What lies beneath our feet
Aglsbane had given his plans of attack to reach the center to Hange and Erwin. Everyone was packing up to go as the sun rose. We all felt scared. We were a heard of armored sheep, heading into a pack of wolves. With the rest of the sleeping mats rolled up, and all the food we could gather packed onto horses and wagons. We all gathered by The small serivice door that lead into the rest of the lab. You could taste the tension in the air. Once we got all the supplies through the door, we set out. Fast as we could. We stayed on the upper rings of metal, to avoid the beasts on the ground.
We heard something. It sounded like nails on a chalkboard. Then, on the pipe lines we so precariously balanced on, we saw them. A chimeroid pack of 12 charged us. These creatures had black, shining skin, with glowing swirls down the body. Spines down the back, with a razor shine to them. Eyes that could pierce darkness like needles, most of all. The smile on their faces. It glowed with a dim red light, and revealed teeth black as charcoal, that shined like metal. They climbed up the pipes and took out a single wagon in one shot. We ran, fast as we could following the map. The support team behind us became nothing more then a mangled pile of flesh. We saw our only option. A small tunnel at the end of one of the pipe lines. If we could find the lever that could shut the door, we would be safe. So we soared around, trying not to get caught by one of the chimeras. Connie spotted the lever and went for it. All the chimeras focused on him, and dove for it. Sasha, screaming at the top of her lungs, Hacked away at the chimeras pursuing him. They were fairly easy to kill....but they are a lot harder to kill when swarmed by thousands. Connie reached the lever, and waited for us to all make it into the tunnel. Once we had all made it safely across, He threw the switch, closing the door. There wasn't enough time for him to make it in there with us. In mere seconds, he was nothing more then a corpse on the ground. We were safe, for now. Hanji checked the map and made plans in what direction to go next. Eren was fuming. He noticed that the chimeras had broken the pipelines, making gas spill into the chamber they were just in. Eren opened a small vent hatch, and threw a match down. He shut the vent tightly. He looked out through one of the small windows. The moment the match hit the walls of the room, it exploded into fire. All the chimeras exploded in the flames, and the ones that survived were burned fatally. Hanji had worked out our new route, and we continued. The next room had no living things in it. Walking on the falling and damaged walkways, we looked below us. Below us lay a huge vat of some strange glowing blue transparent liquid that smelled like molten plastic. Eren gazed around at the massive room. On the ceiling, there was a large machine that gave of volts of electricity to collectors on the other walls of the room. We walked into a covered area. An alarm went off. The large machine powered up and let forth a huge beam of lightning that struck the blue liquid. The liquid began to levitate in spirals from the main pool to the lightning machine above. When it had all condensed on the main point, it crystalized over and began to freeze the room. We needed to move. In a few minutes, we would be human popsicles. We went as fast as we could, but the horses were beginning to freeze. only half of us, and our original supplies made it to the other side. We continued through rooms upon rooms of Titans, Chimeras, and testing labs.
Over the days Eren began to notice that Mikasa was acting strange. She was tired all the time. And had trouble seeing. He began to become worried. One day in the middle of chimera battle, she just dropped to the floor, unable to walk. Eren had to carry her back to the caravan. One of the medics brought along examined her and confirmed she had contracted the insanity virus from a chimera, likely during one of the many encounters they had had so far with them. She was growing weaker by the minute. how she had managed to survive longer than three hours was beyond them, but it also meant they didn't know how much time she had left. It pained Eren to see her like this everyday, Dark circles formed under her eyes, her voice grew weak. The blood in her veins turned black, and her silver eyes turned grey like stones. Tendrils of the virus had begun to spring out from her flesh, covering her. It almost formed a shell around her. The medic said that as long as a steady stream of blood flowed out her crystal prison, she was alive. Over the days it got to the point where the stream of blood became a mere trickle, then just a drop every so often. She was dying. Eren spent hours upon hours, chipping away at the crystal that surrounded her body. He had already blown through 16 disposable blades and only managed to cut of a small bit the size of your thumb. But he refused to give in. When he finally got banned from swords for "wasting " them hit bit and scratched at the crystal with his own teeth. He tore chunks of metal off the wall, shards of glass from windows, anything he could do. By the time he actually was able to chip away enough crystal to see her face, she was practically dead. He knew that Aglsbane had given him the cure to use on himself, but......no. He couldn't let her die. He gently propped open her mouth and poured the medicine down her throat. At first, he thought it didn't work, an began to prepare a small stone as a memorial. Then he noticed that the crystal fragments were beginning to crack, and fall off like leaves. The circles on her eyes dissapeared. She could speak again. Her blood ran red again. Eren didn't care that this meant he would die if he threw the switch. He was just glad she was alive.
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