While you can wield great strength, there is a stronger power
It had been roughly 3 weeks since we began our journey to the inner sanctum. We had to walk through rooms with monsters of all kinds, hazards of all shapes and sizes and we had to endure some of the most horrid living conditions to get to our destination. But we finally arrived this battle would determine the fate of humanity, We stood on the precipice of what would be our doom, or our saving. our swords felt like sticks, our frail bodies were toothpicks for these monsters. But yet a simple toothpick, can kill something. it's ends are sharp enough. Just as each rock in the river wants to be a diamond, but instead some strive to be the best pebble they can be. We surveyed the area. On the walls was a thick, brick red kind of mud, with chimera eggs glued firmly in place. Titans nibbled away at the black mud, hoping that the treat of a chimera egg would drop. The mothers would chase them away, then they would come back, then get chased away again, over and over. At the very end of the room was a massive switch, that was hooked up to a tangled mess of wires and weird pulsating blue stuff. But just by the switch, was a truly horrific sight. Just by the base of the stairs that lead to the switch, was a huge monster curled up in a tightly packed ball. It had feathers all along it, with large silver horns, and black fur, it's feathers looked like the night sky. The beast walked on four legs, and appeared to be sleeping. on it's back was a set of bat wings, that had more feathers strewn along it's accents.
(yeah, yeah i'm terrible at drawing)
It slept in the center of the room, seeming to own the place. The rumble of it's snoring shook the living daylights out of you. A terrifying beast indeed. We knew that an encounter with such a large and powerful beast could be fatal, so we decided to sneak around it. Every hair was on it's end, the titan's couldn't smell us because of the mere stench coming off the red mud. No one bothered to look up either. there was a problem however, the rafter beams only traveled half the length of the corridor, as the other side had rusted clean off. We would either have to drop to the ground and fight our way over, or find another way. We couldn't find another way. We headed back to the spot where the caravan was hidden and prepared for battle. The titans were distracted with the task of obtaining a chimera egg snack, and the mother chimeras were busy keeping them away, so they didn't see us there. The beast in the middle of the room still dozed peacefully. Then there was a loud noise, one of the rafters we had climbed on had fallen off. The beast's ear flicked, it's body began to raise off the ground. It opened it's eyes. Big, red and about ten of them, darted around the room. We were spotted. The beast reared back it's head and let out an ear piercing scream. Every moving being in the room looked at us....and charged. Instantly, we shot to the walls, but found them populated by chimeras. So we fought. Hacking and slicing away, some were devoured, others ripped to shreds. The titans alone were a hassle. But the big black beast in the room held still, and just watched us fight. Swooping under and over flailing limbs, getting swatted out of the sky, was just a few of the problems. By the time everything in the room was slain, or scared away, all of us were practically dead. Jean, Sasha, and Hanji were killed.....I also saw Armin's half-devoured half-dissolved-in-stomach-acid corpse. I was immediately hit with grief. It all happened so fast....it was all just a whirlwind of memories....right? How did this happen? I didn't even see him die... I was shocked, scared and.... confused. I hadn't even spoken to him in the last few days. as much as I wanted to stay on his death and remorse, there was no time. The beast was looking at us now. Looking mildly impressed and shocked almost. A grim smile donned it's face however, and we all stood still. it raised one mighty paw, unsheathed it's claws, then swung down, we barely had time to react before we knew what was happening. Next thing we were all flung against the wall. The beast's claw had left a huge metal dent in the floor. Everyone stood back up, and shot around the room slicing at the beast, most were clawed from the air, the beast opened it's maw and bit at the soldiers that flew past it's face. I could see people getting bitten in half, sideways, and in pieces, The beast just kept that stupid grin on it's face and continued to eat, and kill. We were no match for an animal of that strength. Even I was about to give up. As I passed The beast's mouth I bit my thumb. Lightning couldn't reach me down here, so I made my own explosion of light. Suddenly I was 15 meters tall and out for blood. I took the beast by the horns and drove it's head into the wall. But it snapped around and tripped me off my feet, one swift blow to the head from it's claw and I could barely stand. The beast bit me on the shoulder, tearing off my left arm, I punched back, fighting a mess of tangled claws only to end up a mess of a titan myself. I felt pain next. Thee beast had cracked my head off and bit the nape of my neck. I was cut in half. The titan body evaporated, just leaving me behind. A bloody, torn in half corpse, entrails behind me, gasping for air. I could barely manage to crawl on my hands. I wouldn't be able to heal in time before I died of blood loss. Mikasa charged at the beast. The beast screeched at her, she shouted back at it with teary eyes and bloody blades. She hacked away at the beast, cutting of spikes and chunks of flesh. The beast tried to eat her, but she was to fast. I watched as everything seemed to fade around me. The last thing I saw before it all went dark was the beast swallowing Mikasa. In the darkness I floated. Alone, scared I could see nothing, just darkness. Yet in this total darkness I could see something. At first I mistook it for a dust speck, but as I floated closer I could see it was light. I aimlessly floated towards it, seeing as how things couldn't get worse at this point. I gazed into the collum of light.
"please help me" I said weakly
"please" I said, realizing I was talking to nothing at all
"just let me.....save........her..........life.................please" I faded out.
"no.." I said
"not today. I just need....a little........more........time"
I was completely enveloped in light now. I could do nothing. So as the world faded to black around me. I just thought about Mikasa, how much I loved her, how much I wish I could've been nicer to her sooner, so I made a promise. That one day, no matter how long it took. I would see her again. And as the last moments of life slipped from my eyes, I thought about her smile, something that I hadn't seen in to many years. And I was able to smile at myself in that moment. For I was content in that thought and even though I may never finish this fight, never get to tell her how much I cared. I'm happy just to think of her. One last time.
A flash of light hit the corridor, I could feel myself transform...but.....it wasn't a titan. No I had become the beast. I had found my chimera form. But my fur and feathers were pure white, with accents of sky blue and gold. Piercing green eyes and sharp coal black teeth. The real fight began now. I wielded something stronger than strength, something stronger that any known power of the universe. Though many others see it as a weakness, today, it made me strong, today, I wielded love.
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