Chapter ~ 11
The week had gone off quite well for you less the dark haired male who'd constantly pester you in lessons, not only was it his flirtatious teasing but also the way he caught your attention in lessons.
You aren't particularly the type of person who has very good relations with the other gender. Your past relationships were a lesson for you.
Men are trash
Good looking pieces of trash
And to you that's precisely what you thought of your maths teacher, you wouldn't dare admit you have no attraction towards him because that'd just be lying.
Half the girls in the school were drooling over him but he somehow he'd always managed to catch your gaze or throw you little grins in the corridor.
"He has nice thighs" Lisa whispers into your ear, you chuckle a little at her bluntness whilst shaking your head "perve" you reply.
That comment that Lisa made however was your invitation to actually pay attention to the man's features. She isn't wrong though, you can see the outline of his thighs through the tight fabric of his pants.
His biceps almost look like they'll pop out and rip his shirt if he attempts flexing. You look up catching his gaze as he sends you a subtle smirk.
He clears his throat, snapping you out of whatever god forbidden thoughts you were having "pi?" He says, you furrow your brows.
"What is pi?" He asks, you remember that you're sitting in a maths class and reply quickly once he repeats himself.
"3.14159265359" you blab out, he mumbles an impressed 'huh' to himself which you find adorable, a heat settles onto your cheeks before the bell sounds.
"That's it for today class" he says whilst closing his textbook, "y/n stay behind" he orders, you groan a little as the classroom empties.
"You feeling lonely Jeon" you chuckle "just a little" he replies whilst grinning with his bunny teeth "I actually have a question for you" he says seriously.
"I know for a fact you're good at maths, so why don't your marks tell me so?" He questions "because" you reply "I don't want them to" you shrug whilst reaching for the door.
"Rei" you call as she hums lazily, splayed on her bed, she obsessively stares at her phone until you kick her causing her to land on her ass with a thud.
"Help me" you wail, "I'm in a crisis", she sighs before hitting you with a pillow, "you think you're into your teacher, so what?" She grumbles.
"What do you mean I'm into him?" You yell defensively, "it's kind of obvious" she snorts, "he's just different, I guess", "a little weird" Rei grins at you menacingly.
"Do you think he has a big-" you chuck a pillow at her burying your burning face underneath the blanket. "Maybe that's why you like him" she smirks.
"Again I don't like him" you groan, "but you did almost" you cut her off yelling into your pillow "it was a mistake, I was drunk and he probably was too."
"I'm just saying, boy do I wish you did it that night" she grins, "and how would that have helped in any way?" You question slightly dumbfounded.
She shrugs in response, "one things for sure though, you would've been certain after you'd seen everything." A sigh escapes your lips as you look at the time.
"I have to go, I'll see you soon though, there's someone I want you to meet" Rei gives you a suspicious stare before shrugging it off.
"Take your suitcase at least" she yells, "that's for another time" you reply whilst leaving.
For some reason unknown to you you find yourself staring at a piece of paper with a certain address on it, "not today" you sigh whilst walking away from the door.
On your way back home you spot a little playground, a small smile makes it's way to your lips as you park yourself on a swing kicking your feet aimlessly as the contraption barely moves.
"It's late" a voice says, you look up at the owner widening your eyes a little as he takes a seat on the swing beside you whilst staring at the sky.
A calm silence settles in before he decides to speak "look" he says, "that's me", you chuckle as he looks at you confused, "Jungkook, only dead people become stars."
He pouts a little "well then who's your star?" He questions, "I don't have one" you reply grimly, "she turned into a ghost instead."
"But she's not a scary one right?" he asks softly, you scoff a little "I wish" you reply, "seems like I'm the only one she's haunting."
"There's something I want to show you if you'll let me" you twist your head, Jungkook's brown doe eyes bore into yours as he gives you a meaningful look, you nod at his request granting him approval.
He places his hand out to you as you hesitantly take it, you walk silently until you reach someplace that definitely doesn't fit your imagination.
"You're not going to kill me right?"
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