The 3 types: Ren, Tria and Beast
*turn on subtitles*
"y-you wiped our memories?" asked eren stepping back a bit.
"only what your ancestors remembered of the outside world, we had to or else you would of kept trying to break the dome and would of been consumed. We needed non-hybrid humans to test on, and your people were the best option. We studied the human behavior for years. There isn't an inch of these walls under my surveillance. i-i'm sorry really! I didn't mean to..." Aglsbane looked nervous.
"No point in killing him, he is valuable source of information for us" said Hange stepping forward.
"This bastard is the reason we have no clue of the outside world, and you wanna spare him!?" Connie shouted.
"Lets have him explain further. we need more information for sure" said Erwin puting a hand in front of him.
"So you aren't going to kill me?" Aglsbane asked looking timid.
"No we are not" Hange replied "we have lots of questions!" she began to get excited
"How long will you be staying here?" Aglsbane asked
"As long as it takes to figure what's going on" Erwin replied.
"well make yourselves at home, this might take a while, I made a make shift kitchen so i'll make the food um... grab a piece of metal and lug it over here we'll make benches. I have some old fabric I could use to make beds for you guys to sleep on."
everyone else agreed and got to work. The rest of the day was spent moving cargo and sleeping areas into the lab. Once, everything was in place we made our selves at home and moved in. We were gonna be here a while anyway
"Okay! hold still everybody imma scan all of you for the virus to make sure none of you are infected or hybrid!" Aglsbane shouted
"wai-" eren never got to respond
The computer droned on as Aglsbane stared at them. A grim look of fear spread on his face. His grip grew stronger on the device he was holding. he looked at eren. The detection cameras were pointed at him.
"the hybrids unconciously feed off of us and the people around them....all of you are....infected. and the only way to solve to take out the source."
"Aglsbane no! he's nice! he never hurt anyone! not intentionally..." Armin shouted
"not intentionally, tat is the human half then. the other half battles the human half for control. an endless battle that will last their entire lives....once the insanity comes"
Aglsbane took out a small black revolver pistol and loaded it. Armin, Mikasa and the others unsheathed their swords for combat.
"i'm sorry" said Aglsbane looking sad
"please....forgive me in the end" he said gripping the gun.
Aglsbane held up the pistol and aimed at Eren. Mikasa charged at him. Aglsbane jumped out of the way and pulled the trigger. his aim was flawless, eren was struck in the eye, the small bullet tearing it straight from it's socket. Eren fell to the ground shaking violently in pain, blood coating the smooth, metal floors. still alive though.
"damn, not enough force!" Aglsbane let out a grunt reloaded gun, and shot Eren over and over and over in the back until he finally stopped moving. They all thought he was dead. or at least crippled for life. Thats when Aglsbane held up his hand and healed the wounds. When Eren's body was completely restored. he put some kind of energy field around him and set him down on the operation table. Everyone just stared at him. not sure what to say.
"YOU JUST SHO-" Armin began but was interrupted
"I can assure you he survived. I would of used other methods to get him in an "operable" state. unfortunately when hybrids experience extreme pain they abandon all others and need to find a life source to latch on to to survive if they do not they will die. all I simply did was put him in pain so that he needed to find a life source to feed off. When his soul couldn't find one he went into what we call a hypercoma, or forever sleeping until he can find a source. don't worry, he will wake up.....eventually. We have to contain all hybrids....I will explain later." said Aglsbane preparing a couple of syringes.
"I have so much to tell all of you.... and none of it is going to make you happy." said Aglsbane motioning to the seats they had made earlier out of metal. After everyone had sat down he began to explain.
"There are 3 types of hybrids and 3 things you need to remember about all of them. they are: Ren, Tria, and Beast. The most common: Ren is also the weakest but is still deadly and ferocious. people infected with the virus of the Ren class, as a titan they are very intelligent and very skilled with movement. graceful and beautiful this class though very common, is deadly yet spreads light. The Tria class, a bit rarer then the Ren class and more skilled in combat. The Tria is only achieved by melding two people together into one soul then giving it a single human body. This class as a titan has almost no emotions. They do not feel, think or act without command. or at least one half of it is. The other soul merged usually is very kind and affectionate. though still very mischievous and deadly of course. This class is not graceful but has great power and strength with the power of two souls it is almost unstoppable. Then and finally there is the Beast class. Highly dangerous and very rare, this class is the strongest of them all. Emotional behavior was never studied in full, but here is what we know: The only emotion they ever have is anger, though sometimes they show compassion it is very rare. They distance themselves from the world and anyone that is to nice or mean around them is shown extreme hatred and abuse. However they only form one treasured friend and can only fall in love with one other hybrid and or human. Though both of these are very rare, love is the rarest. Most of the time they never even form bonds, and the ones they do they don't do very well of maintaining. We can't blame them I guess. Their souls are merged the most with the virus. As for combat: as a titan they have skill and plan their movements but have no grace, smashing and destroying everything around them, until they learn control they grow up bound in iron. They also only settle on one goal and focus on getting it done or killing it at all costs. They are the most rebellious and the angriest. Never and I mean NEVER get to close to one, they go rouge the most."
"what does it mean to go rouge?" Mikasa asked.
"It means that the virus half completely takes over and all humanity is lost. anything alive they find they consume weather a human or a titan. and never show mercy. All hybrids go rouge eventually, and when they do......the only way to stop them it to kill them. SO many lives lost in these walls that I stopped counting a few decades ago. one day we're going to find away to give them all their humanity back. When we do then we can have peace. That might mean sparing the hybrids, or wiping them out, I do not know." Aglsbane finished looking up at the ceiling lost in thought for a second.
"Why did you need to wear suits around them?" Hange asked
"all hybrids unintentionally spread the virus with them, being around them for years without some kind of protective gear on, results in infection."
"so all the time we've spent with eren....we were spending with the harbinger of a virus?" Armin asked.
"unfrotunately yes" Aglsbane replied
"now on to the 3 things to remember: 1. all hybrids spread the virus 2. hybrids oly show compassion from their human side 3. any hybrid could go rouge anyday anytime anywhere. so always be careful around them. you never know when they might snap" Agsbane paused
"That is all for now, you may go" Aglsbane finished speaking the walked back to the operation table where eren was and began to inject him with various liquids and extract some from his blood and bones. While Aglsbane went to work Everyone else settled into sleep. Mikasa stayed up however, sitting on a chunk of fallen metal taking in everything that happened. Everything she thought she knew about him was turned upside down and she didn't know what to do. so she sat there staring at the black purplish ceiling listening to the world around her. Aglsbane was just finishing up working on Eren when he saw her. He stopped and walked over.
*stop at 2:38 ;3*
"it's strange isn't it?" Aglsbane said as he sat down beside her
"just when you thought you knew someone so well you realized you knew nothing at all." he said
no response
"having trouble taking it in are you?" he asked
no response from Mikasa again
"it's okay, it take a few days" he replied to no answer once again
still nothing
"sorry for shooting him...I didn't want to I had to." Aglsbane said trying to apologise
she didn't look angry she looked sad
"don't worry, he's going to be fine. just a few tests and a stabilizer and you can hang out with him all you want" Aglsbane said hitting her lightly on the arm
She smiled a bit :)
"you know, i've been watching all of you for a while now, with the camera system....did you lose the rose he gave you?" Aglsbane asked
Mikasa blushed
Aglsbane laughed
"y-yes I still have it" she said as she handed him the rose. Aglsbane looked at it then waved his hand over it, the rose perked up a bit then crystalized solid.
"keep that memory longer then he will" Aglsbane said smiling as he walked off to his bunk.
Mikasa smiled again and set the rose down by her bunkside. She walked over to Eren on the operating table and stared at him. He looked scared. She got the rose and placed it next to him. She noticed his face soften into what looked like a grin. he looked at peace. so she slept there instead never knowing that he could see through his eyelids.
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