"Why are you giving Felix such a hard time?"
"Because I can,"
"Hyun," Yeji said.
"I'm giving him a hard time, because he needs it. He needs the push. The first day of class he was the first one to to look at the case, then afterwards he tells me he shouldn't be in the class. You've seen him work, he belongs in the class and he needs that push," Hyunjin said looking at his twin.
"Why did you choose him? He's a poli-sci major who has never shown interest in law like you teach. He's on the fast track for getting a degree in literature. What drew you to him?"
"He's bored, that is what made me choose him. I sat in, in one of his classes last year and I saw him. He wasn't paying attention, he was doodling in his journal and had his earbuds in. You want to know what grade he got.in the class?"
"What grade?" She asked.
"He got a 100 and I am sure he never payed attention a day in that class. He needs to have something that will challenge him, this will challenge him," Hyunjin stated.
"He is also emotional and what is the one thing you said, you can't be in court? Emotional,"
"Maybe I was wrong, I've been it before,"
Yeji hummed.
There was a knock at the door.
"Come in Mr. Lee," Hyunjin said.
The door opened and Felix entered, "Hello professor Hwang and… professor Hwang,"
"Don't mind me, I am leaving I have paper I must grade. I will see you tomorrow," Yeji said, getting up and leaving, not before shooting hyunjinna small warning glare.
"Come to make you case?" Hyunjin questioned.
"Professor Hwang, I cannot do this case," Felix said.
"Why? Is it because it is an actual case and not just a mock case? Because if that is the case, I am going to have to ask you to leave,"
"I can't do it for personal reasons,"
"You're being vague and for what reason?"
Hyunjin wasn't even looking at Felix. Which was upsetting.
"I can't do this case because my brother is the prosecuting attorney,"
Hyunjin stopped writing and looked at Felix.
"Okay? Due to attorney client privilege, your brother most likely hasn't said anything to you about this case, therefore, no conflict. I go up against people everyday who I am friends with it is no different with family," Hyunjin stated.
"But-" "Fourteen of your peers are being dropped from my class, do you want to join them, because you can if you'd like," Hyunjin cut Felix off.
"I thought it was one per week?"
"I changed it, because I found that only six students have an actual passion for this. Only six students got this file. So, would you like to join fourteen of your peers in not having this class or would you like to stay?"
Felix bit his lip, "I want to stay,"
"Then you are part of this assignment, there are no outs,"
Felix nodded.
"What did Professor Bang need with you?" Hyunjin questioned.
The younger thought back to it, "Uhm, he just needed to go over an assignment. I took one of his classes last year and he asked if it was okay for him to use my paper as an example,"
Hyunjin nodded, "8 a.m. tomorrow the courthouse, don't be late,"
"What about class?" Felix questioned.
"You'll be excused, however, Mr. Lee, I've seen your grades and I've seen the way you work, you don't really need to be excused,"
"I'll see you tomorrow, Mr. Lee,"
Felix nodded and left.
Hyunjin sighed and leaned back in his chair.
"What's up with you?"
The woman sat down on the couch in Hyunjin's office.
"Really, because I've never seen you like this," she said.
"Like what, Shuhua?" Hyunjin questioned.
"Curious. Something about that student is making you curious, you've never been curious about a student. Cases, yes. People, no," Shuhua said.
"I have been curious of people,"
"Yeah, people you've defended or prosecuted. That student is making you curious,"
Hyunjin shook his head, "He just a student,"
"Hyunjin, I've been a psychologist for seven years and have been your friend for thirty-two nearly thirty-three years, I know you well enough to know that something about him compelled you to add him to the class.
Something about him is compelling you to keep him in the class. If that was any other student you would say okay and drop them from your class,"
"Don't analyse me, Shuhua,"
The woman sighed and stood up, "Just… be smart about what you do," she said.
"What does that mean?" Hyunjin questioned.
"Nothing, I'll see you tomorrow,"
Hyunjin watched her leave the room.
What did she mean?
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