Tw: mentioned self harm, mentioned suicide attempt, Winslow is an ass, mentioned abuse (no details)
"Before the jury comes in do we have any matters to discuss?" The judge asked.
"Yes, may we approach?" Hyunjin asked.
"Yes, you may,"
Winslow and Hyunjin went up to the bench and Soyeon and Felix looked at the tablet.
"What is it you would like to discuss Mr. Hwang?" Soyeon read.
"I would like to call Juni Hwang to the stand after thus witness, she doesn't know anything of the case besides the fact that it is against Mr. Harper," Felix read.
"Mr. Winslow, you have any objections..." Soyeon hummed and began to read the next part, "Someone should have notified me of this before hand so I have time to prepare, also Juni Hwang should have been in here since day one since she is the one pressing the charges not her mother,"
"Your honour, Juni Hwang is currently outside waiting I can bring her in. I would like to add that Juni Hwang does not need to be here. Her temporary gaurdian her Grand aunt didn't want her to be in the same room as Mr. Harper after what he allegedly did to her, especially since she is only fifteen," Felix read out softly.
The judge pressed his lips together, "Has her temporary guardian changed her mind?"
"Yes, she has, I even have a signed off from her stating that she is okay with Juni being in the courtroom," Hyunjin said.
"There is no need for that Mr. Hwang. Mr. Winslow, do you have any objections to Juni Hwang coming to testify?"
There was just a split second of a smile that Hyunjin saw before Winslow covered it up, "No, I have no objections for Juni Hwang testifying or being in the court," he said.
"Okay, is that all we needed to discuss?"
Hyunjin nodded, "Yes, your honour,"
"Yes, it is, your honour,"
The judge dismissed them and Hyunjin went outside to get Juni.
"She's going inside?" Shuhua questioned.
"Yeah, she'll be sitting between Felix and I. Are you okay with that?" Hyunjin asked Juni.
"Yeah, I am," Juni said.
"Okay, let's go,"
Juni stood up and followed Hyunjin into the courtroom. Her currently red curly hair was pinned back with a two heart clips and she was wearing a black dress with lace detailing.
She sat next to Felix who gave a small smile.
"Are we ready for the jury?" The judge asked.
"Yes, your honour," Hyunjin answered.
"Yes," Winslow said.
The jury entered and they were drawn to Juni immediately.
Juni shifted feeling a little uncomfortable.
"Hey, you're okay. They just are curious to who you are," Felix assured.
Juni nodded and set her hands in front of her clasping them together.
That drew a lot more attention due to her scars.
"Is there re-direct for Ms. Hwang?" The judge asked.
"No, your honour," Hyunjin answered.
"Is Ms. Hwang subject for recall?"
"No, she isn't, your honour," Hyunjin said.
"No, your honour, Ms. Hwang is not subject for recall," Winslow said.
"Okay, counsel your next witness," the judge said.
"We call Juni Hwang to the stand," Soyeon said.
Felix gave Juni a reassuring smile, "You can do this," he said.
Juni nodded. The girl walked with he bailiff to the stand. Sitting down she took a deep breath and looked to Soyeon.
"Juni, could you state your name for the record and spell it?"
"Yes, it is Juni Hwang. J-u-n-i H-w-a-n-g," she said.
"When is your birthday?"
"October 31, 2008,"
"Where do you currently live?" Soyeon questioned.
"I currently live with my grand aunt a little outside of Roanoke," she said.
"Juni, what was it like growing up?"
The girl shrunk into herself, "It was messy. Mr. Harper had a loose temper and my mom... my mom wasn't there,"
Soyeon pursed her lips, "Do you know why you're mother wasn't there?"
"Objection, speculation,"
"May we approach, your honour,"
"Yes, you may,"
The two approached, not a minute later were they walking back.
"You may answer, Juni,"
"Yes, I do know why she wasn't there," Juni said.
"Why was she not there?"
"Objection, leading," Winslow said.
"Overruled, Mr. Winslow. You may answer, ma'am,"
Juni took a deep breath, "Mr. Harper had a loose temper and he wasn't good at keeping things to himself. He'd tell-"
"Objection, hearsay,"
"They are words of a party opponent," Soyeon said.
"Overruled. You may continue,"
"He'd tell me I was like my mother, good for nothing, said that it was so easy for him just threaten my mom so he could keep me, because he knew that she wouldn't say anything, not even to my uncle,"
Direct was quick and easy, then cross started.
"Ms. Hwang, were you ever mad at your mother for leaving?" Winslow questioned.
"Yes, I was at a point," Juni answered.
"You're not anymore?"
"No, because I knew she had a reason,"
"You were on antidepressants weren't you?" He asked.
Juni took a breath, "Yes, I am,"
"You were on a suicide watch correct?"
"Objection, your honour, relevance," Soyeon said.
"Counsel, please approach,"
Soyeon and Winslow went up there.
Hyunjin and Felix read from the tablet.
"Mr. Winslow what is the relevancy of this question?" Felix read.
"Ms. Hwang is claiming that Mr. Harper abused her, while during this time she had multiple mental health issues relating to her mother," Hyunjin pursed his lips trying not to roll his eyes.
"She was also being seen at school with bruises and cuts. Mr. Harper has a bad temper, we've seen this before here in the courtroom,"
"Mr. Winslow, move on, with your question, the objection is sustained,"
The two went back to their spots.
"Ms. Hwang, you used to cut yourself, correct?"
Before Soyeon could even object Juni spoke, "Yes, I did,"
"So is it fair to say that you were having some issues with your mental health due to your mother not being there?" Winslow asked.
"No, it is not,"
That took Winslow off guard, "What?"
"I lived in a abusive house for eight or so years, my mental health problems at least not all of them were not due to my mother, but due to the pain that Mr. Harper inflicted upon me from the ages four to twelve when I ended up in the hospital because I wanted to live with my mother.
Who had been fighting to get custody of me since she left which at the time was around eight years, at this time now it has been eleven years. So, no it would not be fair to say that all my mental health problems were cause by my mother,"
Felix took a deep breath and pursed his lips. He had to admit the look on Winslow's face was funny, the pure look of surprise.
"I think now it is the best time for the morning recess," the judge said.
Winslow sat down obviously frustrated.
The judge gave the jury instructions then dismissed them.
"Remember, Ms. Hwang you are still testifying, therefore, you can't talk to you counsel about your testimony,"
The bailiff took Juni back to Hyunjin, Felix, and Soyeon.
"What do you want for lunch? Shuhua is picking food up for later," Hyunjin asked.
"McDonald's, please," Juni said.
Hyunjin nodded, "Go sit with you4 mom, kiddo,"
Juni walked over to her mom who was crying and hugged her.
"You are doing so good, darling,"
"Thank you, mommy,"
Yeji hugged her a little tighter.
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