered in vibrant colors.
Towards the back of the classroom, behind me, were a few paintings stuck on top of one another, forming a large pile of well...trash. They seemed to have been abandoned and have been left untouched for years. The edges of the papers were crumbled, a few pieces ripped from some, but there was this feeling to them. It felt like if you were to look through the paintings, you would reveal it's secrets. Every second I examined the papers placed on the table at the corner of the room, I felt more intrigued. I wanted to see what was in those paintings and why they were all abandoned just like that.
Why do I have to be so interested in?
A bell rang loudly from the intercome over our heads. My eyebrows raised in surprise.
Had it already been two hours?
I stood from my seat and threw the strap of my backpack over my shoulder, ready to leave. I was already walking out of the room when no other than my best friend slid their arm around mine and pulled me back, frowning.
"You said you would go to the host club with me!" Phichit pouted. I gave him a blank look.
"Actually, I never agreed--"
"Please...you've been acting weird lately. Maybe this will lift your spirits up! We can even go for drinks afterwards if you want."
I actually considered his words. He had a fair point. Perhaps this could help. And even though Phichit doesn't know what's happening in my life at the moment, a couple of drinks would be amazing.
I sughed, giving in. "Alright. I'll go."
Phichit beamed, his perfect smile shinning brightly as his dark eyes lit up with glee. Who am I kidding, everything in my life could be perfect and I still wouldn't be able to say no to this dork.
Why did I have to agree to this?
Why didn't I just say no and went back to our dorms?
Why must I always fall for those eyes?
"Phichit, admit it, we're lost!" I whined once again, finally stopping in the middle of the hallway. My legs felt heavy and the souls of my feet were on fire.
We had been walking for nearly the past hour looking for the damn club. Turns out the neatly written directions were not clear at all, and so Phichit and I got lost and now we can't even find our way back to the staircase. We had never been to the third floor, but how hard can it be to find a set of stairs?!
"I think these halls are haunted." Phichit mumbled, still reading the directions in hope of finding something useful. I shook my head.
"Maybe we should ask for help." I suggested and Phichit nodded in agreement. Then we fell into a deep silence, realizing there was not a single person around. In fact, the last time we saw another student was just as we left art class.
"We're going to die." Phichit deadpanned. He threw the paper away and shrugged, his eyes wide in a panicked manner. "We can't find our way back and we'll soon get hungry. We'll starve to death and no one will come looking for us!"
I pinched the bridge of my nose, taking a deep breath. "Phichit, we're not gonna die."
"What about my hamsters? Who will take care of them?" Phichit spun around quickly, his eye twitching a bit. "They'll die, too!"
"Phichit, please, breathe. They're not going to--are you crying?!"
"No! Something fell in my eye!" Phichit brought a hand up to rub at his eye, looking away from me and walking over to lean against the wall.
"Okay, why don't we try knocking on doors and ask for help that way. Who knows, maybe there's someone in these rooms." I looked around us and spotted a set of doors a bit further down the hall. "Look, let's start there, come on."
Phichit followed me with a mournful look on his face, mumbling incomprehensible words under his breath.
I kept looking back to make sure Phichit was still walking behind me. Getting separated was the last thing we needed, I've seen enough films to know that much.
Once we reached the door and Phichit finally caught up to me, he pulled out his phone, tugging at my shirt a bit.
"We should take one last selfie. You know, before they find our corpses--"
"Phichit, we're not going to die." I repeated, done with the conversation. I wasn't annoyed, it was mostly worry that I felt, knowing that the thing Phichit thought of doing in this type of situation was give up and take pictures.
I gave him a side glance, shaking my head to myself, he needed a better hobby.
I brought my hand up to knock on the door, both of us jumping when the door opened a bit from the contact. Carefully, we opened the door and took a peak inside, suddenly blinded by a flash of light. I peeked my eyes opened and was confused at the rose petals flying towards us as the lights gradually dimmed down.
I swear I heard music playing from somewhere.
The lights soon came back to normal and what our eyes landed on first was a group of guys sitting in the middle of the room, a godlike light surrounding them.
"Welcome~" they all greeted us in unision.
I just stood there, perplexed by the whole situation. Then Phichit nudged my shoulder and awkwardly mumbled a, "See, I told you we weren't gonna die."
"What?" I frowned.
A blond guy from the group quickly walked towards us, placing his arms around me and Phichit's shoulders.
"Ah, two boys! Its not frequent for guys to come around." I was frozen, unsure of what I should do. "It is far too early for any visitors, it must have been faith for you to be here! But, please, tell me," the blond skipped over and stood in front of us, humming as he leaned in to take closer looks at our faces, "Are you really guys? Last time we assumed that, it ended up as a great surprise to all of us." He laughed a bit at his own inside joke.
"Tamaki, please, leave them alone." A shorter, more feminine guy from the group sighed, offering me a sweet smile. Dispite their clothes, this person was different from the rest. Only an idiot wouldn't be able to tell they're a girl.
"Sure! Anything for you, my sweet Haruhi!"
The girl gave a sigh, one that sounded exhausted, like she had gone through more than enough but couldn't do anything about it besides suck it up and keep going. But she clearly didn't plan to stick around as she walked away, shaking her head a herself.
"Why do I even bother."
I slowly began to turn around so I could leave. I would much rather be lost and die out there than stay here with this...rich extrovert.
"Oh! You're first time guests here so please, allow me to give you a proper welcome." The blond continued, ignoring the others behind him. I looked down at my feet, unsure.
"We'd love to." Phichit cut in.
"Great! My name is Tamaki Suoh, otherwise known as the man of your dreams." Tamaki winked, walking away as he began to talk about the club. Phichit followed happily while I was dragged behind by him, confused beyond belief.
It wasn't long after that when the room began to fill up with girls. They all had a certain area in which they sat down with some of the 'hosts'. We had walked around the room and were back at the entrance, ending our tour. Nothing that Tamaki said had registered in my head until now.
A small group of girls standing by the doors approached us, shyly waving at Tamaki. "Oh, we noticed you weren't on your usual station." One of the girls spoke. Tamaki bowed down a bit, flashing her a regretful look.
"Forgive me, I was just giving our new friends here a tour." He brought his hand up to caress her cheek, leaning in closer than I had expected, "Perhaps I can make time tonight and meet you in my dreams to make up for this, my princess."
"O-okay." The ginger giggled.
After that, the group of girls left to talk to the other hosts. Tamaki turned to face us once again, smiling brightly.
"So tell me, what type of guys are you into?"
I instinctively tried to gasp at his question but ended up choking on my own saliva, looking like a complete idiot in the process.
"Oh, we can take it from here, boss." The twins from art class jumped in, talking at the same time. Tamaki, nodded.
"Very well then, I shall go and check up on Haruhi." Tamaki waved, leaving.
"Hi, guys." Phichit smiled. The twins smirked, giving each other a mischievous glance.
"We already have a host for you. He's a bit serious, but we're sure you'll get along." Hikaru stated proudly.
"But we still don't know who would be a good match for Yuri here." Kaoru pouted, patting my shoulder softly.
"Eh? Oh, don't worry about me, I-I'm okay."
"Are you not interested in guys?" The twins asked at the same time. My face heated up a bit.
"It's not that...I just don't think this type of stuff is for me." I clarified. The twins nodded in understandment.
"You're definetely that type of guy." Kaoru looked at his borther, who nodded.
Type of guy? What type?
"We have a perfect host for you." Hikaru beamed, giving me a thumbs up.
"He's new to the club since he was asking around to join different clubs that could help him in the future. Hosting and learning how to treat a lady is a great lesson club. And although he's a bit new right now, he has charisma, and we think you'll like him." I nervously glanced at Phichit who gave me a supporting smile.
"I don't think that's a very goo--"
"Hikaru, Kaoru, Kyoya asked me to come get you." A dark haired guy interrupted, pointing somewhere over his shoulder.
The twins looked at him and smiled," Oh, just who we were looking for!" They took a stand on either side of the slightly shorter male, leaning their arms on his shoulders. "Yuri, this is the host we had mentioned earlier!"
"Yuri, meet Yato. Yato, meet Yuri!"
A/N: so I know many ship yato with hiyori and even with Yukine (mee), but this is part of doing crossovers. Obviosuly, this is a Victuri book, *cough* but there will still be other people involved with Victor and Yuri *cough*
This is what makes it all realistic.
And I know it's pretty tough between Yuri and Victor right now, but they'll get on track soon ;)
In case you don't know who Yato is, here's a picture of god:
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