Ms who
Hi guys this is my fifth chapter I hope you like it vote and comment if you like it, enjoy.
Above is a picture of Vennesa keep reading and you wil know who she is.
Dex, wait up can you give me a ride to work. I say as I'm in a hurry
Ok he says looking so cute and gorgeous
I get into Dex's car and we drove of to Starbucks
So how are you and your girlfriend doing. I ask Dex nervously
Well we are doing fine but if your trying to seduce me then we can go to the nearest hotel
No no there is no need of that I say blushing like a tomato
Then why did you ask me for a ride honey
I just didn't want to take the bus today Dex
We finnaly reach Starbucks and get down from the car
I walk in and see Dicky
Your late said Dicky
I'm sorry but you are not my manager I shout out angrily at Dicky
I see Vennesa Dex's girlfriend
Hi I say, uncomfortably to Vennesa
What where you doing in Dex's car Vennesa and Dicky say at the exact same time
"Oh, Vennesa don't worry Amelia is just one of those girls" said Dex
Ouch, that hurts he didn't even say we were friends
Good, then you can stop talking to her Vennesa said happily
My manager comes out and interupts our conversation telling us to go to work
I go to the counter and start taking costumers orders
2 coffee and a milkshake
Mr Langston come take your order
Finnaly my last costumer I would like a 2 milkshakes and a lotte ok coming right up sir
I bring Mr Langston order and take the last bus home.
I go home to meet my sister on the coach watching my parents argue like mad dogs
I just ignore them and go up to my room
I layed on my bed as tired as hell
And I was suddenly fast asleep
I dreamed of me and Dex riding on a pony, and kissing with rainbows surrounding us.
Suddenly I'm woken up to the sound of a dog barking
I get up and go downstairs
That's when I see Maddie the dog
What is these dog doing in the house I asked my little sister
Oh, this is just my new dog she replied
Mom, is this true
What is true
That my little sister got a dog
Yes, It's true aren't you excited she replied
I go up to my room and see my sister with my phone talking to Dicky on the phone
I push her away and take the phone
Sorry about my sister
It's ok Dicky replies
Do you want to go grab breakfast
Yah I reply
So where should we meet
Let's go to Subway, the one near your house
Ok see in 30min
Oh, Amelia has a boyfriend my sister said happily
Shut up, I said to my sister
And get out of my room Ashley
I just hate my half sister Ashley
I get up and go to bathroom
I grab my soap and wash my hair
I on the shower and green paint starts to fall out instead of water
I shout my sister's as I knew it was her that did it
Ashley, Ashley, Ashley where are you I'm gonna kill you
I go downstairs and see my brother laughing at the video of me with green paint on my hair
You better not post that I tell him angrily
Emm, you don't tell me what to do and, I posted that video 2 seconds ago
I hate you! I shouted at my brother angrily
I go out to the garden and get the hose to wash the paint of my hair
Then I got to my room and picked out a jacket and some shorts to wear for breakfast
I dress and go downstairs
I get there and see my brothers ugly face
You just got 200k likes he tells me with a big smirk on his face
Please go follow my tiktok account it's tobiasweeb
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