The Beast
I observed the beast before me. I was it's height now. My fur seemed to stand on edge with anticipation. The beast looked back, perplexed. I charged forward, claws swiping to land a hit. The beast dodged and stuck back, but it found I was equally agile. The two of us charged each other, locking horns. I took another great swipe at the the beast, and hit it across the face, leaving a gash over one of it's eyes. It screamed back in agony and Sliced off some of the fur by my neck. An inch closer and it would of drawn blood. I continued to hit the beast with my claws, until it got angry spit some kind of parasitic fluid on me. The tiny creatures burrowed into my skin, but with a small burst of blue energy, I was able to get them out. In this time, the beast had left a severe wound on my back leg. The beast became a whirlwind of claws and teeth, my once beautiful form was now covered in wounds. I unsheathed by blue claws, and hacked with maximum force, I was beginning to make progress. The beast was weakened, wounded enough to be less accurate with attacks. Sometimes I scratched him some wounds, other times I hit it with my tail. The beast drove spikes of black crystal from the ground that sliced through my skin. I needed to know how to do that. I focused the best I could, then just let the virus take over. White pearl covered crystals combated back the dark crystals. I latched onto the ceiling and lunged at the beast Teeth bared, I landed a fatal blow to it's spine. The creature wailed in agony and threw me of it's back into the mud covered walls. I couldn't move. I was trapped like a spider. The beast reared back on it's hind legs and bashed my right front paw in. It took a few seconds to open it's jaw to it's full extent, revealing rows upon rows of teeth, it aimed for my neck. Its head swung down, cutting clean into my neck. There was a spray of blood and I emitted a sickening choking sound. The beast was off guard, this was my chance. With tmy last remenants of strength, I pushed away the beast's head and bit its neck in two. The creature struggled a bit, then fell to the floor, motionless. I slowly transformed out of Chimera mode, and set myself down to rest on a bit of rafter debrei. My face was covered in marks. My body was letting off little puffs of steam. It was done. The beast is dead. I found an old sword shard and walked over to the corpse of the beast.
When I reached it's belly I began to cut it open. Bit by bit, I was able to open the beast's stomach. I dug though The many corpses in its body, I could recognize some but others were to deformed to confirm their identity. By the entrance to what would of been the beasts intestinal track was the body I was looking for. On the ground in a pool of digestion fluid, lay Mikasa. I was too wounded to run, but I hobbled over as fast as I could. She still looked pristine. No signs of decay or erosion anywhere. As if life left her the dignity of beauty. I was overcome with sadness. I picked up her body, and carried it with me to the area by the control switch. Everyone else was dead. I was the only survivor. I felt alone. Surrounded by darkness. He ran his fingers though her hair as if she was alive, as if she was asleep. These memories, this love.....everything fades. No matter what it does. I knew why Aglsbane made regret the password to his computer. Because he took it all for granted. Because he thought the world was his oyster. When it all faded....he realized that he should of treasured it. He never got to say goodbye, guess I won't either. She looked scared in death, alone. Her body still felt warm, it felt like she was breathing too almost......wait......was she? way she could of survived. I placed my head to where her heart should be, and listened. She had a heartbeat. My eyes teared up with joy. I didn't know how, or why, but she survived. I just sat there crying, holding her tightly. I checked the damaged supply wagons for medical supplies, found some then proceeded to treat her wounds the best I could. In a few minutes, she woke up. Her eyes fluttered open.
"E-Eren?" Mikasa asked, starting to smile
"i'm here, everything is going to be okay" I replied, overcome with joy
"The beast is dead, it's over, we're free." I still continued, holding her tighter.
"I'm glad, now we can face this world together" Mikasa replied as she embraced him back
Then Eren remembered. He used his only serum to cure her. Since he was still bonded with the virus, when he threw the switch he would die. He told her this. and she remembered as well. They sat in silence.
"So then.....This is goodbye?" Mikasa said, begining to cry a little
"i-i'm sorry, please, please don't be sad, you're free now." Eren replied
"What use is freedom if your all alone?" Mikasa asked
Eren could think of no reply so he gave her a long, lasting hug, then said goodbye, trying not to cry. She was free. and that was all that mattered. She could live without chains, she could see the ocean. He was happy for her. But the hardest part is always saying goodbye.
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