If you could change one thing
A/N:(this song fits Eren so well It makes me sad. I can see Aglsbane singing this to Eren lol)
Aglsbane looked at his hand. The syringe he had blocked left a 2 inch wide hole in his hand. It was painful, blood dripped from it's edges, The area around the wound was already showing signs of the virus. A black ring had formed around the edges. It looked like a mass of bone and flesh, nothing left. He couldn't move his three center fingers, only his thumb and pinky. He felt weak. Aglsbane had never felt the virus before, now it was slowly killing him. He was still slumped down against the same wall they had left him at when they ran after Eren. He was scared, and confused. The virus had begun to make it's 3 day long journey along his arm to reach his heart, witch it would cover then devour. He winced in pain, his hand felt like it was tearing itself apart. He tried to stand, fell down then tried again. Once on his feet, he began to look for his friends. They were gathered around the entrance to the control panel. Hanji had knocked Eren out, and Mikasa was just staring at him. Her eyes were dull. He was to late. He limped over. Hanji and Erwin were arguing what to do. He didn't know what to say.
"w-what happened?" Aglsbane stammered
everyone turned and looked him. Aglsbane turned and looked back.
"what happened?" Aglsbane asked
still no response
"did you hear me?" Aglsbane questioned again
"Eren....well.....he tried to....." Hanji started then stopped
"what? what did he do?" Aglsbane asked, getting annoyed
"you should remember, you were the one that stopped him." Hanji said, looking nervous
the memories came crashing down on him.
"......what do we do?" He asked, scared
"I don't know, i'm going to tie him up"
"it's for the best." Aglsbane replied
"would you mind explaining what happened?" Erwin asked
"oh well uh..." Aglsbane started.
"it looks like Eren found the control panel. The control panel is that room with the huge monitor, I use it to keep an eye on the humans' progress. It does have another purpose. You could use it to kill anyone you like. Just by "deleting" their file. The computer doesn't know it's killing, it just thinks that it's dumping code. The syringe well.....it has a strain of the insanity virus in it, it either stabs it's victims to death, or lets the virus kill them."
"wait! you got stabbed didn't you!"
Aglsbane hid his hand
"yes I was"
"I don't blame Eren, being half monster would make you do something like this, I should of seen this coming. I'm sorry"
Hanji had finish tying up Eren.
"so does that mean....."
" yes, I will die within the next three days. I'm sorry about this..."
Aglsbane looked like he was about to cry, He slowly limped away into another room.
"it's lunchtime....feel free to eat"
Aglsbane had already called in Hanji and Erwin, he gave them the maps to the center of the lab, and told them how to get there, what to do when they got there, and what to do afterwards. he had to leave his plan with someone, he hoped they could fix this.
Eren's eyes slowly opened, he couldn't see to well. He was tied to the wall. He glanced around. Everyone was eating lunch across from him. He looked at Aglsbane, he saw his hand. He felt sick to his stomach. Why did he do this? why did this happen? He tried the best he could, but he couldn't make himself feel better. She didn't deserve to die. He put her in this cage. Never saw it, then ran away with the key. He stared at the ceiling, thoughts swirling about in his head. He refused to accept it though. He just sat there, in a pool of anger hating everyone, and everything. But truly, he just hated himself.
Mikasa sat alone, not bothering to eat her food. It felt like she wasn't even alive. She had never known this degree of sadness. Even for her standards. It was one thing to lose a loved one, but a whole other battle being hated by the one you love. She thought at it from every angle she could think of, but could only reach the conclusion that she did something wrong. Aglsbane walked over.
"you okay?" his voice sounded distorted like a dying man's voice
"no" she turned away from him
"i'm sorry about this. I know you cared about him..."
Mikasa blushed
"shut up....."
Aglsbane laughed a bit.
"I know the feeling."
Mikasa looked at him.
"I could try talking to him?"
"no use, he hates me."
"......if only....."
Aglsbane got up and began to limp away, He went to his desk, and got out the camera that first brought them here. He popped out one tape and put in the one he ad marked "regret" He hobbled around the room, talking to himself, then hobbled away. Mikasa stared at him, confused she brushed it off and continued to stare at her food.
Aglsbane hobbled at top speed to the area where Eren was tied up. Eren saw him coming, and dropped his head down. Aglsbane walked right past him, and into the control room, Eren watched him. He took out the sword he stole of a corpse and shoved it into the monitor, he took it back out, then slashed over, and over again, until the monitor was a pile of mashed up wires and glass. He walked back out, untied Eren then sat down at a table. He then proceeded to sarcasticly eat a bag of chips while staring at Eren. Eren stood up, confused. Aglsbane motioned to follow him. Eren followed Aglsbane into a room just of to the side of the main one. Aglsbane handed him the camera, and said. You might want to watch, it helps sometimes. Eren looked confused, he powered on the camera, and began to watch. Aglsbane sat at the other end of the room, watching him. The tape depicted this story:
Aglsbane was 21 years old when he began working at the lab. he was assigned to social practices, in other words, his job was to befriend a chosen hybrid, and take care of him/her. Aglsbane was assigned to a beast class hybrid named Dave. Dave was really mean to Aglsbane at first, but they began to bond. By the end of the first year they looked like best friends. Dave had mastery over his Titan powers, and was so good, they intended to make him a chimera. So they did. He mastered that to then returned to Aglsbane. They came the rebellion. Dave sided with Grisha, and went rouge, he tried to kill Aglsbane. Aglsbane begged Dave not to do this, he didn't want to kill him, Aglsbane sobbed in the tape, Aglsbane took out the pistol he brought with him, then shot Dave. The camera had been dropped against the ground. Aglsbane sat still. Sobbing against the wall, wishing he could change all of this. The rest of the tape was Aglsbane's video logs, saying how much he missed his friend and how lonely it was being the only survivor of the lab accident. He told of his failed attempts to reach the killswitch and how he was slowly giving up overtime. The final scene before the tape was Aglsbane saying: "some people have been getting close to my hiding place, Maybe they'll help me? then the tape cut out.
Aglsbane still stared at Eren from across the room
" I need to tell you something."
Eren listened
"I told you the virus would kill me in three days.....but actually it was going to kill me in three hours. As of now I only have four minutes left to live. I did my best to hide my weakness, but others are staring to notice. Before I go. I need to ask you something."
Eren didn't know what he should say
"burn my body and place my ashes by the ocean, should you ever get there."
Eren still couldn't speak.
"One question before I go, why do you hate her so much? Or do you not hate her?"
Eren froze.
"uh w-well i uh"
Eren sighed, since Aglsbane was dying he couldn't tell anyone what he said. so might as well say it.
"I don't really know......I mean, she really clingy and she just........makes me so angry, yet when I'm around her I feel at peace. I can't describe it. I don't know what to say. I know she's in great pain because of me, yet I stop myself to say anything. I don't know much, but I do know it's gotten to the point that she fears me. I could of been a better person. Been more grateful for my friends. Instead of seeing them as obstacles."
"if you could change one thing, what would it be?"
"you can still be great, far better than what I could do, the world is yours. share it with others, and bask in the light, and sleep in the darkness."
"thank you."
" here take this, it is the cure to the virus"
"wait, why haven't you used it on all the others?"
"this is a rare element, only found in the depths of the darkest caves."
"it only works on those who can overcome the virus half of them."
"Despite what you have done, I still believe you deserve to live. Magic in the outside world is influenced by emotion, and i just thought...... *sigh* I just thought if you find peace, if you can change this, fix these mistakes, maybe, just maybe........ Something could save you. Because you have seen so much pain, so much suffering. It made you afraid to live. Don't make the same mistakes I did. I never told Dave how I felt. And he lost himself because of me. So keep on going, keep on living.
the timer Aglsbane kept had 10 seconds left on it.
I.......still.................believe.................................in............................................you." Aglsbane smiled then closed his eyes. The black line going up his arm had reached his heart. Black metal sprouted from his chest that wrapped around him and crushed him to death. He tried not to show pain. But his face gave it away.
-------------------------------------------------TO BE CONTINUED------------------------------------------------------ (becuase i'm an asshole and this chapter is way to long)
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