A Dying Light
(if ur attached to Levi skip this part no, he does not die :D just....something else)
Aglsbane stood at the door, in shock. He wasn't wearing his cloak so everyone could see his true face. Purple mucssel tissue knotted like thread sown from the end of his chest up to his ears and just below the mouth as well as forming under his eyes. his eyes were a dark grey, and his hair a rustic black. He wore a black coat with a plain white shirt underneath. He wore greenish brown jeans and had on black shoes. Scared and surrounded by so many soldiers he surrendered happily. That was until he saw Eren his calm face turned into panic though he waited to see this through.
Aglsbane? Mikasa thought of course, he was the one who gave me the camera.
"Identify yourself!" Levi shouted.
Aglsbane looked annoyed
"Sentry 0996825! power down!" Aglsbane shouted.
Levi's eyes faded to black as he fell to he ground.
"Levi!" hange shouted as she ran toward him to help him.
"What did you do Demon!" Eren shouted at him. Mikasa almost said something, but kept quiet.
"Demon? well thats a new one." Said Aglsbane with a roar of laughter.
"I simply ordered him to deactivate" Aglsbane said
"what do you mean"deactivate, he's human!" Eren asked
"oh, so he succeded at his task, good"
Eren looked at him in disbelief
"don't believe me?, take a look yourself" Aglsbane replied.
Aglsbane took out a small knife and sliced into the back of Levi's neck. blood poured out at first, then mechanical sparks and wires were seen. Aglsbane pulled out his heart. It was blue, and filled with tubes and complex wiring as well as covered in metalica plating. Eren and the rest of the squad stared in disbelief.
"Come inside, we have much to discuss." Aglsbane said
Aglsbane lead the squad through the small gap in the door. Eren looked at what he saw before him: A massive cavern that had been reformated into a lab. it streched on for miles and miles into the ground, no one could see the end of the metal fortress. gaping in awe as they stared at the unlit structure.
"I suppose all of you, deserve and explanation, this will be long but enjoy"
"A long time ago, there were no walls, no titans, none of all this. We lived free in a harsh reality that could be comforting. Life was good. better than this at least. I would tell you about the outside world, but ask me one on one for that. Of course something went wrong, It always does... A man named Drakur Kerite showed up. He made and released one of the most horrid viruses ever know in an attempt to wipe us out: the Insanity Virus. The people infected coughed up blood, had night terrors, unexplainable and severe wounds that inflicted themselves, their body parts would just rot off and decay, and worst of all, they lost form.Growing teeth and claws, hundreds of mouths devouring their own kind like animals and infecting others, horrific creatures covered in rotting muscle tissue black and blue all over with red pulsating eyes. Humanity crumbled, thousands died in hours. In a last ditch effort we called upon the Archimayheim, a powerful artifact that had the power to seal the virus, witch it did. destroying itself in the process. Creating a huge transparent crystal dome that surrounded the area where the virus started, and absorbed the rest inside. unfortunately we were unable to evacuate the people that were living in the area, trapping us here. We tried to break the dome, but it is indestructible. So we set out for the impossible: finding a cure. We built a huge laboratory under ground to study the virus. It took years of harvesting human blood, remaking genetic code and the death of a loved comerade to finally make some progress. We made hybrids and realized we could control the monster form they took on, resulting in the titans. So we made the impossible: A living hybrid. Half human half Virus. Something that could switch between chimeroid from and human. The virus was not cured though. The hybrids suffered from something worse even though they were immune. The rest of the world was cured. we were left behind to rot. Still, we lived on inside this crystal prison. We worked alongside the hybrids studying their behavior, making sure they grew up properly. We made robotic human sentries to look after them. Levi is one of them yes. They grew restless, they wanted to leave. and we wanted to let them go, but explaining that you could go rouge any day, start killing any second without a word, slaying the people you loved with out thought or control isn't an easy truth to tell. Unconciously, they feed of our life force. We found that the hybrids could spread the virus, and that being around them for to long without a protective suit could result in the beginning stages of the virus. So they grew up knowing us in white suits. Over time we realized. the truth. There was no cure to the virus and it had all been for naught. The Humans above on the surface were still infected and the only way to abolish the virus for good and bring down the dome was to kill them. Or so we thought. We found out by destroying the source the rest of the virus would become unstable and die all we had to do was throw the kill switch. This meant that all the hybrids would die however, and they didn't like that. Unit 5445333143 lead an uprising against us. He freed all the hybrids and they charged to the surface. in mere seconds they assumed chimeroid form and got stuck as that. The only way out of titan form was to eat another shifter that hadn't gone insane. So that is why they eat us. In hopes that one of the people they consume will change them back. They killed and ate everyone in the lab. I was the....only survivor. I managed to trap the rest of the titans in the inner laboratories. and i'm still here, trying to reach the killswtich at the center of the lab, a dying memorial to our kind."
Aglsbane finished talking and had begun to cry. instead of crying tears he cried some strange purple liquid. They all just stood there. Taking everything in and trying to process what was going on. Aglsbane once more broke the scilence.
"stay if you wish, don't explore to far you might get lost." He said finally
All of them stood still not moving an inch. The air was tense and sadness flocked amongst them. Aglsbane sat there to perplexed why they wouldn't leave.
"there's nothing here for you but a grim reminder of the past, you can go now..." Aglsbane said starting to get a little nervous
"w-why are you s-stil here?" he said looking at the croud before him.
"please, don't kill me....It wasn't my fault!" He shouted.
"kill you? why would we do that?" Eren said steping forward
"..." no reply
"you just told us everything we have been asking for the past 107 years, what reason do we have to kill you?" Eren asked
"because I'm the one who wiped your memories" Aglsbane replied
________________________________To be continued_______________________________
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