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Days passed for both have developed a good bond of friendship , well , the same can't be said from shivaay's side though. His attraction and his anonymous feelings for her were actually magnifying to make him insane . Sometimes he would transparently flirt and she would invite him with a smile . That's how they behaved, she knew about his thorough admiration for her but she would just act with ignorance because she didn't want to give him any scope. From her side , she really liked his company. She loved the joyous feel when with him . At times she would sit and teach him some chemistry and sometimes life , when the topic goes around .
And that's what he loves the most about her. Her kind of maturity , he hadn't seen in any other woman yet . Whenever she would share her personal thoughts and troubles with him , his heart would be jumping in wonderland . Ofcourse, he can't bring immediate solutions to her problems but still if she has got her mind to open up to him , indeed their bond grew strong. He was happy .
Before they could even realize , an entire semester flew by . For shivaay , it was really a sad thing to even think. His final year is over. No more college, no more annika . He couldn't take this truth actually . Holidays which he used to invite with infinite happiness didn't feel like the same anymore . Reason , she . A pure love sick teenager he behaved . While annika on the other side , missed him even . From deep inside she did know that he has become her happy partner but she wanted to restrict those thoughts from making any changes in her .
His cute behaviour, his frank talks , she adored everything until her thoughts asks her to keep an hold of those erupting feels . Shivaay is her good friend , that's all .
Ru - tomorrow is your result day right , aren't you nervous ?
Rudra jumped on the bed and settled comfortably near shivaay.
S- not really , because I'm worried of something else.
He gave an immediate reply and shifted his look away to once again dive into his deep thoughts .
Ru- wouldn't you share your worries with me baiya ?
Shivaay looked at his brother keenly for a moment and nodded .
S- fine , you remember annika ?
Ru - anitha ? Who ?
Shivaay rolled his eyes lazily before correcting him .
S- not anitha , annika !
Ru- ok ok , ka annika . Who is it ?
S- forget it .
He shook his head and exhaled deeply while Rudra crawled close with a pillow in his lap .
Ru - baiya baiya please , just one clue . I'll remember , actually her name sounds so familiar . I'll get it this time , please ...!
S- my lecturer...annika ?
Ru - ohh yeah yeah ,your girlfriend , for whose sake you even attended cooking courses .
S- she's not my girlfriend yet .
R- yet ? So your sure , you love her ?
Shivaay remained silent for a few seconds until Rudra pressed his shoulder once .
S - I don't want to miss her .
He spoke with much of yearning in his eyes .
Ru- that's not the correct answer for it but , it's a good one though. Instead of sitting and feeling like this , why don't you just talk to her ? You're such a feared cat baiya.
S- hey Rudy, don't call me that okay ! I'm not feared .
Ru- then what ? Come and take a look at my school , it looks like more of a sea shore than any school . Committeds and couples everywhere. And here , you are
S- what about you then ?
Shivaay interrupted .
Ru - me ? I love being single. No commitments , no worries! Unlike you .
Rudy stretched his hands and yawned , leaning over shivaay who in turn just moved away for him to fall back on the bed soon .
S- enough , none's dying to hear your love tips . Stop acting like you're the great, and run to your room now .
R- I know truth hurts , right ? Feared cat.
Shivaay was clearly irritated .
S- Rudy , just go . I'm already tensed .
P - aren't you both asleep yet ? Rudy what are you doing here ?
Pinky who just came in ,enquired , on finding Rudra with shivaay at this time.
Ru- nothing mom .
P- he's already in stress and tension because of his upcoming results. Don't disturb him now .
Rudy giggled immediately.
R - your golden son isn't tensed for the results rather he's stressed because of some relationship thoughts . He needs a mentor , so I'm just helping him .
P- relationship...?
Pinky stared at shivaay quizically while he passed a scowling look at Rudra who just shrugged his shoulders and smiled creepily.
S- Rudy , I was cleaning my cupboard yesterday. Where's your progress card? Once I saw you placing it in my cupboard, but I didn't see it in there yesterday.
Shivaay pretended to start the conversation casually and soon his plan worked .
Ru - no baiya , not there . I had actually hidden it beneath the bed . Wait ....see , here ! Even this time I got only C grade in maths . If mom finds out then...! so I
Rudra stopped his words at once when he realized what certainly happened now . Forgetting his mother's presence there , he had fetched his progress report from beneath the bed and held it with his fingers straight to his face as if he was advertising it . He crushed his eyes once and watched his mother who was fuming in anger now .
Ru - oh my god !!
He jumped off the bed and ran past the window by the pool side for pinky chased him in full force .
Shivaay watched the scene and let a loud laugh. He has a very good knowledge of his brother's weak points and he even knows how to use them at situations. Thank god , he had somehow diverted his mother today. He smirked.
Soon his mind was surrounded with some other thoughts again .
Should I express my feelings to her ? he questioned himself.
S- you see that! I've got an A+ in biochemistry!
Annika smiled watching his exclaiming reaction while he was keenly noticing his mobile screen to view all the grades.
A- good .
S- wait a minute , how did I get full marks in practicals ? I
A- hmm, the way you flopped the specimen identification that day ....
She sighed .
S- yeah , that's what I'm asking. Even the external looked dissatisfied with my first experiment . Then how did this happen annika ?
A- mam !!
S- mam
He whispered involuntarily and looked puzzled while she rose her brows and blinked suddenly.
A- being an internal examiner , I'm supposed to support the students in practical exams . I did , so your grade is up .
Annika said this and shrugged her shoulders , he was totally surprised.
S- you did it , for me ?
He didn't make a blink when he quizzed her . She looked at him quietly for a second .
A- come on shivaay , it's like a rule . We can reduce the practical marks of the student only to an extent . Declining the entire grade is not allowed , especially when you had performed the 2nd experiment so well . Even if it was any internal with any other student , this would have happened.
Listening to her casual reply shivaay took a step forward with his eye staring at her deeply. She gulped noticing his strong gaze and pushed herself behind .
S- but I know that I'm not any other student for you and obviously you're not just another lecturer for me .
She wet her lips nervously and turned her gaze . Shivaay was about to cage her from both the sides when suddenly a group of students rushed inside the canteen by that way .
' mam !!'
At once he moved back while she adjusted those perfectly draped fleets again before facing the students.
' mam , something unbelievable has happened. Our class has achieved cent percent pass results in biochemistry !! Congratulations mam! '
One among the group spoke when everyone including shivaay settled together in a table . Annika sat in the centre .
A- yeah , I saw the result sheet this morning. Even I'm so glad, thanks Ruhi ,I'm sorry sorry , thanks to each one of you .
She stated looking at everyone present there .
' mam , we're planning for a private party this weekend . Our entire class will be meeting up , we'll be so happy if you join us . Please mam, it's our last farewell! '
' yes mam, after this I don't know when we will get a chance to meet everyone. So we're planning for a grand party with DJ and all mam .'
Annika pressed her lips to show an helpless smile and saw him once. He looked totally sad after hearing to his classmate's words .
A- I'm sorry sharon , I would love to come but I've to visit my parents this weekend. Got a family function to attend .
Re- but mam
Rehmat was soon interrupted by another student .
' is it anything about your marriage mam !! Am I right ?! '
' really ?'
' don't forget to invite us mam '
Shivaay was annoyed when all the girls started singing choruses. He cringed by even the thought of it .
A- no girls , it's not that .
' we invited you because you're our favourite lecturer. Isn't there any possibility for you to come ? '
A- it's ok guys, don't worry of it. We already celebrated one farewell programme in college, I haven't forgotten those wonderful memories yet . What Rehmat?
Re - present mam!
Everyone started laughing as he shouted like that when she called his name suddenly.
A- relax, you didn't seem so nervous when you imitated me during the farewell day function? What happened now ?
She suppressed her smile and questioned him .
Re - no mam , I,
He stretched the word and scratched his hair as usual like he would do in class . Annika sighed shaking her head.
A- fine guys, go meet the other professors . Enjoy your farewell party and don't forget to miss me haan ? Good luck guys !
' Thank you mam '
They sang these words, and everyone left from there except shivaay .
She noticed his dull face . Taking a seat beside him , she cleared her throat to gain his attention.
A - my scooty is out for service , will you drop me ?
S - will you be my girlfriend annika ?
A- stop kidding shivaay .
S- I'm not.
He emphasised , holding her hand for the slight smile on her face deviated back slowly. His clear stare into her eyes said it all . She managed to pull her hand back and stood up , fetching a file from her bag .
A- these are some brochures and application forms , for a job with good designation in hospitals and private laboratories . Go through it and make your choice , if you have any other idea regarding your carrier, do it . Bye shivaay .
Shivaay followed her immediately when she said this and stormed out .
S- annika , annika .
A- it's ok shivaay , I'll take the bus or cab . You leave .
S- annika , you can't ignore me like this .
A- let's not get into this please.
She turned back after answering him and before she could bump with someone near the bus stop, she felt herself being pulled and twirled around to soon hit against his chest .
Her eyes wandered up to note his concerned gaze , she slowly looked at his hands which had her waist nested with his cold plams . Shivers is what she felt right at that moment . Within seconds , he pulled his hands back muttering a sorry . He then picked her specs which had fallen down and made her wear it after cleaning the glasses with his sleeves.
S- I'm sorry, you were
A- it's ok .
She interrupted to give this answer and looked around , seeking the bus . Shivaay did nothing but kept watching her intently.
S- annika , please don't take me wrong . I , you know right ? I really like you so much . I don't want to miss you , and when you started giving that farewell speech I felt totally down . Like as if , I won't be able to see you again . That's why I, annika you're
A- please shivaay enough , I'm sorry . I shouldn't have befriended you , maybe that brought a scope for you I suppose. I don't do things to impress you shivaay .
S- don't be sorry, I know it's not your fault. Just tell me one thing annika , why did you give me this file? Why me alone ?
Annika rose her brows and nodded once .
A- so all this made you think that I treat you specially. Nothing wrong , you're just being juvenile.
S- it's the age you worry of, am I right ?
A- look shivaay , you are attracted towards me from day one . This , this is just an infatuation ! Happens with everyone , realize the difference between attraction and true feelings.
S- you're hurting me annika . I'm not a child . I know it from here , and I even know that you like me too . But I just don't know what's stopping you, maybe my age ... I don't know .
He spoke , palming his chest just above his heart . Annika felt guilty.
A- I'm sorry, my motive wasn't to hurt you . I ...ok let's just leave it , you say you truly yearn for us , hmm ?
Shivaay quickly passed a blink.
A- we will handle this later . For now , make your carrier , go forward in life. That's more important than anything else . And exactly after one year , come and see me at the alumni meet of our college . If even till then , you want us . I , I'll
Shivaay interrupted her soon .
S- I don't like this challenge . One full year , how can I stay without seeing you ?
A- don't worry time flies . Who knows ? you might even get a chance to meet the right person for you in this year gap .
At once he showed his palm straight at her face to halt her words .
S- I'm in .
She saw the bus arriving and stepped close to share a warm hug with him for one last time. But before he could wound his arms around her , she had pulled back .
A- bye shivaay .
He heard her whisper . She then hurried to board the bus . Shivaay didn't dare to turn because he had no strength to watch her leaving. He was in pain . The girl who is so smart and mature in understanding everything, failed to even grasp his true hearty feelings , he felt dejected. A tiny drop of tear poured down from his right eye , which he quickly wiped.
While annika on the other side , saw his back figure through the window . She knew , she had behaved so idle in the name of being practical. But she couldn't help , because she thought shivaay was just rushing up with his feelings . He has to take a pause and think clearly , she thought . When the bus started moving , she wanted him to turn back atleast for once which didn't happen though .
You are worth so much 🌙
After one year ,
S - this is Mallika , my girlfriend.
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