Before in Mr Brown
He looks at me with a slight blush on his cheeks, but i realise that his cheeks was a bit swollen.
What happen to him?
"Y-yeah sure. Let's go to the 24 hours restaurant. The Ma n Ro restaurant. Their breakfast is the same like McB!" i suggest the restaurant.
Boboiboy nods.
I quickly lock my car door and walk with boboiboy to the shop.
I'm actually feeling happy spending time with this guy.
He is super nice..
Could it be, he will be one of those million reasons for me to leave ying?
Boboiboy's POV
After meeting Fang here, made me happy. I just do not know why. I feel super happy the moment i saw him. But as i was moving, yesterday's pain lingers in my body.
I feel like crying so much, but i need to be strong. For my child. I do love Adrian. But day by day. It seems we are losing our touch.
"Boboiboy, later do come to our Rental shop. I want to lend you the book that we were discussing." said the guy in front of me, sitting in front of seeing the menu book.
"Y-yeah sure Fang. " i was holding to my arm wrist . I made sure to wear long sleeves today so the bruises aren't seen. I got all over my hands.
"boboiboy i ordered the set A combo for breakfast for us two. Carrot juice and Breakfast meal. " he was tapping the screen on the side of our table. This store is quite high tech. On every table got a tablet for you to do ordering.
"W-wait.. Carrot juice? In the morning? And i never tasted carrot juice before in my life. " i told to him. It seems the store here promotes the carrot juice very much.
"WHAT?! you never tasted anything as awesome as an carrot juice!? " Fang seems furious and shock at the same time. "You must try! One day I'll let you taste a donut here flavoured carrot. Its super good. I would recommend it! "
Hype the boy in front of me. I would just eat it just because he recommends it. I'm the kind of person where i don't like trying new stuff untill its necessary.
After a while our food came, i saw the meal i fallen for it as the waiter puts it down on my table.
"Oh My God! This looks really good! " i look at the waiter.
The waiter was shock and gave me a cute smile. She is around my height and dress in the restaurant's uniform.
"You know right! Even for me who has work here, every morning before my shift i will eat it! Not just the looks the taste is on par! We have the best chef in the town!" she smiles purely and pouring her heart out telling her story to me.
"What's your name?" i ask the girl.
Fang is actually avoiding, the waiters eyes.
"My name is Yaya. Are you new here? What's your name? " She ask me.
"My name is Boboiboy. I'm new here! I just move to town with my husband. He was change to this town's branch at Wow Company if you know--" my words arr cut by her as she holds my hand. ,"nggeee--"
"Are you the emmm *whisper* gay? " Yaya smiles at me and anxious to know.
"Y-yes Yaya. " i told her nervously.
"Well nice. " she smiles and turn to fang. "Ey? I know you.. "
Fang looks to the side avoiding eye contact.
"FANG! " yaya holds fang's shoulder. "Why are avoiding me!"
"Er.. hi yaya. " Fang sounds so nervous. They must have known each other.
It sounded like its been a while for them But its weird Fang's store is just a few blocks away. How come Yaya never meet him.
"You know him Yaya? " i asked.
"Of course i know this man. He was from middle school with me." she seems piss. "and after middle school this man in front of you went missing. "
"But that's weird his works a few blocks away. "
"Dont patronize our customers Ya." Said the man at the counter.
My eyes move to the man at the counter and he is cleaning some glasses.
"opss! Okay honey!" then yaya looks at me and smiles "Sorry to disturb you! Eat your food before its cold! We will talk again more? " yaya turns to fang "WE WILL MEET"
An omni presence came while she said it. And happily she walks back to the man she called honey at the counter.
Husband maybe?
The guy look really friendly, a bit chubby on the surface but i know he is a nice guy.
"So what's your planning for today? " as i heard the voice my eyes divert from the counter to the boy in front of me.
"My plan for today just gonna find jib and get hired as soon as possible. If could i would want to get hired today. " i told him while cutting my food to eat.
"i hope for the best. What time will you start job hunting? " ask fang.
"Well maybe.. " i pull down ny sleeve and look at my watch. "Maybe 9:45 am. As the shops start at 10 all here. "
Then i realise my swollen wrists and i pull up my sleeve so it wont be seen by fang.
I laugh in awkwardness.
"The food here is super good! " I'm making divergent.
"Really! " said the waiter at the counter helping the guy there. "Glad you like it! "
Fang POV
After i saw Boboiboy's hand, i was shock. Then at that moment the red swollen on his left cheeks makes sense for me.
What happen to him?
Maybe when later during my mascot shift i will ask him.
To be continue..
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