When December Ends
*yeah I know the song says September but it's the best I can do >:(*
Eren looked down on what had once been a survivor. A friend. Aglsbane's corpse lay on the the floor. With hardened tendrils of the virus slowly enveloping his corpse, eating it from the inside out. He felt the need to vomit, but he held back. He was reminded again. That nothing is built to last. That every flower fades away, weather it dried out or was stomped out. How would he tell the others about this? How would they reach the switch now? Why was he such an idiot. He grabbed a broken pipe line and used it to cut the virus off Aglsbane's body, then he picked up hi fallen friend, and carried him out to the main hall. Turns out Aglsbane had told Hanji and Erwin that he only had three hours, so nobody thought that I had killed him. We talked it over and decided to burn the body. We laid Aglsbane down on a bed of wood on the small stone platform in the middle of the room. Erwin spoke first.
"If I had known that we would be on the verge of eliminating all titans in a few short weeks, I would of laughed and called myself crazy. But here we are at last. Aglsbane was a true friend, without him we would of never know the secrets of this place. Let's not make his death in vain. let us right the wrongs of humanity let us persue the word we were meant to live on. Aglsbane didn't die. He died fighting".
Everyone nodded silently, to sad to speak
Hanji spoke next
"The society you came from had technology well beyond our means. Without doubt, flaw of even fear you taught your ways, even though we could of misused them. And becuse you taught us how, one of us betrayed you, and you gave your life to save another."
Nobody moved this time
Mikasa stepped forward
"When I first came here I had no clue what i was doing. I was sad, emotionless. Too scared to show anything. You took that fear away, you cured my sadness. you showed proof that I could be loved. You showed me the little things that changed. From the changing tones in his voice to a white rose. From what you have shown me the slow change from a heart of anger to a heart of gold. You suffered when that heart snapped. You know what I mean."
Everyone bowed their heads
Eren stood next
"you showed me the beauty of those around me. The by slaying all those in my path wasn't the route to closure. That I could find it on other people. The most precious things I could have are the people around me. That freedom means nothing if you nave no one to share it with. Sleep well friend. When you wake up, we'll be at the ocean."
Everone that had planned to speak held a torch, we held them to the sky, then let them fall on the wood Aglsbane lay on. He slowly burned away, the smoke and ashes floated up onto the ground level and into the air. It ws almost like a bird had stirred the very ashes themselves and flown them to the sunlight.
Eren promised to bury the amulet Aglsbane wore all the time at the ocean.
The crowd dispersed as Aglsbane's ashes were gathered and placed in a small bag.
Eren walked to a chair and began to contemplate his own upcoming death in the next three weeks. Mikasa sat across from sleeping on the floor roughly 20 feet away. Jean and Connie were arguing over where they wanted to sleep. Eren looked around a bit. He saw the shattered crystalized white rose on the floor that had broken when he tried to kill Mikasa. He had an idea.
Hours passed of Eren running around the room picking stuff up, sniffing it, then putting back down. Several people asked what he was doing but he ignored them and carried on. He then went rumaging through Aglsbane desk until he found a small vile of a blue clear fluid. He then sat at a desk for three hours carefully placing pieces of crystal back together. Making amends. glueing back together what was lost. The blue lines of glue in the crystal made it look blue. He did it. He fixed the rose. Eren then spent his time looking at the sun, waiting for it to go down. When the last stream of light ceased through the cracks in the metal ceiling. He walked over to Mikasa and asked her to follow him. She looked confused and scared. But she tagged along. Eren lead her to a small room off to the side.
(play on repeat ;-;)
He waited until the moon passed overhead and struck the walls, the room lit up to reveal thousands of reflecting crystals.
"I know, that we don't speak much. And that commonly when we do, you end up hurt at the end. I decided to change that. I spent all day running around and thinking it over, and over. And I realized one thing That the most beautiful thing in life to have is those around you. That anger isn't the most powerful feeling. I came here to say i'm sorry, for everything The beatings and harsh words and most of all trying to kill you. You are a beautiful light in the darkness and even when I have pushed you away you walked right back in. Because you care. becuase you are who you are you are not clingy just lonely. And while you have given me so much, I have taken away from you. Me neglecting to spend time with you has made you so emotionless. i-i'm sorry. I'm sorry for being the worst person within the walls who should of saved you long ago. So here take this and take it with pride live your life and live it with a smile don't let me hold you back"
He handed her the rose Smiled, then tried to leave
Eren turned around
"I need to tell you something."
Eren sat back down.
"when I first met you, I felt something new. I felt whole, that half I have been missing for so many years was completed. You were my other half. I could never of come this far without you. You don't know it but you are kind you always were. I could see it. you just felt scared. and your words make me dance with happiness. You made me smile when I was sad. you reminded me of a feeling I couldn't understand at the age of 6. but now I know what it is now I know what this feeling is. I love you more then I could even say I have loved you. Since the moment we meet. you were my comfort my warmth you are my hero. Back when it was just playing in the garden and collecting firewood. In this world that is cold you made me happy you made me see a bigger world. Without you I could never possibly be where I am now. I love you And even though I know you would never say the same I just wanted to tell you."
Mikasa stopped talking and smiled for the first time in years.
Eren turned her head towards his.
"but I do love you"
They kissed. it was long and beautiful. they smiled all the way as it should be when anger, melts to love.
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