Ms. Why
Hi guys this is my 9th chapter and I hope you like it Please vote.
Sorry I haven't updated in a while had things to do
"Tom why did you act like that, you where acting like a spoilt brat out there". I said angrily at Tom
"I just wanted to tell him that after we gained our money back I started a successful company while he is just spending his money" Tom said annoyed
I get up and go to my room slamming the door angrily
"Amelia don't act like that" said Tom
Tom comes into my room.
I'm sorry Amelia, I don't know what just clicked in me, Tom said feeling guilty
"It's ok" I said
"So, what do you want to do now" Tom said with a nice smile
"We can go play some videogames" I said
We go downstairs and turn on the ps5
So which game should we play said Tom
Let's play fortnight I said happily
We start to play and kill some people for like an hour
I'm bored said Tom
Ok, so let's go to the beach in front of your house I said hoping for a yes.
Ok Let's go said Tom
I go up to change up into my swimming suit and we head out to the beach
"Nice view" said Tom
"Yah I really like it" I said looking at the beach
We sit down and Tom holds my hand
We start to stare at each other and Tom leans in for a kiss until
I see 2 police men holding a picture of me, asking people who has seen me.
I hesitate and jump into the ocean
I come out a few minute later, and see Tom not there.
I walk to the house feeling as tired as ever
I knock on the front door
Elly opens the door and let me in
"Hello master Amelia" said Emily
"Emily you don't have to greet me like that" I said
But master Amelia, master Tom said I should greet you like this
"Just don't greet me like that" I said in a hurry
I walk up to Tom's room and barge into his room
"Tom why did you just leave me like that" I said angrily
"Your boss just called he said something about you not coming to work for like a week or so" said Tom
"Wait what???? Oh yeah I totally forgot I had a job" said Amelia
"I have to go" I said already running out the door
Emeliy.... Emily.... I said in a rush
"Yes master" Emily said out of respect
"I said stop calling me that" I said out of frustration
But mass.. said Emily
Just Emily where are the key's to the ferrari I said angrily
Here they are said Emily handing me the keys to the car
I just finnished washing them so be careful" said Emily
Thanks I said running out of the house
"Wait!!!! Amelia" said Tom grabbing my hands
"What Tom I'm coming with you "said Tom
No Tom I have to fix this said Amelia
Your not going alone said Tom
Move Tom I said angrily
"Ok look it's my ferrari so you are not starting that engine without my permission" said Tom with a geniuse look on his face
"Ok, so he has pulled the I'am the owner of the car move I will just let him come"I said in my mind
Ok you can come I said to Tom defeated.
"It was not like you weren't gonna alow me into my own car" Tom said with a big smirk on his face
We get outside and start the engine for the ferrari and start to drive were silent the whole ride and we finnaly got to our destination.
Please go follow my tiktok it's tobiasweeb and thank's for reading
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