A/n: it's best if you avoid reading the comments until you finish reading the whole chapter :) and please, don't comment spoilers in other places ^-^
This might be triggering to some of you (you never know ig), so please read slowly. If you start to feel uncomfortable, please stop reading and just skip to the end note.
Mr. Nikiforov
chapter eighteen // the truth
I heard the front door open. Curious, I walked over to the living room and watched as someone came in sighing. My eyes widened and as our eyes met, I realized that they were just as surprised as me.
"Uh...what are you doing here?" I asked a bit awkwardly, realizing I had no right to ask when this wasn't even my home.
"Well...I was just..." He trailed off as Victor came down the stairs mostly dressed. Noticing my shock, he slowly turned to the front door and his eyes widened as well.
"Oh...hi." He greeted softly, almost awkwardly. V crossed his arms over his chest and looked at Victor with a frown.
"Can we talk?" V asked and he nodded. Victor walked down over to me and gave me a small smile.
"I'm sorry, I'll explain everything after this okay?" I just nodded slowly, unsure of what else I could do. V also walked over to me once Victor had walked back upstairs and I tried to cover myself as best as I could with Victor's shirt.
"Could you keep an eye on him, we won't he long." V asked, looking back over his shoulder. My eyebrows furrowed before being surprised to see a kid sitting on one of the couches, silently looking at his shoes.
"Uh, sure..."
I watched V walk up the stairs after Victor and took a moment to try and wrap my head around what just happened. But I didn't even know where to start.
The kid, of course.
"Akka!" The boy cheered, running off the couch and hugging Makkachin close to him. The dog looked pleased and comfortable being in his arms.
I slowly approached him and tried to hide my lower half which was pretty much still exposed mind you. Unsure, I took a seat in one of the couches and watched, making sure the kid didn't get hurt.
He was young, maybe five years old. He had a beanie covering his head from the cold and was dressed in a cute jacket. He pulled back to take off his gloves before his small hands scratched the back of Makka's ears and she wiggled her tail happily.
After that, the toddler realized I was watching and made eye contact with me. He had a set of bright green eyes and long eyelashes. He almost looked like a doll with his fair skin.
"Hi." He beamed.
It's not like I hate kids--I dont mind them--but right now I was too busy trying to figure out who he was and what V and him were doing here in Victor's house.
"Um...what's your name?" I tried, thinking I might be able to get some information out of him.
"Anton and I'm this old!" He exclaimed, holding up four fingers proudly. I smiled, unable to fight his adorableness. "Who are you?" It was his turn to ask, tilting his head sideways a bit as he examined me with his colored eyes.
[ quick little comment--in case youve read my other book, there is a fluff shot with a kid named Anton, please dont go to that story and comment anything that might spoil too much! Read the whole chapter first and the authors note at the end to understand!! ]
"My name's Yuri. I'm...a friend of V and Victor." Anton nodded, letting me know he understood although he looked a bit unsure.
"Why are you naked?" He blurted out and my face flared up. I quickly took one of the cushion pillows and covered my crotch area while I covered my chest with the shirt. "My dad says I have to dress when I get up from bed." He added, frowning. He had that 'it's not fair' tone.
"I-I just got up." I explained. "Uh...V's your dad?" I questioned as Anton stood up from the floor, taking his gloves with him. He nodded after he was able to slip one back on. "Oh." I mumbled.
I think I remember Zen mentioning something about V's previous relationship and how he was engaged for a while. Was he the result from that relationship?
"I like your glasses." Anton complimented, snapping me out of my thoughts. I smiled.
"Thank you. I like your gloves." At that, Anton smiled widely, staring down at his hands with a nod.
"Thank you!"
Suddenly Victor and V returned from upstairs and Victor was fully dressed now in some sweatpants and a simple tee. He was carrying a small blanket as well, which he used to wrap around me once he reached the couch.
"Could we talk?" He asked softly and I nodded, really wanting to know what was happening.
"Uh, I have to go." I excused myself, smiling softly at Anton as I got up, covering myself with the duvet. He looked a bit disappointed but he smiled either way, nodding.
I walked past V without saying a word, he only met my eyes for a second before looking away, but that second was enough to notice the sad and hopeful look in his eyes. My heart began to race as I followed Victor upstairs, most likely back to his bedroom.
What could be the worst case scenario right now?
That this was all a lie and he has a whole other life with another man? Or me slipping down these stairs and ending up in the hospital?
I didn't want either of those to happen.
Carefully going up the final steps, we walked down the hall to Victor's bedroom, which he closed the door to once we both got inside. He nervously pointed at the bed, offering me a seat. I obliged and sat down, giving him my full attention, ready to hear what the hell all of that was.
"So..." Victor began, rubbing at his neck nervously. "I haven't been completely honest with you. But before you leave, please let me explain. I'll tell you everything. No secrets."
"Please do." I whispered, afraid that my voice would shake and give out how nervous I really was if I spoke louder than that.
Victor walked over and sat down beside me, looking at my hand resting on the space between us before staring down at his own fidgeting ones. He took a deep breath and began to explain.
"First off, I guess I should explain my relationship to V." He looked up at me. "V is my brother. Fraternal twin, to be exact."
I looked off somewhere across the room, processing the information.
"He was living in Korea for some time until just a few months ago. Remember that day I didn't go to school? I went to go pick him up at the airport." I turned to face him, piecing together what I knew so far.
"So both Jumin and V are your brothers?" I asked and he nodded.
"Jumin has a different mother than us and he's a bit older. Our mother didn't want anything to do with our father so we lived with her instead until she died. After that, V and I lived with a family friend since neither of us wanted to live with our father. We also kept mom's last name, which explains why Jumin has a different last name than us." Victor explained carefully.
"Didn't your dad try to connect with you guys?" I couldn't help but ask, curious about the relationship between them now.
"He's a man that can never settle down, and our mother hated him for that. We didn't want to live with someone who thought nothing of her, and he didn't ask again after offering us to live with him once and we declined. He wanted to groom us to become obedient and successful business men, much like Jumin...but that life wasn't for us. We did better off on our own." He shrugged.
I nodded slowly, understanding his situation. "Why didn't you tell me about V earlier then?"
His eyebrows furrowed. "I didn't think it was too important. I did plan to have you both meet eventually...but not so soon."
"And why not?" I frowned.
He fell silent after that. I could feel his body tensing a bit and I slowly placed my hand over his, getting his attention. Once he did look up at me, he gave me a hopeless look. The look in his eyes was one of someone who had lost everything. Or was about to.
"Remember when I told you last night that I had only been in one serious relationship?" He mumbled.
I nodded.
"...I was married for a few years, actually. Our marriage was a difficult one; but I loved him. V didn't really like him for that. But despite having so many problems...we ended up deciding that what we needed was...a kid." He whispered the last word.
I looked down at our hands, processing his words.
Did that mean...
"Anton is my son." Victor confirmed.
"...You have a son..." I repeated softly, not fully able to wrap my head around it. My head began to run wild, so many thoughts and emotions running through me.
Victor reached to grab my hands, rushing to explain.
"I didn't want to tell you like this. I was afraid you'd think differently of me, and I really didn't want to lose you. So I was planning to tell you in a better moment--"
"Better moment?" I cut him off, shaking my head. Victor's grip on my hands loosened and I got up, pulling my hands away. "You didn't think telling me you have a son was something you should've told me since the beginning?" I snapped, all of my emotions being overpowered by the one thing I've always used to protect myself: anger.
Victor's head bowed down slightly, "I do. I just never thought we'd come this far, and when I started to like you so much, I was afraid you'd leave if you knew the truth."
"That's not important, Victor!" I sighed, turning on my heel and gathering my clothes from the floor. "I never planned to have a serious relationship, but I wanted to give you a chance, and all this time I thought you were so amazing. I thought you were this honest, perfect guy who I could truly rely on. I felt like I was--" my eyes widened, my heart sinking to the pit of my stomach at the truth.
Falling in love?
"..I'm sorry." Victor apologized, standing up and reaching for me. I flinched away from his touch and flashed him a warning look. He pulled back and gave me a pained expression.
"No, it's me the one who should apologize." I concluded, my voice much softer but still laced with anger. I started to put on my pants, quickly buttoning them up. "I'm sorry that I can't do this."
I changed to my own shirt, turning around and handing Victor his shirt. He took it hesitantly, both of us holding on to the light fabric.
"Yuri..." he begged softly.
Now that my anger had been set aside for the most part, I could feel the panic and sadness coming, so I looked away and slid on my shoes quickly.
I opened his bedroom door to leave, when I heard Victor ask the last question.
"Will you come back?"
I stopped, staring at the wall across the hall. My heart ached and I wanted to go back into his arms for comfort, but I was afraid. I had too much in my mind and I needed to set out my emotions. I didn't want him to see me cry. That would be pathetic.
"I don't know." I said at last and walked away, leaving him and my hopes behind. My hopes to find happiness and someone who truly accepted, and loved me for me.
I trotted down the stairs and was surprised to see V and Anton still downstairs.
Of course they'd be here. They're Victor's family after all.
My eyes fell on Anton and he smiled at me. I noticed that he was no longer wearing his beanie, letting his platinum hair shine. I could definitely see the resemblance to Victor.
"Yuri." V called and I turned my attention to him. He looked sad as he silently asked me what had happened.
I didn't say anything either, I just walked past the living room, getting Phichit's car keys and opened the front door. Makkachin ran up to me, nudging at my leg happily. I looked down and shoed her away softly, exiting Victor's home and going straight to the car.
Once inside, I turned the key and drove away. It had only been a minute or two into my drive when all of my emotions really began to get the best of me. My tears ran down my cheeks non-stop, and I started to feel myself break into a sweat.
I pulled to the side of the road and closed my eyes, the panic in me rising slowly. All of the stress and feelings had finally pushed me over the edge and I began to feel fear.
Without realizing it, I had started to hyperventilate and everything around me had began to turn hazy. I tried to ground myself but I could barely think straight.
I needed to calm down.
What do I do?
I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my contacts. Normally I'd call Phichit, but even at this moment I knew that wasn't a good idea. There's nothing he could do and I'd only end up worrying him. So I called the only other person who I knew could help me right now.
I pressed the phone to my ear and tried to concentrate on the ringing sounds. I almost felt relieved when I heard them answer.
"Seven..." I cried.
"Yuri? What's wrong? Are you okay?" I heard him ask in a rushing voice the second he heard the condition I was in.
I could barely talk as I gasped for air. I held on to the phone tightly and looked around me, trying to tell myself that I was okay.
Seven seemed to quickly understand and I heard shuffling on the background as he rushed to talk to me.
"It's fine, I'm here. Can you tell me where you are? I'll go get you. Are you at the dorms?" I stared at the steering wheel, feeling myself fall deeper and deeper into a hole.
"Yuri! Yuri, listen! Look around you and tell me where you are." Seven's voice snapped me back to reality. I looked out the windows and found the streetname.
"E-eight Street West." I stuttered out.
"Okay, good. Tell me what you see around you." I heard the sound of a door closing before a loud engine roared to life.
I tried my best to focus on what he asked for and looked back out the window. I took deep breaths. "I s-see a white house." I whispered.
For a few minutes I continued to tell Seven what was around me and he kept talking to me all through out. Faster than I thought he could, his car pulled up beside mine and I saw Seven step out of the vehicle, approaching me.
He opened the door and kneeled down beside me, holding my hands. I was a bit better now; I was still scared and my breath was bit out of place, but it wasn't as bad as ten minutes ago.
Seven looked into my eyes and he gave my hands a supporting squeeze.
"It's okay. You don't have to be scared. You can do this. I'm right here, yeah?" I nodded. "Remember to take deep breaths. You have nothing to be scared of, it'll be over soon."
"I-it hurts." I cried softly.
"It's okay. Just distract yourself, come on, ground yourself." He pulled out a gum from his pocket and gave it to me to chew on, distracting me.
Slowly, my breaths began to turn even and the flight-or-fight instinct in me died down. I began to feel like I had control over my body again and my muscles relaxed.
Seven continued to talk to me and repeatedly told me it was okay. Once it was over and I sat in silence for a few seconds, Seven asked me what happened.
I looked down to my lap, unable to tell him. Despite Victor and I being over, I couldn't tell him about us. Even though I hated Victor right now, I didn't want him to get fired.
"Whatever it is, it's going to be fine. I'm sure it's nothing worth crying so much about." Seven said, reaching for my face and wiping away the tears that I hadn't realized were still silently falling.
Seven wrapped his arms around me and I cried into his chest. He let me cry there as he quietly patted my back, holding me. Even though I wanted to cry my whole heart out, I forced myself to stop. This was nothing Seven had to sit through; it wasn't his burden to carry and he didn't deserve to worry over a friend.
After I got my crying under control, Seven pulled back and flashed me a small smile.
"Want me to drive you to the dorms?" He offered and I nodded, not wanting to drive.
I took the car keys with me and locked up the car, getting into Seven's elegant vehicle afterwards. I could come back for Phichit's car some other time.
As we drove to campus, I looked out the passengers window, trying my best not to think about what had happened at Victor's place. I turned to face Seven.
"Thank you for coming for me." I broke the silence.
Seven looked at me, a bit surprised I suddenly spoke, but he smiled either way. He shook his head.
"It's nothing. I'm just glad you decided to call someone. It was a good choice." I nodded.
It had been years since I last had an anxiety attack like that one. Phichit has always been the one to help me through them, other than my parents. When I became friends with Seven, he was unfortunate enough to one day experience me having one--one that was bound to be the last one in years. So he was able to understand what was going on when I called earlier and knew how to help me. I never expected him to come all this way for me, though.
I was very grateful for that.
Soon enough, we reached the campus and Seven had pulled up to the dorms. He insisted he'd walk me up to my dorm, which I continued to tell him he didn't have to, but he did either way. Once we got there, he didn't come inside, instead he looked into my eyes and seemed to search for something in them.
"There's something I have to do, will you be okay on your own?" He asked and I nodded. "You can call me if anything happens, doesn't matter what time. 707 is always there for ya, alright?" He smiled.
I gave him the best smile I could master.
"Thank you. For everything." I thanked him again, wrapping my arms around him tightly.
Seven's one of my closest friends besides Phichit, and it kills me not being able to tell him what was wrong and ask for his advice or just have someone hear me out. But they know everything about me and support me through it all. I couldn't ask for better friends.
"It's okay, Yuri." He hugged me back tightly. "You know I love you."
I nodded, smiling softly as I pulled away. Seven waved goodbye and turned on his heel so he could leave. I watched him go, waving one last time before he rounded the corner and disappeared from sight.
I went inside and shut the door behind me, slightly wishing it wasn't so damn quiet. Unable to stop myself, I slid down against the door and wrapped my arms around my knees, staring blankly at the floor.
I wanted to cry, I could feel the tears building up, but then I remembered Seven's words and stopped myself. There was no need to cry. It was better to think about this with a cool head.
Yeah. Keep it together, Yuri.
I raised my chin and got up from the floor, slowly walking into my bedroom. The room was slightly messy because of the large search that went down in my closet the previous day, but I couldn't care any less.
I got in bed and hid myself under the duvet.
My mind replayed today's events, the reality fully sinking in. I've been afraid of having a real relationship with anyone, and the one time that I decided to give someone an opportunity, it turns out he's a father? I am not ready for this type of commitment.
I should've known it was too good to be true.
Despite trying my best not to cry, I suddenly felt the warm tears run down my cheeks and hit my pillow. I was afraid I had no control over this or what would happen from this point forward.
A/n: slightly shorter chapter but man have I been wanting to bring these two boys in ^^
So, yep, Victor is a dad and V is his twin (which I know a lot of you were expecting this lol just go along with it) Anton is actually a character I came up with really early in the making of this book ^3^ (I will post pictures of what he looks like later)
Anton's and Victor's relationship will be explained deeper soon and I was planning to have his other dad be a small part of this story, but it's not that necessary.
Next chapter will be a character chapter, just a quick chapter showing pictures and little descrptions of every important character :)
The reason Yuri is taking this so hard is because he has a little trauma with commitment and the idea of love. He was afraid of being in a serious relationship, which he still had with Victor, and then he finds out that Victor's been 'lying' to him and he has a freaking kid. I mean, try putting yourselves in his shoes. You'd be pretty shocked as well. Just that it was a bit too much for Yuri :c
I think that's bout it for this one^
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