"Where's Mr. Lee?" Hyunjin questioned, as he walked into the class seeing five instead of six students.
Everyone stayed quiet.
"I must have to ask again. Where is Mr. Lee?"
"We… don't know," Gaeul answered.
"What do you mean you don't know?" Hyunjin inquired.
"We mean, he left before we woke up yesterday, we don't know where he is," Jeongin said.
Just as Hyunjin was about to speak the door opened.
It was Minho.
"Where is your brother?"
"Can we talk outside?" Minho asked.
Hyunjin pursed his lips and nodded.
The two went outside.
Minho put his hands in his pockets and sighed.
"He went to go visit our little sister,"
"You needed me to come outside to tell me this?" Hyunjin questioned.
"No, not just that. About four years ago around this time, Felix, our sister, and our parents were in a car accident," Minho pursed his lips and let out a breathy chuckle, "it wasn't an accident, actually, our father tried driving off a bridge into water, it didn't work.
They survived and confessed that it was planned. Felix sustained some minor injuries, but our little sister she hit her head hard into the window and has been in a cationic state since. We visit every year,"
Hyunjin nodded, "I'm sorry about your sister,"
"We are honestly just happy she is alive. Anyways, Jisung and I are going to be heading there today by plane, but I just wanted to let you know Felix won't be here for at least a week. Uhm, you can reach him through like texts and stuff if you need to, though," Minho said.
"Okay, yeah, just be careful," Hyunjin said.
Minho nodded, "I'll see you in a week or so,"
Hyunjin nodded and watched Minho leave.
He hoped Felix was okay.
"Uhm, is this seat taken?"
Felix looked up from his journal and shook his head, "Ah, no,"
The man sat down across from Felix.
They sat in silence for a moment.
"You listen to Echosmith?" He asked.
Felix looked confused.
The man gestured to the earbud on the table, "Oh, I can hear it,"
"Right, honestly, I really only listen to 'Cool kids'. I listen mostly to like Linkin Park, Avril Lavigne, Theory of a Deadman," Felix said.
The other nodded, "I'm Declan Valentino, by the way,"
Felix smiled, "Felix Lee. So Declan, why did you sit here out of all the places to sit?"
"I am going to be very honest and tell you. I wanted to sit over here because I thought you looked very beautiful sitting here, writing whatever you are writing in that journal and I thought 'hey, why don't I sit with that beautiful guy and maybe ask if I can draw him?'"
Felix pressed his lips together hiding a smile, "So you're a charmer?"
"Maybe a little,"
The younger hummed.
"So Felix Lee, can I draw you?" Declan asked.
"Why should I say yes?" Felix asked.
"Because I think you are absolutely stunning and I want to capture that,"
Felix hummed and glanced at his phone that lit up.
Professor Hwang
Call me when you can
Felix looked back to Declan and smiled softly, "Sure, you can draw me," he answered.
The message, however, was stuck in Felix's head.
What could he possibly want to talk about?
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